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File: 35 KB, 600x207, cashout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5410091 No.5410091 [Reply] [Original]

It's not even a meme. I have 2 BTC I made from shitcoins back in 2014 on Cryptsy and MCXnow, and now that I'm trying to cash them out I just can't. I literally can't. I'm thinking about just giving them away to /biz/ or my friends who don't live in the US or Canada.

Seriously what are my options?
>Buy giftcards - you don't know if the GC was bought with stolen CC
>Cash out and only tax 50% of gains - good luck explaining where that money came from to the IRS/CRA without a record of trades if they ever decide to audit you

I'll tip anyone who offers me SOLID advice as to how I'm supposed to cash out without ringing bells or being flagged as a money launderer. I'm in Canada by the way.

>> No.5410118

Why would you get 50% tax from something you held for years

>> No.5410124 [DELETED] 


Send them if you dont want

>> No.5410140

cash out into paypal then into your bank. Anything would help Op i lost coins from harddrive failure. Its my fault and anything helps. Thanks

>> No.5410150

Put your BTC on binance and swap it for USDT it's a coin that is tied 1:1 for the US dollar. You can safely relax with your money not subject to the volatility of the crypto market until you find a good way to cash them out.

Use local bitcoins or a bitcoin ATM.

>> No.5410152

Get one of those Bitcoin debit cards and just buy gold

>> No.5410157


Forgot to add

>> No.5410162

local bitcoins?
give to me?
I'm in canada I'll cash em all out for you and get audited. idgaf my credit history is garbage anyways

>> No.5410170

sell them on quadrigacx you dumb fucking idiot

>> No.5410177

>or my friends who don't live in the US or Canada
If there is a really close friend whom you trust, you could send the coins to him and let that person cash out?

>> No.5410187


Here you go op!

>> No.5410203

You can always send me some, or buy giftcards indeed.

>> No.5410211

who sent you?
ur a spook tho

>> No.5410219

What was that one site people were talking about earlier? Bitflur?

>> No.5410222


I'll give the the most solid advice in this thread:

1) Transfer your shit to coinbase
2) Connect to your bank account
3) Take a picture of your ID front/back and send it in to lift your bank limits
3b) If they reject you, email support, send pics of your passport and other supporting documents.
3c) If this fails, just do it in multiple transfers.
4) Transfer your money to your bank.


>> No.5410239

want my expert opinion?

>> No.5410243

This is great advice do it OP

>> No.5410245

addendum: state your gains on your tax documents like you would with stocks. Don't be greedy.

>> No.5410256

he is in canada so he can't sell on coinbase. I would call you an illiterate retard but nice digits

>> No.5410274

You're pretty fucked. Honestly when I came back to the scene and found out vern runnoft, I was at least relieved I wouldn't have to worry about explaining my profits since he ran off with the them anyway. I probably had more on cryptostocks. But I only out in 30 bucks cause I wanted to prove I could make successful trades (10xd my $30 in a month,mostly scalping and doing xpm-ltc-btc arb) before putting money on the line.

If you fill out a 1039 or whatever like normal, fudging what you can remember, and reference carticles about cryptsy and mcxnow that might fly. You could be making it up, but they can't prove that and if you're giving them money proportional to your income (that they can see) you should (ethically*) be given benefit of doubt.


>> No.5410367

Hello fellow Canuck, I can advise you on a simple way to take out cash for coin, only downfall are the fees but you can take out to 2500cad per day from most btc ATMs. Quick google search of your area and you should find what your looking for. Worst case you dip to the next province for a few days where they have 3 or 4 in close proximity et voila.

You could also fuck around with sell local btc but that's just such a fucking hack around.

You could also look online for retailers that accept btc as payment and purchase products to resell for cash or to use as you please.

The ATMs do track what wallet it comes from so you should be good if you exit from an exchange it'll be from a different sending address each time.

Will accept maple syrup as a tip :)


>> No.5410384 [DELETED] 


OP, you should consider buying gift cards at a site like egifter that accepts bitcoin as payment.

You can also try crediting them to your amazon account so you can buy a bunch of shit for the next x amount of years without worrying about it.

Hope that helps, brah.


>> No.5410476

Use www.QuadrigaCX.com

I think it is the best way to sell BTC in Canada right now.


Thank you

>> No.5410500
File: 57 KB, 640x640, IMG_1082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can prove you bought the shitcoin and flipped them to bitcoin and now coming home to your shit USD. If you can't do that then I guess you give them away lol

>> No.5410501


No idea, how does it even work for longterm stuff? I mean I still need to explain where those BTC come from correct?


I need a way to cash out now, like yesterday. I don't want to wait anymore.

Buy gold, then what?

I'm down, I live in Ontario, shame 4chan has no way to DM

What about audit, should I just take the risk? I don't want to have that thought of having done something "illegal" in the back of my mind, I'm a bit of a pussy when it comes to law stuff

I'm in Canada, so no Coinbase

yes sir

and that would pass?

fuu. thanks for the info though. also I've been jobless for the past year, so I guess I'm even more fucked in that case. seems like there's no "clean" way to go out of this.

yeah there's no ATM nearby unless I drive/fly to another province which kinda sucks balls desu, would prefer to do it the clean way if that exists.

how do I know giftcards won't link the wallet back to my IRL identity, or if they were bought with a stolen CC? I mean it's still probably the best option I have so far but kinda makes me anxious still

>> No.5410535

I don't see how you couldn't get the money out. I don't live in Canada tho. Well if nothing else start spending it on your purchases. Need to buy a new computer? Buy it with bitcoin. Or buy gift cards for your favorite shops (Amazon..) and start spending them. You can buy pretty much anything with bitcoin now

What you can also do.. every now and then buy a new phone or a laptop (with bitcoin) and then sell it on classifieds for $$$. A pretty easy way of getting the money out when you need it. Your Bitcoin won't go anywhere if you sell in smaller volumes.

If you are willing to do it then find someone who can buy some off of you with Paypal (and send it as a gift so you have no worries!!).

If you like my suggestions feel free to tip =)


>> No.5410570
File: 139 KB, 640x640, IMG_1081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why you can't print off the buy orders from the shitcoin exchanges you bought them from and shove it up the IRS's ass. That's all the proof they need. Plus all they want is for you to PAY something. Plus you're not cashing out millions. You're literally cashing out a cigarette to them.

>> No.5410606


yeah but buying stuff online with bitcoin is a taxable event, it's no better than cashing out. unless I'd be doing it in very small volume, like $50 at a time for 300 months which is retarded

>> No.5410616

msg me on reddit i just made a throwaway


>> No.5410632

Fellow Canadian here.

Get your stuff onto Quadrigacx first and sell it for CAD.

From there

A: Order a cash delivery from Quadriga. They can do it for 2% + $20, so $740.

B: Interac yourself 9k x4 over the course of a couple of weeks/months. 2% + $5 per withdrawal so a total of $740 again.

C: Send the whole lot in a single bank transfer. Flat 2% so $720. Will get flagged so have your evidence ready.

Regardless, pay your capital gains on the withdrawal. It's whatever your income rate is on the first 50% of the gain so 50% of 18k.

Don't do anything stupid to try and avoid the tax. CRA is fairly blase compared to the IRS but you don't want to get hammered in an audit a couple of years from now when they get that tax + years of fines from you.

Good luck.


>> No.5410634

Welp... looks like we've arrived at this point again. Where another poor soul finally realizes that crypto is a scam because you can't cash out.

You LITERALLY can't fucking cash out. Seriously, try it.
You wasted all your money on internet bucks. There is no way to convert it back to fiat.
All those "exchanges" that claim to deposit your money into your bank?
Those are scams, the deposit never goes through.
All those people saying it isn't a scam? They're shills for the scam "exchanges."

Anyone who tries to refute this post is a scammer shilling for scammy exchanges.

>> No.5410649


because it's gone. cryptsy is dead, mcxnow is dead, I have zero records of the trades I made with, iirc lottocoin, vertcoin and whatever shitcoin there was in 2014. I believe the only other exchange I used was poloniex so I still have like 1% of the records. I used to be pretty hardcore on that stuff

>> No.5410660

give me like 10% or something I'll cash them out on quadriga. can pull like 100k per 24 hrs there

>> No.5410664

My brother, I'm from Portugal.

Try local bitcoin, don't know if it works there, or buy some gift cards with it. If it doesn't work, just hold them.

Best of luck.


>> No.5410675

you're a moron, i can LITERALLY cash out on quadriga right now. I've done it before in 2014 and I can do it now, i have a little bit on there.


>> No.5410686

>local bitcoins
>Get it transferred to your bank account

How hard is it? Do it in small payments if you need.

>> No.5410688

there is nothing illegal about trading crypto. you wil not get audited. pay appropriate taxes on the amount you cash out and you will be fine

>> No.5410698 [DELETED] 


I'm this guy (>>5410384)

That would involve the gift card company caring enough about the transaction to contact their government, have that government contact your government, then find you. Maybe if you had somehow scammed 100 people out of a million dollars, they might do something like that. 2 BTC isn't worth the effort.

Another option to consider is Bitcoin ATM machines. They have them in gas stations now, so you can literally cash out from your BTC wallet.


>> No.5410749

ITT retards reveal how badly the don’t understand this meme currency they swapped actual dollars for, proving their eternal faggotry.
Coiners gys.

>> No.5410753
File: 53 KB, 640x641, IPvTihh[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without ringing bells or being flagged as a money launderer
>he's having trouble cashing out

>> No.5410779
File: 13 KB, 190x209, expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>convert to XMR
>buy lsd on the darkweb
>sell it to Canadians

tip me in XMR please


>> No.5410813

Send them to me I'll cash them and do a bank transfer, but I'll ask for 10%.


Deal? What kind of bank you with?

>> No.5410818


Adding to this, be smart and make a voluntary disclosure with the CRA about where this income came from and that it's going into your taxes next year.


>> No.5410926

as a Canuck, should I be keeping a record of all my trades? I know amerifags have to

>> No.5410950

doubt it. nothing announced by true doe yet

>> No.5410969

Wrong order. He should get verified before doing any transferring.

>> No.5411000

my buddy just signed up for quadriga and verification is taking fucking forever right now.. 1 week plus

>> No.5411001

so paying my capital gains tax should theoretically be fine? I have a decent chunk of cryptos but fuck me if I have to now go back and find all my crypto to crypto trades

>> No.5411033

This. I use my shift card to launder money. Withdrawl limits are a bitch, though

>> No.5411037

Im guessing so. I havent read anything abot having to disclose trades. we're pretty lax on this kind of shit, i mean we can still play online poker here too easily. dem yanks be fucked when it comes to $$$

>> No.5411038


like I realize there's a couple of guys like you two, but is this even safe? do you just wire the money to my account afterwards? i realize 2BTC isn't a super large amount but it's still 40k CAD on a good day so I don't want to get flagged


decent advice for once in this thread. last thing, i've been unemployed for the past year, should I wait until I get a job so it doesn't appear as fishy? what to do

also I want to tip some of you but the fees are too goddamned high, BCH addresses instead

>> No.5411078


damn that's U.S only

>> No.5411135

pls don't send your BTC to anyone on this board

>> No.5411138

You can cash out, but if you do you owe capital gains tax, OP doesn't want to have to deal with that.
He could literally take it to any exchange right now and have it sent to a bank account.

Unfortunately Op, if you convert to fiat, you're gonna owe the tax.

You could always make the claim you found them on an old laptop, or you minded them years ago, or your friend gave you a bunch years ago when he mined them when they were less than a penny and you've been holding all this time.
There's plenty of ways you could have acquired this crypto. But thats only if they ask questions, as long as you file the tax on it, they probably wont ask too many questions. There are a lot of people not even fling or pay any tax at all, they will be going after those people.

>> No.5411154

OP there is really no good way to cash this out.

Best option would be to buy from APMEX and then cash it out into PMs then trade those for cash at a local dealer.

Not going to be easy to do so and you will need to be comfortable taking a lot of cash. God speed.

>> No.5411192

could just get someone to mail you cash, or western union or something like that. too bad you're not in B.C. No idea if it would get flagged, probably yeah if it was bank to bank wire.

>> No.5411193

Do you have crypto ATMs in Canda?

>> No.5411207 [DELETED] 

tip me plz
heres an address for good lsd

BCH address

>> No.5411221

yea vancouver had one of the first ones in the world. i knew the guy who manned it when it first came out. speaking of which that guy must be extremely wealthy now

>> No.5411224


Are you claiming unemployment? If you're claiming unemployment and realize capital gains during the period, you may have to repay some of the EI benefits you received. Or so has been the situation with people cashing out stocks on EI.

It would be treated the same and have to be disclosed as the same.

I'm not too sure what kind of $ total impact you'd be talking about in that situation.

FWIW I've withdrawn from poker sites many times to Canadian bank accounts, self-declared the capital gains the next tax declaration and never had an issue or audit.


>> No.5411241

If crypto ATM isn't a solution you could also sell them for cash on localbitcoins

>> No.5411247



>> No.5411295

My BCH address: 1WjVkvEXiRTxBw56GoV2AbGDR6wUXdVRA

>> No.5411305

DON'T give any of the faggots on this board bitcoin.

>> No.5411330

meh, i would prove to the guy who i was and do him solid for this as a fellow canuck. though i agree 100%

>> No.5411341


Adding to this: Sending your 2BTC to some dude on /biz/ to "cash out" is asking to be scammed. You can use local bitcoin (do it somewhere very public obviously) if you want to go that kind of route, but under no circumstances should you transfer to randos here hoping they cash it out for you (even at 10% charge) and hand the lot back.

>> No.5411357

Also my friend is a lawyer and he had an idea how to cash out but in Europe. I can ask him if you are interested. We just talked about it, unfortunately not in the "cash out stage".

>> No.5411400
File: 583 KB, 875x661, 1513734258260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>BCH address.


Merry Shitmas, Canadian anon.

>> No.5411402

This guy gets it

>> No.5411405


probably the best way to go, person 2 person

know someone who uses it regularly to cash out


I'd definitely be able to use the tip though lol

>> No.5411428

But I mean it might worth to fly to EU to cash out 2 BTC if you have no chance to do it locally.

>> No.5411450

I would go with the Gift Cards bruh

In case you want to be generous, here's my BTC Wallet: 1Frr18n8r682F2ZGiz5EoXJWENFw9KSv9Y

>> No.5411456


im stupid but not that stupid, been scammed quite a couple times on bitcointalk even in the most seemingly honest exchanges so built myself a tough shell overtime, although if it's just for tipping people for genuinely helping me i'm okay with that. but i realize i need to tx my btc to binance first so i can convert into bch and thats a hassle atm

i mean selling for cash is actually money laundering / tax evasion and I don't want the buyers to phone me back in a couple months to tell me i've scammed them, i'd only do it with experienced traders who have done this for a long time and know their ways, but afaik lots of people on localbitcoin are feds and honeypots and i dont have connections

>> No.5411473

wow another mcxnow bro :*
vicopr here ;)

>> No.5411507

I'm sure you have facebook crypto groups in Canada, in my country I've bought and sell BTC many times through these groups. You might be a little too cautious (I don't know the situation in kanada though)

>> No.5411530


hell yeah man, i used to be on the mcx irc with realsolid and whoever else, no idea what happened to these guys, seems like theyve all disappeared from the bitcoin stuff

>> No.5411576

You could also sell them without evidence with fake e-mail, etc.

>> No.5411592


Also, you could find someone to buy gold from. With BTC.
If they ask you, you tell em your great-grandma gave it to you before she died.

I'll post my address in a minute.
Semi-poor semi-young male eurofag here.

>> No.5411620
File: 194 KB, 675x1200, DA6-XBHUQAEoeZy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Ark faggot and long hold like me.

Jews are making this shit hard for us, and they are winning this battle, but they will not win the war.

>> No.5411646

You could buy a VPN with bitcoin. You can buy shit at newegg. You can buy gift cards.

>> No.5411649

ok, here mah man:

Tell me if you need some of this gold selling contact. There are always ways, you just need to ask the right people ;)

>> No.5411737

>withdrew into my bank account
>transfer denied
>call bank
>clear it up
>try again
>money goes through
it just works

>> No.5411769

>>5410091 (OP)

I just saw what you posted about localbitcoins.
First of all, they have developed a intermediary, that holds both coins and money so you won't get scammed. And you don't have to leave your phone number or anything. It's legal too.

Another option I would recommend is travelling.
Go visit some country which has a bitcoin ATM.
Cash out.

Another option would be transferring your BTC to a service like "xapo"... they even have debit cards on bitcoin.
There you just press a button, dadaaa, you got your cash.
Or buy stuff with the credit card.
Everything legal.


>> No.5411789
File: 7 KB, 275x183, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if you have trust you can email me ill hodl it for you or sell it then bring it into my bank account then transfer through electronic wired so it cheaper, up to you if you have faith in a anon

>> No.5411796 [DELETED] 

Hey senpai Im just getting into crypto it would be cool if you could throw me 5 bucks or something
bitcoin : 13wY4CzWi5QEQDdvDWzcLnqBmd3qVjQYoF

>> No.5411828

Actually, that credit card thing, and xapo service is legit a good service in your situation.
They are so legal and safe, shitting in your toilet at home was never that legal.

>> No.5411877

Ignore this pajeet!


Poor eastern European unifag here

>> No.5411992

Buy gold coins from one shop then take them right down the street to another shop and sell them for spot. Now you have cash. You can just buy a bunch of gold coins and whenever you want cash just sell a coin at any shop anywhere in the world. Gold is like the original bitcoin.

>> No.5412045

Someone ban the beggars

>> No.5412406


i'll tip some bch but probably not today, as long as

is your bch address you should be good

>> No.5412417

we not begging

>>5411769 (You)
op, you listening?

One last chance:

They work 100% in canada (I saw that xapo doesn't deliver canadian cards, only US)
They have a physical AND virtual credit card.

You've said you need it now, today.
So just go there, make a virtual credit card, and dadaaaaa... buy stuff!
(address posted already)

>> No.5412534

Hey OP, I am also from Ontario but I haven't cashed out any large amount but for large amount like yours I would recommend using a bitcoin ATM near you, here are some places in Ontario that i found online but check with small amount to make sure it works and cash out periodically.

BTC address if you wanna help this brother out

>> No.5412693


Yeah that's mine. Cheers for the tip bud, good luck with the withdrawal and enjoy the rest of your holidays.

>> No.5412823

im honestly a little worried/puzzled about this too. I never reported my losses from 2014-2016 as I was playing with small money and never cashed out to dollars. In 2016 I started buying large with real money. Largely my gains are from that time but cryptsy being gone especially creates a huge black hole missing link

>> No.5413221

Buy shit on newegg with btc, resell it on craig/hardwareswap
Not even going to post an address

>> No.5413499

>not just using a series of proxies/VPNs to transfer funds to several exchanges such as kucoin to the point where they are all diversified
It might work, just try not to get caught by Trudeus™ Special© Brigade®
>you better also be givin us 100 satoshi for these tips, nibba 1CQT4Afv5fNCrsJtySB4Ac9gAxrxdZX7F2

>> No.5413533
File: 98 KB, 941x1040, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f4d743463436b4f39306f657542413d3d2d3333313631303830332e3134383530386638396132323665316632323232363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]







>> No.5413577 [DELETED] 

I'm a poor anon, if you're really willing on giving away- why not

I'd appreciate it, but I understand if you don't

>> No.5413582

Literally the only way

>> No.5413590

nigga fuckoff I posted it first

>> No.5413650

came to post this and I was too late

>> No.5413748

>good luck explaining where that money came from to the IRS/CRA without a record of trades if they ever decide to audit you
You don't have to prove anything to them. It's up to them to prove.

>> No.5414479

i second this.

>> No.5414575

Mexican here, send me, I cash then i send you back. I dont even pay taxes on coins or anything really.


>> No.5414721

I'll cash em out and get out of debt. Thanks OP.


>> No.5414789

www buybitcoinworldwide com

go here and check out what your options are, combine them with other answers and voila


>> No.5414836
File: 260 KB, 1235x1476, 1513999243454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, The Easiest way is to go here

Then scroll down to sell and look for a bank transfer person. then make an account, send your btc to the wallet then start a trade for cash in your bank. I've cashed out 3 times now, easy!

Can I have 0.1BTC as a thankyou?

>> No.5414913

Aren't posts like this bannable?

>> No.5414924

Why? OP wanted help and I've used that site and cashedout.....

>> No.5415445
File: 764 KB, 1410x1145, 1514088718552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto groups in Canada

These guys are canadian

>> No.5415643

Verify on Quadriga and Gemeni