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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54095001 No.54095001 [Reply] [Original]

how much money did you burn trading?
i burned 600 usd

>> No.54095017

what's it like to have a gf with big nice tits. can you suck them every day

>> No.54095106

About a grand, give or take
Still hurts to this day

>> No.54095107
File: 3.19 MB, 1920x1080, tom_2d_0002369_Tomo_Aizawa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomo's Tomos!

>> No.54095126

Probably lost 1k in total over the past 5 years.

>> No.54095136
File: 534 KB, 1001x1500, 70944994-AD76-445F-8EFB-58FC3A20853B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can lay your head on her lap and let them completely cover your face.

>> No.54095141

CZ scamwicked me for 8k

>> No.54095172

tits on male is just wrong

>> No.54095231

what do they smell like

>> No.54095245
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, tom_2d_0002437_Tomo_Aizawa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomo is a girl! And what a girl!

>> No.54095273

like bags of sand

>> No.54095295
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Im assuming you mean fees,
probably like ~5k from 2017 till now
And I didn't even trade during the retarded "end of bull run" periods when fees were basically robbery

>> No.54095359

looks like a tranny
feels like a tranny

>> No.54095398
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nah i mean how much did you put in and lost the amout you put in

>> No.54095557

58k in futures, currently sitting -47k overall

>> No.54095591


my exact thought

>> No.54095643
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>t. globohomo cocksucker
You will hang.

>> No.54095713
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>> No.54095860

I made 7000 in stocks in 2020, but then my dumbass wife decided that because we were doing so well we should give a "loan" to her dumbass debt ridden brother so he could start a "business" with an associate. The "business" turned out to be a scam by the associate, so now my dumbass brother in law is even more in debt. Oh, an my mother in law got cancer, so the brother in law is going deeper into debt to buy her medicine that at best will give her 5 more years. So yeah, that loan is now an unclaimable gift. The only one who won is the government who got to tax my capital gains.

The first rule of finance is never ever listen to women. Women are stupid as fuck.

>> No.54096349



I'll get it all back next bull run.

>> No.54096474
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I still have 300 Troy ounces of silver, no loss

>> No.54096566
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>> No.54096606

Like 12k

>> No.54096709

damn son
are you a crypto millionair
otherwise fuck

>> No.54096945

about 1k EURO lost total in crypto and stonks
but still 1k in total profit because sweet 2017 gold bar

>> No.54096992

Amateurs. I blew 300k from an inheritance trading futures.

>> No.54097102

I'm a retard and put like $5k down when they were shilling Bayhorse here. I stopped looking at it but I doubt I have much left.

>> No.54097200

but it was over the years and it doesn't count the money I won
I had made everything back and much more last bullrun and will be fine next bull run

>> No.54097252

I just buy.

>> No.54097384

Am I the only one who is net positive with trading? Granted I had losses and I'm only up a couple thousand but I don't think it's that hard. For instance I would never get in now unless we get further confirmation, I got in 1/4 up our recent pump.

>> No.54097413

about 50k

>> No.54098034

I'm not larping

>> No.54098120
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Can't relate, imagine putting that in a solid low market cap project that could easily print 50x instead of losing it day trading

>> No.54098595
File: 175 KB, 1007x793, 20230225_163945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chad here, never lost anything trading

>> No.54098616

Not looking at it doesn't stop it from dipping kek

>> No.54098653

>I'd go all in sylo
imagine when it picks up with a massive run, I'd be printing crazy

>> No.54098668

I think I'm up to like $100k in eth fees paid

>> No.54098696

i don't get it; even with a few losses i still make like 5-8% a year

>> No.54098896
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Any reason you feel it's gonna print or just you getting high on hopium like every jeet on biz? kek

>> No.54099051

>next bull run

>> No.54099155

As if people are still shilling this shit.
This and VRA I fell for. I sold at a loss when I experienced how shit and unusable the app is.

>> No.54099251

lost 2k while trying stocks because of lockdown
>fuck that gay shit
made 40k in cryptos because staking while there was a flash loan exploit
>this is the way

>> No.54099285
File: 123 KB, 1600x900, 1625894865128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute larp kek, you either burned at least 5k or you haven't even traded, in my case it's been so long since I last traded kek, I'm currently just staking pond and coping with btc bipolarity

>> No.54099341

I've been a trader for almost 4 years now and I haven't got a single profit kek, I think I should consider quitting this shit

>> No.54099350

the fuck makes you think u a trader then u absolute faggot

>> No.54099393

All you trynna say is you're not man enough to gamble and you prefer letting your money into some shitty pool?

>> No.54099407

Which of the app feature did you try?
The messaging feature seem to work great
I still think VRA got juice, rumoured binance listing already in the pipeline

>> No.54099416
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Ah, clinically retarded, perhaps?

>> No.54099430
File: 106 KB, 800x600, freg28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made 45 whole dollars today

>> No.54099461

Well anon, in my 3rd world shitty country forgotten by god, that's a lot of money for a single day kek

>> No.54099471

Larping is saying he hasn't ever lost any single penny kek, he could be a newfag that hasn't gambled that much

>> No.54099508

Went from 6.3k savings to 3.8k (barely now) invested. I was all the way down to 1.4k lol..... trying to make it back and then some. Thinking of YOLOing the majority into something I feel certain of profit in, like UVXY puts or something similar..... if SPY shows clear signs of wanting to dump, might short it

>> No.54099537

200$ for gambling 100x lev. got insta liq.
but i lost way more simping for women.

>> No.54099717

same mostly because of sam bankman fried and not setting up a stop loss for one night

>> No.54099757

$3 million, but I have 8 figures so it's comparatively okay.

>> No.54099813

day trading is easy most people 99% are just too scared to do it and too dumb to use alerts I can teach people how to trade in 10 minutes yet they won't even bother doing it something is wrong with the average person

>> No.54100886

Teach me your ways. I've lost so much