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54086365 No.54086365 [Reply] [Original]

How does america keep getting away with it? Every other country in human history would have collapsed, but america runs on black magic voodoo that keeps it going forever

>> No.54086449

sounds like you pretty much understand the gist of it

>> No.54086484
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Like always

>> No.54086546

Extremely defensible geostrategic position allows the US to focus on offense and project force pretty much globally, meaning they can enforce the USD as the global reserve currency. Even through the collapse of bretton woods they just made up fiat and kept things going. It got to the point that we are now able to maintain a $1 trillion yearly trade deficit, meaning the rest of the world gives us a trillion dollars a year worth of goods, for free.

All because it would be hard to invade America because it's so isolated.

>> No.54086600

>Every other country in human history would have collapsed
Skill issue.

>> No.54086632

Yes but you'll collapse internally. You are already being invaded by hordes of spics from down south out of your own retarded policies.

>> No.54086649

>america runs on black magic voodoo
America runs on Dunkin. And tons of drones and nukes.

>> No.54086690

We pretty much count on the the fact that you believe that. It prevents you from more overtly acting to disrupt our control. Theres a surprising number of layers to scamming at this level of proficiency. Its peak mafia.

>> No.54086712

It's called "having the most powerful military in the world"
Turns out you cannot collect debt without the implicit threat of violence should you fail to comply.

>> No.54086742
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Not so much actually

>> No.54086766

There has never been a currency like the U.S. dollar in world history. Normal monetary behavior doesn't apply to it. The voodoo doesn't end until the dollar is dethroned as world reserve currency, which won't happen anytime soon despite what wishful thinkers believe about the current geopolitical situation. TINA to the dollar.

>> No.54086774

Quality over quantity

>> No.54086782

Moloch protects us, goy

>> No.54086793

Excuse you cattle, stop pretending you're involved or understand
Our policies? Did you mean to say Judaism? Or are you still learning who controls fiat? You will continue working.

>> No.54086794


>> No.54086825

>Not even working hypersonic

>> No.54086844

>handful of hidden SSBNs on eternal patrol
>each with ~14 nuclear warheads
We don't need even a hundred.

>> No.54086862

Military has nothing to do with it. The U.S. could get nuked out of existence and the world would still use dollars. The U.S. dollar is king, not out military.

>> No.54086879
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Stop pretending I'm not

>> No.54086884

Yes, I'm sure anonymous posters on a mongolian throat singing forum possess all the details of all weapons the military owns.

>> No.54086887

this is the power of jews

>> No.54086964

The ugly truth is that the active Brazilification of the United States is what'll keep it the biggest and strongest while Russia, China, Japan and the EU sputter into the abyss of demographic collapse.
>inb4 India
India is too incompetent to be a superpooper you benchods

>> No.54087051

>Black magic voodoo
Answered your own question. Now you know why they keep us around. You're welcome.

>> No.54087142

You seriously think Peter Zeihan is anything more than a midwit with the most severe case of Dunning-Kruger in human history?

>> No.54087421

most of the US warheads haven't been updated in decades.
Meanwhile Russia is building new nuclear hypersonic rockets and nuclear subs every month.
It's over for muttniggers

>> No.54087516
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The global economy relies on the dollar being valuable, the elites will do anything to keep it afloat to protect their fortunes.

The USA is the very definition of "Too big to fail".

>> No.54087520

we need them to pick strawberries.

>> No.54087565

Because we cultivate our Jews while other coutnries persecute them.

>> No.54087622

>black magic voodoo
Something like that, yes. America is unironically blessed by G-d.

>> No.54087690

It's because US has turned all developed countries into its colonies. They will all feel the pain first, but they won't be able to do shit to stop it.

>> No.54087771

american companies produce value

americans invent basically everything. europeans try so hard to fight against this reality. almost everything invented in the 20th century of any importance was invented in america, doubly so for the 21st century

your countries sit around bragging about having 8 weeks vacation etc while we invent and make shit. You simply have a culture of taking it easy and we simply don't.

>> No.54087798

Please tell me you don't actually believe this

>> No.54087845

What pyramid is that?

>> No.54087880

all icbm are hypersonic

>> No.54088062

Why doesn't Washington just reimburse SVB's decentralization efforts rather than reimbursing SVB customers

>> No.54088113
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>> No.54088136

no one is shooting down icbms anyway

>> No.54088205

No one is nuking anyone you dumb cuck. Yes our military is exactly what keeps the rest of the world in tow. Cope

>> No.54088232

i think the point is they can kill aircraft carriers before they have a chance to react

>> No.54088290

You’d have to be retarded to lose a game of which you dictate and make up the rules as you please

>> No.54088312
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Could any country realistically go 1v1 against the us military?

>> No.54088351

Ofc not

>> No.54088417

The world doesn't use dollars out of fear, they use them out of necessity. There is no other alternative to the dollar as world reserve currency. Even if every country collectively decided to coordinate a switch to a new currency, it would take years to implement. Even if the U.S. ceased to exist, dollar reserves would remain and countries would continue trading in dollars.

>> No.54088423

>Brazilification will keep it strong
Fucking lol you can practically chart your weakening to the very second the 1965 immigration act was enacted.
>b-b-but ethnic groups that don't add anything resource or tax-wise and actively take money out of the economy through remittances while engaging in criminal hostility, workplace nepotism hostility and social hostility that actively demoralize your actual net-payers are actually a positive because balkanization and structural rot are great for our long-term prospects!
Brainlets gonna brainlet.

>> No.54088479

>americans invent basically everything.
No not really. Americans buy up inventions for the most part.
Alphabet even takes direct orders from the NSA to buy up European tech they want. That's why Google Maps is a thing.

>> No.54088577

The spics didn't even start mass migration till the Clinton administration. I wonder why they took so long.

>> No.54088608

>European tech
Lmao. Your last contribution to tech was Carl Friedrich Gauss laying down telegraph wires.

>> No.54088617

And how do you think the USD got into such an entrenched state?

>> No.54088637


Peter Zeihan is totally high on his own supply.

Predicts Russia will invade Poland, Romania, Greece, Turkey and Hungary so it can (checks notes) "create defensible barriers".

Predicts Russia will collapse economically in the first two weeks of the Ukraine war.

Immediately after the war starts with Ukraine, becomes the most unashamed warmonger predicting total victory for Ukraine becaus his boss Stratfor is totally reliant on defense industry contracts.

The guy makes good points, but he's like the Jordan Peterson of the geopolitics world. Takes his own bullshit way too seriously.

>> No.54088638

You people are idiots. This whole episode is like a local restaurant going out of business because people got food poisoning and stopped going and thinking the loss of that business would bankrupt the city.

>> No.54088666

>Meanwhile Russia is building new nuclear hypersonic rockets and nuclear subs every month
lol, nice bait

>> No.54088702

US has better personal property rights than the rest of the world. That's why entrepreneurs come here to start business and not where your smelly foreign ass comes from.

>> No.54088715

Then feel free to stop buying up euro tech firms and rely on your own to make shit again.
You used to be able to do it but ever since the Valley stopped being about conservative military contractors and started going for webdev shit it's all just smokes and mirrors to hide the fact that you're doing webserver hosting with pricy failover.

>> No.54088716

>How does america keep getting away with it?

>> No.54088748

>Russia will invade Turkey
That alone outs him as retarded.

>> No.54088750
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>america runs on black magic voodoo
Hey, cool it with the antisemitic tropes. Jews are not shapeshifting sorcerers.

>> No.54088795

Unironically black magic. Planned parenthood sacrifices half a million or more babies a year, do you know how much occult bullshit that buys? The current troubles are because of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade and thus the supply of dead babies across about half the country got slashed and eldritch evil ran on the same 'can only go up' logic as the banks.

>> No.54088810

We have the biggest gun. Simple as

>> No.54088901


>> No.54088923

Why is turkey neutral on this though? The US should be punishing them.

>> No.54088972

The dollar's dominance started with the Marshall plan in Europe after WWII, and gradually rose in importance and spread globally over the decades. It didn't happen at the barrell of a gun, for most countries at least. It happened for purely economic reasons over the course of decades, and it would take decades to unwind.

>> No.54089043

>It didn't happen at the barrell of a gun
Well it did, but by and large from the other side of the barrel. The US sold guns either directly or indirectly through a protection racket.

>> No.54089057

Yeah but NAFTA only guaranteed them transportation jobs. They now immigrate to do odd jobs. I think it's because NAFTA coincided with the exportation of manufacturing to China. They swooped in and took all the low wage jobs which Americans wouldn't take and which eventually led to said exportation.

>> No.54089195

>which americans wouldn't take
There's no such job and never has been.

>> No.54089205

Zeihan's strength is his ability to appeal to his fellow midwits tho

>> No.54089210

Your hypersonic missles arent nearly as big of a game changer as you aids infected vatniggers think they are.

>> No.54089246

Regardless of the reasons why the dollar became the world reserve currency, we're stuck with ot now and it's not going anywhere anytime soon. You could wipe the U.S. military out of existence and the world would continue trading in dollars for years.

>> No.54089272

Don't the forget the way education is devalued for everyone. Just one subhuman in a class is enough

>> No.54089291

>Predicts Russia will invade Greece, Turkey
He's never said this, shill.

>> No.54089404

He doesn't make good points on anything. He uses SOME real data, and sounds convincing on the stuff one isn't an expert in. Colonel Douglas Mcgregor, Louis-Vincent Gave, and Doomberg have much better analysis of military conflict with Russia and China, the Chinese economy and sanctions, and the energy markets respectively.

>> No.54089434

Lawn mowing, delivery jobs, etc. It's not so much that they wouldn't take it as much as how many fill the demand for such jobs. There are people who don't work but still a huge demand for jobs remain. The US is a strange country

>> No.54089537

Wow almost like when you flood a country with millions of immigrants evry year willing to work for pennies in order to suppress wages into the dirt, the domestic population is forced to seek better paying jobs to survive.

nObOdy WaNtS tO WoRk ANyMorE!

>> No.54089540

how's the lead in your water buddy

>> No.54089663

Why don't you boycott the immigrants. Boycott the stores they run, the employers that hire them? You retards are too scared of losing your comforts. If the southern states came together and boycotted them. They wouldn't survive.

>> No.54089727
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>boycott all food
>boycott all industry
>boycott all stores

>> No.54089762

there was literally an illegal alien amnesty during the Raegan administration dumb zoomer

>> No.54089804
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Somebody gets it. The isolated position makes it easy, while Americans will learn everything there is to know about a place once its caught our eye. Bros on the other boards can go into extreme detail about pacific island countries and eastern europe now when we didnt know a single shit about these places last year. They still base perception of Americans from the news instead of austistically researching everything. The mutt brain is like a light switch. Were hopelessly retarded until motivated, but were stubborn as shit.

>> No.54089852

as long as you have rabid consumers who work multiple jobs just to buy useless commodities your economy is safe.
iphones motivate prople to work their ass off more than bread and milk.
also geography and globalism. access to both oceans with no aggressive neighbors to worry about.

>> No.54089856

There is something called plasma shielding which happens in hypersonics. At this point the vehicle recieves no information either from its communications or onboard sensors. To acquire and hit a moving target like a carrier, it has to slow down to supersonic speeds, which modern SAM systems are already designed to deal with

>> No.54089876
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Texas and Californa are not Southern, kill yourself.

>> No.54089890

I think the UK could still limp along after these types of conditions

>> No.54089932

No they are in the north. You retards need to get serious and drop your retarded partisan politics in this issue or you won't have a country to call home by the end of this decade.

>> No.54089968

Aircraft carriers would all go bottom of ocean immediately upon a conflict. They're completely useless for anything beyond bombing third world shitholes.

>> No.54089991
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Lmao shut the fuck, spic. Real Mexicans hate you even more than we do.

>> No.54089997

Import your food if you have to. I'm sure you are smart enough to delineate what part of the economy supports them from what part you control. You'll just need to make some sacrifices.

>> No.54090003

the consumer is no longer human. he has no emotions, no free will and doesnt interact with reality.
he is a passive observer of his environment because his sole purpose is to consume. events that dont directly affect his ability to consume are ignored and any concern or criticism is met with cynical ridicule.

>> No.54090052
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>import all your food
>still handled by immigrants
Come on, let's see the next LARP cope.

>> No.54090160

russia is losing a war and using cold war era tanks that are being smoked by Ukrainian mines and US Javelins.

>> No.54090329

Yes I said you'll have to make sacrifices. If you own the freight and shipping companies, then hire locals. If you own the banks, then give out loans to these companies and shore up their reserves so that they can employ locals affordably. If you run the governments in the south, then make it favorable for these banks and companies to run. All these entities have to coordinate and work together like a Asian bug society. But I know you individualistic retards can't fathom that level of organizational sacrifice.

>> No.54090574

They didn't seem to care to much when Xi said he would trade oil with the Yuan. Gaddafi and Hussain didn't have as much luck.

>> No.54090632
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>Magically convince the thousands of boomers and GenX'ers that benefit from this arrangement to fight against their own interests and pay way more for labor out of patriotism
>The same generations that normalized divorce, single parenting, and abandoning their kids with strangers and in front of screens all day every day
God LARPers are the dumbest fucks in the species.

>> No.54090758

Did you think our human sacrifice in Ukraine wouldn't be rewarded by Moloch?

>> No.54090867

So how are you fighting against them? Doing nothing? This is just another excuse for your individualism. You need some kind of counter to that. A millenial collectivism movement that transcends stupid partisan boundaries. Bitcoin almost achieved this, dex is almost a solution but you retards can't even agree on using one coin for trading because you are too greedy gambling on them or too afraid of losing money. If an entire generation of Americans stopped using the USD and replaced with a bunch of crypto for a day then they would notice. If you are just going to come up with another individualistic excuse about why this wouldn't work don't bother proving me right. The entire point of my ranting is how far removed you are from this collectivism mindset that you can't fathom it working out.

>> No.54090897

This anon has it right. But something that I urge you all to understand is that the U.S. is headed for a financial reality check after ~50 years of kicking the can. We will enter a depression type state or hyperinflation. But more importantly, before that, the U.S. will use its massive military position to start a war to once again kick the can.

The U.S. has so much invested into their military machine that it would be ridiculous to not see them starting a war to postpone the inevitable. And that inevitability is knocking right now.

>> No.54090924
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>Long LARP blog
>crypto shilling

>> No.54090977

Your ID has gay written at the end faggot.

>> No.54091060

Still less gay than a fag that thinks pouring his money into a ponzi scheme will start a revolution.

>> No.54091090

But all your posts say you're gay anon.

>> No.54091111
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I'm 28 I can't be drafted..... Right anons?

>> No.54091140

There is no situation where the United States sits back and allows itself to fall and another currency to rise in its place. You are not losing the dollar as the world reserve currency without America being defeated militarily. That is a fact, you can cope with it however you like.

>> No.54091213

Less than 250 years is forever. This is really American. Roman empire had a longer decline than your entire existence.

>> No.54091242

I know, just think how much of a faggot that makes you, then, Mr. revolutionary.

>> No.54091248

This said by a country that has either none or one of course lmao

>> No.54091267

The Roman Empire didn't have indoor plumbing.

>> No.54091272

Control trade and travel nad you control the world. We spent 100 years to be able to ensure world trade while everyone else floundered and did nothing

>> No.54091318

Uhm flat earth bros? Do we have an explanation for this one?

>> No.54091351

Because America is smart, beautiful and better overall. I wish you a nice day, foreigners. I've got some relaxing to do.

>> No.54091355


>> No.54091493

So what your saying is that America will last as long as the Rome did? Nice

>> No.54091658

Unironically, it could. You just need to kick out members of a certain tribe that has infested USA. Can you do that?

>> No.54091675

Any attempt to coordinate such a boycott on a large scale would fail because all the venues that could facilitate the necessary communication are controlled by people who are ideologically opposed to such a boycott. Americans didn't accept the immigration invasion just because they are so addicted to cheap goods, they accepted it partly because all forms of media ruthlessly suppress opposition to it and make ordinary people feel like they are alone in having concerns about the situation.

>> No.54091755

The real answer is that there is no alternative.
Everyone has to do business with America because there is no one else. China has to do business with America. Russia has to do business indirectly with America. Every 3rd world nation and most 1st world nations are either directly or indirectly supported by America's existence.
That might change over time but right now that's the situation and there's no getting away from it.

>> No.54091827

Immigrants come here and then stop having kids within 2 generations lol
The U.S. is probably the main cause of global birthrates dropping the way they have. Our constant vigilance to make sure no country gets uppity by creating some higher level perspective and purpose ensures nobody really wants to breed.

>> No.54091884

The Petrodollar.
That's it.
Kissinger created a zombie that refuses to die. They print money to build up biggest military. Then use said military to force every oil country to sell oil in USD. EVERY country in the world needs oil, thus they need Dollars, which artificially increases demand for USD and counters negative effects from increased supply, allowing them to print way more than any other Nation could get away with. Also don't forget that they stole all the gold Europe accumulated over 2000 years during WW2 and never gave it back. Most people forget that they sit on all the gold.

>> No.54091923

i have to wonder if, if it all came crashing down, if america wouldn't immediately revert to a new gold standard. would be hilarious

>> No.54091950

>Colonel Douglas Mcgregor
an actual Russian asset, not even joking

>> No.54091979

China, India and Russia are already switching from dollar in trade, with more countries joining them. Hopefully, they will be able to create alternative to American economic sphere

>> No.54092083

china has 3 now

>> No.54092124

Lmao please breakdown how you are sinking 1 aircraft carrier group, much less every single US aircraft carrier group. I will wait

>> No.54092278
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>muh military cope
A military in a recruitment and maintenance crisis that can't utilize almost 80 percent of Americans for being too fat or crazy or on pills. A military backed by most FED owned treasuries being dumped by China as the saner countries decouple from muttland. You only got 7 years till you tie with Spain for the world record hold, but it ain't looking good for world reserve currency status especially after the MBS consolidation of power and snub.

>> No.54092312

That's nice sweetie, in another decade you'll still be bitching while being dominated by American culture, military, and finance. Deal with it

>> No.54092329

actually china has 3 full size aircraft carriers and 1 helicopter carrier

>> No.54092436
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>american nigger culture

>> No.54092475

China is building more. And more.
And more.

>> No.54092490

Oh cool, thank you for paying attention to our music too. If I cared about your country at all I would probably learn one of your songs or whatever.

>> No.54092507

A lot of the people that are fit and smart enough refuse to join or have quit. It’s filled with globohomo jew shit long before the covid shots and all those who left because of that. It’s not worth the meager pay to work as a pawn of the kikes while being spat on while some dumb nigress gets the promotion instead.
There are a lot of angry vets out there, and a large portion of recruiting used to come from white military families where their parents served and their kids end up serving. No longer.
It was dumb enough to do so beforehand but the brainwashing ran deep in many (and others were desperate for a job with benefits for their family).
I could rant about it for a while but just look at the numbers.

>> No.54092558

Because America operates with the knowledge that there are 2 economies. The big one only vaguely and incrementally influences the small one and the small one doesn't affect the big one at all.

>> No.54092596

>How does America keep getting away with it
EZ Rundown
We have spies from other nations all over our government and sectors.
>They don't feel the need to vehemently resist us because they know everything. We want them to know everything. Except spicy black sector tech.
We focused Navy. Like Russia with it's wide open lands, and fierce winters. The U.S can use the natural terrain of the Deep Blue to defend itself.
On our half of the planet, we are the Sole Major Power. Where Russia has to compete with Europe and the Middle East. Where China has to compete with Japan and India Where the Middle East has to compete with extreme internal disunity, and external forces manipulating their markets.
We have tons of natural resources, and if we properly prospect are basically guaranteed to have every resource we need in the Americas.
We manipulate our currency the least, and it's all very transparent IN COMPARISON to other nations.
We allow investors from all over the world to participate in our markets, this makes people eventually reliant on us in one way or another. We also feel global shocks because of it though.
>We keep going on forever
Because it makes sense to not dissolve the Union. It has had civil wars, strife, and collapses of Government influence though. This system reverts to a Union of States when the Fed Fails, and no Governor would get away with abandoning fellow countrymen in times of trouble, even Civil War to outsiders.
>Kind of like China. During their many civil war periods, opposed factions will work together to kick out, outsiders.
The biggest reason we get away with it though is freedom. When we become less free, crisis starts.

>> No.54092620

I'm American you nigger loving hand egg watching retard

>> No.54092754

>--You-- only got 7 years till --you-- tie Spain

Either you're a huge gay retard that doesn't understand English or you're not an American. For someone who complains about niggers you seem to type like a moron. But either way you should be forcibly deported to the surface of the Sun.