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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 167 KB, 1024x920, pepestaringalso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54106555 No.54106555 [Reply] [Original]

A main goal of making it should be to get away from them. Just being around them is dangerous because if you aren't on your guard 24/7 to their insane influence, you will end up being at least subconsciously misguided by them. being on guard 24/7 is being in a chronic stress state. i can't even go into a grocery store anymore without wondering what some insane faggot is going to do or say. There are "people" who refused me services not long ago because I wouldn't wear a literal diaper napkin on my face and now they want to act like nothing happened.

>> No.54106662
File: 201 KB, 717x880, 1677743251364943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back.

>> No.54106813
File: 53 KB, 600x700, boomerAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol hes clearly more /pol/ than plebbit

>> No.54106841

trips of truth. normie are quite a dangerous creature. best to just smile, nod and agree, and never reveal your power level or crypto knowledge.

>> No.54106845

>Woman Freeberg
When boomers were young, they had to hire a jew to buy and sell stock for them, plus a tip. That is the system that people decided to pile their retirement into. They paid the government to trade something that the government owns, and if the government decided it made a profit, the jew would give them a cut of it.
And now they are hiring women and foreigners and sexual degenerates simply on the basis of them identifying as women, foreigners or sexual degenerates.

>> No.54106854

he's talking about n

>> No.54106869

Schizos often call people other than themself crazy.

>> No.54106874
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>There are "people" who refused me services not long ago because I wouldn't wear a literal diaper napkin on my face and now they want to act like nothing happened.
So true. I still see people wearing masks every day. Even unattended kids.

>> No.54106911
File: 50 KB, 441x436, stare afro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate normgroids like you wouldn't believe. If it weren't for the fact that it benefits """people""" even worse than them I'd fully support their culling by the (((elite)))

>> No.54106936

If suddenly killing each other would legally and socially allowed, most normies would do that. Imagine that - this is how thin our imagined social fabric is. Be careful of normies indeed.

>> No.54106951

Normies would get btfo’d by autists and psychopaths if killing were legal

>> No.54107006

Well I guess we all are fucking dangerous, be careful of humans!

>> No.54107049

This. After 2020, I don't trust them. Extra especially white people who want to "abolish whiteness". They'll cope about how "whiteness" is not "white people", but since no biological white person can ever absolve themselves of "whiteness", then it necessarily follows that biological white people must be abolished. Imagine having internalized that sort of psychology. Normies are insane.