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File: 690 KB, 1976x1333, media_Fq-88ENXgAEQ12X-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54086117 No.54086117 [Reply] [Original]

Should i sell all my USD? Now that
Now that the american economy is collapsing?

>> No.54086147

is this AI generated

>> No.54086154

Built for me

>> No.54086170


>> No.54086177

I would give everything to eat their assholes

>> No.54086186

Of course. If it was real they'd be covered in hideous tattoos.

>> No.54086200

Yes, the future is now.

>> No.54086212

You can always tell because the AI is obsessed with adding extra lines to everything

>> No.54086219

No shit Sherlock.

>> No.54086223

The new technique is to just hide hands since ai is still shit at generating them, but theres a lot of giveaways in this one

>> No.54086224


>> No.54086238

Yeah yeah yeah BBC how fucking original go neck yourself

>> No.54086247

Look at the back muscles.

>> No.54086254

It's way too high detailed to be AI generated

>> No.54086255
File: 47 KB, 892x1280, IMG_20230311_133404_156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I FUCKING hate how right this anon is.

>> No.54086256

Ain't that the truth?

>> No.54086274

Yep. I looked and now I want to cum on them.

>> No.54086299

faceblind autism

>> No.54086329

kek bingo

>> No.54086434

where to see the nudes

>> No.54086544

look closely at the bridge of the middle one's nose
look at the jaw of the third and first one
look at the underboobunderboob of the third one

that said these ai sluts are still spankable

>> No.54086545

Incredible if AI. Still hiding the hands, but wow does that look convincing.

>> No.54086576

at least there will be inspiration for the upcoming generation to not go balls deep in exuberant ugliness.

>> No.54086585

wdym? each one has a distinctively different face

>> No.54086620

Would it contribute to further collapse?
Then you know what you must do.

>> No.54086628

This 100%

>> No.54086658


>> No.54086676

I don't know, there are lots of moles and skin blemishes, in the ai nudes I've seen the skin is always absolutely perfect with no marks at all.

>> No.54086706
File: 647 KB, 1976x1333, 1670902132607362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff is too good.
these two things stand out a bit. can't see where the hair is coming from. and what is that under her boob? her other hand? looks a bit weird.

>> No.54086714
File: 3.44 MB, 2080x1511, realgirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are real anon, if you really believe so

>> No.54086735

ladies and gentlemen, the age of women is OVER. unfortunately not immediately, but it's on borrowed time.

>> No.54086747

It's not AI, you retards.

>> No.54086754

this AI shit is more real than real

can you give sauce?
some RRRrealist I believe

>> No.54086776

Therrrealist. Look it up on kemono and exhentai.

>> No.54086781

if they were not real you wouldn't need to censor the nipples

>> No.54086809

this one looks pretty fake, even if you don't look at details.
but it doesn't really look "ai fake", it's more of a "heavily edited real photo fake". kind of like how all korean model photos look. maybe it's trained on that?

>> No.54086830
File: 42 KB, 702x750, 1678563819688917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a real picture you absolute autists, look at the background, look at the hand and elbow, all the sinews and venes are in sensible places, no weird skin folds.
I hate this timeline

>> No.54086834

it is:
> deviantart.com/therrrealist

>> No.54086881

he is probably retouching them post AI creation.

>> No.54086896

AI doing some good work on those back muscles

>> No.54086914



>> No.54086918


>> No.54086921

It is AI you retard. Look at wall on the left, a white ridge magically transforms into a shadow as you follow it downwards (right where it intersects with the hair), and the background perspective doesn't make any sense.

>> No.54086963

Bro do you have face blindness or something

>> No.54086972

Thank you AI

>> No.54086973

This is the end of eGirls.

>> No.54086975
File: 383 KB, 598x628, 1559755712262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk how you guys don't see the dead giveaway that is all of them having the same face

>> No.54087005

meds schizo

>> No.54087025

The circle on the left is the middle ones hair

>> No.54087058

yeah but real hair wouldn't do that

>> No.54087158

I love AI bitches
How can real women even compete

>> No.54087167

wtf the hands actually look good here holy shit. And there were faggots in other threads who laughed and said the A.I. would never get the hang of it.

>> No.54087204

I will sacrifice entire village for butiful blonde white women ser

>> No.54087252

Its really strange that when AI creates beauty, it creates Barbie doll like white women, not fat-assed, collagen-lipped, tatted-up mongrels. Not a fan of the false eyelashes, tho.

>> No.54087278

to be fair, those particular pictures are very obviously touched up in a bazillion programs
to give you a reference point, on a $1000 laptop you can generate 512x512 ai pictures in 8 seconds. and upscale them to 2048x2048 in less than a minute
the account who tweets these pictures (and gets paid for it) only makes a few dozen pictures per week, at most
which tells you the amount of extra work from "pure" ai

>> No.54087319
File: 83 KB, 736x920, hottentot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54087323

At least AI knows what I like....

>> No.54087353

I need the prompt and model for this holy shit

>> No.54087361

Yes, the most obvious tell I can for this is the shadow of the flower vase not matching up with what that would look like.

>> No.54087415

From what I've seen hands can be really improved with controlnet. But this shit is moving so fast that controlnet is probably deprecated already lol

>> No.54087423

>browncels are so broken they post this about AI images

>> No.54087445
File: 63 KB, 577x576, thankGod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the gap between cg and real images(and text!) is being crossed as we speak
what a time to be alive

>> No.54087610

for sure. controlnet + openpose used to be the path last month, there's better tools than openpose now but i forget the names

>> No.54087778

>manly back musculature
>wrinkly skin of a 70 year old
>skin folds of an fat person
>nigger baboon ass proportions
Is this really what AI thinks is peak female attractiveness?

>> No.54087863

Yes. We are ending America

>> No.54087879

>not a fan of false eyelashes
You just don't like that slutty look

Understandable if you're under 25.

>> No.54087997

Tell us you've never seen a real woman in your entire life without telling us you've never seen a real woman in your entire life

>> No.54088043

please god let there be real AI created women soon