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54107618 No.54107618 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54107632
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hohol propaganda in the catty'

>> No.54107642
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This was the most obvious jewish post i may have ever seen here

>> No.54107657

Based, millions must die, the west has fallen

>> No.54107727
File: 135 KB, 1074x861, fsda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the west has fallen
Let me deconstruct that sentence sweetie
"The west" is a nonsense word in itself. Today its just used as word for the jewish controlled/usa controlled states.
Its used to imply "the occident" maybe.
This whole west vs rest of the world goes back to Spengler, who Hitler likely rightfully guessed was a crypto jew.
So did these states fall? Not at all they are still very powerful but way less powerful then decades ago.
What is implied is that the traditional homogenous societies have falled, which is objectively true. But to use this jewish term "west" makes this sentence utter nonsense

>> No.54107736

Ukraine is whiter than US and Russia desu.

>> No.54107743

I hate all Slavs equally. :)

>> No.54107748
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do these troons really think anyone cares about muh russia and muh ukraine anymore? I seriously do not understand these actual retards.

>> No.54107749

>hohol piggies

>> No.54107750

"The west" just means the US and its sphere of influence, it's not that complicated

>> No.54107754

the ukraine isnt even a country

>> No.54107756

They're a bunch of mentally ill troons from the NAFO discord.

>> No.54107757
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>> No.54107759

Did you just insult le based mecca, chud?

>> No.54107763

Most russians are even less human by this logic.

>> No.54107769
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forgot pic

>> No.54107773
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ok, I've been on this site for years, and attempted to stay on boards that aren't involved in this gay shit, but I have to know. What the fuck does NAFO mean? I see both sides using it so I have no idea if it started as an insult or a term of endearment. please enlighten me.

>> No.54107779

But it implies different things in people
Things that have falled while the usa is still strong

>> No.54107799


NAFO is a psyop created by the glowies with ties to the Georgian Legion, one of the merc groups fighting for King Jew himself(Zelensky).

>> No.54107811
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"North Atlantic Fella(tio) Organization". It's a reddit thing. Basically it's a circlejerk where a bunch of troons get together to worship the government.

>> No.54107822
File: 8 KB, 221x277, Meintheback32074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Things that have falled while the usa is still strong
ok, so are you a nigger, or just a non-american? learn fucking english before you shill.
>ridiculously high inflation
>obscenely polarized populace
>failure in the middle east and in stopping encroachment into our airspace
>collapsed southern border
>record high crime
>literal retard in office
I just can't do it with you shills anymore.

>> No.54107831

Their shill farm is based out of ukraine. They all have terrible ESL.

>> No.54107838

>a psyop created by the glowies with ties to the Georgian Legion
ok well that seems like quite the rabbit hole.

>"North Atlantic Fella(tio) Organization".
Does it actually have the word fella in it? If so, that is the faggiest goddamn shit I have heard in a while.

>> No.54107845

I had a daily goals thread deleted and I was banned for off topic posting. (Nothing political at all... just encouraging people to do something every day) 5 different 1pbtid had already said take it to /b/ or /pol/ by post 20...

This will hit bump because this entire board is a psyop designed to keep young men stupid, poor, and inactive in building their own futures.

>> No.54107847

That's what they call their doge edits. "Fellas".

>> No.54107857

KYS nafo kike, Z

>> No.54107861
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I hate this gay world.

>> No.54107889
File: 67 KB, 632x832, C7BFAAE1-4A12-4FDB-8EF9-F93D55D6AD95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a cousin in Wagner and friends in the Kremlin