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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54102612 No.54102612 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ is suddenly full of random posts in every single thread on the board saying stuff like:

>did you know crypto is, le BAD!!!!
>crypto is going to be SHUT DOWN!!
>hello my fellow 4Channel.Org Posters, Who Else is Emptying Out Their Bank?

>> No.54102653
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Crypto is bad for the economy and environment

>> No.54102665
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Shut down another one, and Bitcoin will pump $10k in 1 day. Go ahead, try it. You boomers need fuck off and play golf or something, don't poke a fire you don't understand.

>> No.54102681

#WithdrawYourFunds is a RNC online campaign to stick it to Biden (it's good actually) but the rest is because neurotic jews can't live their lives knowing there's some big chunk of the world that they don't have 100% control over.

>> No.54102696
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shiny rock baggies from /pol/ see pic related.

>> No.54102714
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>> No.54102726
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>> No.54102728

WHat board?

>> No.54102744
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>> No.54102745

I’ve been saying crypto is a ponzi scheme for years. I never said you can’t get rich off a ponzi scheme. I’d just rather not participate. same goes for the stock market.

>> No.54102764
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Yes they are all from /pol/ trying to raid /biz/ telling us everything is over, so we should sell our crypto and buy shiny rocks.

>> No.54102779

this is such a braindead take. the federal reserve banking system is a ponzi scheme too then

>> No.54102783
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>> No.54102802
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They are also shilling gme for over 2 years by now.

>> No.54102818

And for years your still fucked retarded.

>> No.54102819
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>> No.54102823

no, the fed prints dollars from nothing, loans them out, and collects interest on them for as long as they exist. every dollar in cash means a bank somewhere is collecting interest on it. you should read a bit about finances because “line go up” ain’t gonna cut it for what’s coming.

>> No.54102827

Your post is reverse psychology. You want us to think that there is an effort by the higher powers to subvert us into dumping our crypto but they reality is you want us to hold because we will soon get 2008 esque recession soon that’ll btfo all crypto holders

>> No.54102830

I told them to fuck off

>> No.54102833

The danger that has shaken the glowies is this:

>BTC: always limited
>FDIC insured US Dollars: can always be printed, unlimited

Banks do have a limited amount of cash at each location. If people did actually go and withdraw money en masse it would cause the feds to actually have to print more money to support many banks unable to keep up their supply with the demand of everyone trying to withdraw.

Bitcoin has won. Can't you glowies do something more important like try to stop the Chinese from taking over the country and leave your native cryptobros alone

>> No.54102835
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They openly talk about raiding /biz/ on /pol/ but the tranny jannies are doing nothing, like usual.

>> No.54102873

Imagine being so fucking inept, you think crypto is a scam/ponzi, yet dabble in fiat all fucking day, thinking 'you got this figured out' .. Man you fuckers are some sorta retarded I can't even put my finger on.

CIA n FBI niggerz, tongue my anus faggots, shits encrypted and well, you'll never touch it. and soon, all you kike niggers will either be 'string up' or 'shotDEAD in the street' period. Not my problem. Enjoy the ride faggots.

>> No.54102876
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Based but a waste of time, they are holding shiny rocks for over 10 years by now and are bitter that crypto holders made so much more money over the years.

>> No.54102879
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>> No.54102899

Ah, the classic Canadian flag too. It's always the Canadian flags. There must be some reason they use Canadian VPN. Probably because it is the closest and fastest VPN to the US, while hiding their flag on /pol/.

>> No.54102906

better 10 years early than a minute late

>> No.54102927
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What level of cope is this? I can't even tell at this point.

>> No.54102939
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>HR stamped "Rejected" on my resume and gave it back to me.

>> No.54102949
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How can Boomers do business online with their shiny rock collection?

>> No.54102965

I missed my chance at bitcoin but that doesn’t mean I’m going to ride it down to its grave like you will

>> No.54102971

Na thats some BS, try getting a 'jewBox' it's free internet, and who cares if they find your IP then? Wasn't me... and aside, if you knew that the JEW isn't paing for power/internet/phone services, you are an ignorant Goyim. Bottom tier actually.

No seriously, they DO NOT PAY FOR INTERNET. I've HAD FREE INTERNET FOR YEARS. Thanks kikes!. I bare witness, this story is lawful and true to be best of my knowledge. Imagine paying your bills, while the (choose don't have to) what fools.

>> No.54102980

I thought it was supposed to collapse already?

>> No.54102983

I made a thread about withdrawing to fiat and it was besieged by dozens of 1pbid trying to convince me to buy busd and tether instead. Pretty sure they are going to depeg them next.

>> No.54102994

You COULD just ignore le random posts.
I disregard 100% of what I read on /biz/.

>> No.54103014
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>I am late this is why bitcoin will go down
LOL at least you are honest and admit that you all your posts are pure cope and envy. Keep stacking this shiny rock bars only 2 more weeks.

>> No.54103022

This is not financial advice, but just an observation. Tether has been targeted by pysops on /biz/ for a looooooong time (TETHER CRASH TOMORROW GAIZ!!!), and financial instutions have threatened it publicly such as during that audit or whatever, yet it's still held its peg strongly. I say this, having never ever used any stablecoins. I only hold BTC.

>> No.54103054
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Tether fud is honestly one of the weakest fuds out there. Same level as pope fud lol.

>> No.54103062

the economy was suppose to crash in 2008 yet here we are.
it will be two more weeks until suddenly it’s right now and when you come asking for the food I put away for my kids I will tell you to fuck off and if you don’t listen I will shoot you. many such cases

>> No.54103087

It's just odd I've never seen such strong shilling for busd and tether. I deleted the thread because it disgusted me and felt like a raid. Like some entity was trying to get me rekt instead of safely withdrawing to an insured bank account.

>> No.54103098
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>Already threatening me with violence
Woha calm down baggie kek, keep hodl this rocks it will happen any moment.

>> No.54103126

the only utility crypto has is as a ponzi. there is nothing a coin, token, etc. can do that an excel spreadsheet and the internet, can't

cope seethe etc

>> No.54103134

I genuinely hope they don’t. I hope I leave them to my grandkids. that’s the difference between us. you think somethings going to happen because you want it to happen.

>> No.54103143

What happens to crypto if the internet stops working

>> No.54103166
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daily posts spike

>> No.54103177
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What a noble soul you are, already thinking about your grandkids.Very selfless of you, but what are you gonna do in the meantime? Fudding crypto seems to be a good favorite hobby of shiny rock baggies.

>> No.54103206
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You know you can't make any payments, even with cash if the internet stops working, what a lame ass fud.
Maybe try to look in the realty of things you btc is up over 100000 x against shiny rocks in the last 10 years.

>> No.54103218

Yeah same thing happend when ftx went down, it just /pol/tards raiding /biz/ nothing new.

>> No.54103246

oh sorry, I didn’t realize you were mentally retarded. have fun with your internet money

>> No.54103267
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>Bro just hodl 2 generations for a hecking 2x
Do shiny rock baggies really?

>> No.54103314
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why are the $ signs on the wrong side of the numbers? You're not some kind of foreigner are you?

>> No.54103316

Peter Schiff was right

>> No.54103367
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>> No.54103463


They'll do anything to stop Chainlink

>> No.54103635

>guys I just discovered this new crypto
>I think you should look into it
>I’m not just telling you this because they gave me a bunch to tell you about it even tho they did give me a bunch to tell you about it
>I’m telling you because I believe in it
>this is a real opportunity here
>now I’m not telling you to fomo everything
>but you should probably tell your friends and family about it too
>don’t listen to anyone who might question the validity of the project
>they are spreading fud
>they don’t want you to be rich
>immediately shut them down by calling them out on their fud
>it’s super important to do this
>probably the most important thing you can do
>never listen to anyone who has anything but good things to say
>this isn’t like that last token that got rugged
>this time it’s really going to happen
I can’t even say I feel bad for you. anyway have fun sucking dick for everything

>> No.54103676

gas poltards

>> No.54103879


>> No.54103935

hello fellow 4channel.organization community participants, have you considered withdrawing all of your funds from the western financial system?