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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54094324 No.54094324 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54094552

Bumping for any non-zoomer who can see the exact same shit playing out again. And I'm thinking Blackstone is the next Lehman. PE bailout would be less political untenable than commercial banks/tech startups. They're already restricting withdrawals.

>> No.54094915

Does this mean we get a few months of bull market?

>> No.54094993

what about "sell in may and go away" is not clear to you?

>> No.54095071

So it's not a bad idea to buy crypto right now? Sort of missed out on this pump and I'm getting an itchy trigger finger to fomo in.

>> No.54095266

I'm not a buyer now but i'm not a seller either. The point is that people thinks crypto is a hedge agains what has just happened with SBV recently and yes it's correct to say that BTC has been invented for this exact purpose but my point is that (((they))) will NEVER EVER let the goys get away with breaking free from the chains imposed by the dollar. Just look up "operation chockpoint" it's all literally written and we're perfectly on track.

>> No.54095396

if you feel fomo its probably the best idea to go all in.

>> No.54095447
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>(((THEY))) won't let you break their chains
All clown paper KNEELS before Bitcoin, it is the perfect currency.
>Look up operayshun black balls
There are trillions of fake and gay larperations at this point.

>> No.54095458

It pumped 10% over the weekend as a hedge against bank failure. The additional 10% pump since the SOVB bailout is back to risk-on assset speculation so I would not be a buyer until it gives that back but it probably does another 10-20% short term before institutions dump on retail with the exit pump. There's a possibility we get a real decoupling and gain as flight to safety once the Lehman moment comes

>> No.54095510

>people thinks crypto is a hedge agains what has just happened with SBV
How many crypto institutions have failed and lost depositor funds in just the last year?
The dollar and the monetary policy behind it is awful, but crypto has only itself to blame for how poorly it's perceived by normal people.

>> No.54095548

Why would I care if some crypto institution in US failed?

>> No.54095569

In the long run that's a good thing, crypto's usecase is compromised by easy convertibility to USD. You need onramps more than offramps. Once it becomes usable as a currency but less usable a speculative risk on asset, it realizes its true potential.

>> No.54095585

>The algos only seeing dead ends about about to start whaling crypto
Anon, you don't get it. No only is capital flight jumping into crypto, the massive gains will pull the bots.

>> No.54095759

Bots are risk on spec traders. As likely to rig as they are to pump. There's more room to pump on spec but it will correct when institutions start to dump at exit pump apex

>> No.54095943

> uh ok goy, we were just about to deploy this CBDC thing, you know, this "virtual currency" that would have allowed us to literally control every single transaction, freeze your money, tell you what to sped your money on down to the single micro-transaction, but ok I guess you goys win, we'll give up on the USD as reserve currency and we'll let you have your money with this Bitcoin thing, that doesnt make us profit in any way, but we just decided to give up our power, you know? Like as if we were decent human beings and not just leeches of the society since hundreds of years.

>> No.54096334

Oh don't get me wrong they're going to crash the dollar, reset, and move to CBDC. Bitcoin or some other crypto might have some anti fragility as a samizdat barter medium of exchange. But it's pumping on risk-on speculation for the time being and that will get crushed once the broader asset exit pump concludes.