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54083594 No.54083594 [Reply] [Original]

How is he so fucking bad at this

>> No.54083603

He's just THAT bad.

>> No.54083604

I think he's Q anon

>> No.54083622

for a while I've been thinking he is just a guy with insider knowledge that does this on purpose and is paid for it
as Shkreli pointed out, he has an impressive background
he can't be this stupid

>> No.54083647

just like all the other financial advisors on television he's just there to make the goyim make terrible financial decisions

>> No.54083650

He is being retarded on purpose. Always has been

>> No.54083667

no, he's not dumb, but his audience is hence why he's creating exit liquidity for his rich buddies on wall street. It's super duper mega obvious because no person THIS BAD at his job would keep it.

>> No.54083676

He's going to give away his game if he keeps it up. You can only dazzle ignorant boomers with fast-talking lingo for so long.

>> No.54083683

Basically it‘s always the opposite what he says.

That‘s how he tells us info

>> No.54083707

How is he so GOOD at dumping on baggies you mean

>> No.54083713

Maybe, but I wouldn't be sure about the last part. Pundits and wordcels have zero accountability. The accuracy of what they say never matters because their job is only writing/saying things, not doing anything with it.

Look at Krugman. He's an idiot but he has a Nobel prize and writes op eds at the NYT. It never mattered if what he says is bs or not.

>> No.54083724

He's not that dumb when he's not on the cocaino

>> No.54083727

id love to see a full compilation of his bad calls

>> No.54083739

He gets paid by failing banks to say they're a good buy or is he just shit pants retarded?

>> No.54083764

>He gets paid by failing banks to say they're a good buy
This. He bamboozles boomers into being baggies.

>> No.54083769

Better question is why is he still employed?

>> No.54083782

has Cramer ever been right?
some autists needs to run through every single one of his calls and generate metrics

>> No.54083785

I stopped listening to 99.9999999999% of boomers and media after 9/11. And things hasn't improved since, it has unfortunately just gotten worse. You have to double and quadruple check everything you read these days and assume ulterior motives at every corner.
>it's called the American dream, cuz you have to be a sleep to believe it...

>> No.54083913

he works on tv he isn't actually brokering

>> No.54084007
File: 258 KB, 785x517, debitsuisse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debbit Suisse is destined to fall

>> No.54084050
File: 42 KB, 692x361, CramerIsEvil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone makes fun of him for bad "calls" but its actually just evil. He knows what he is doing. Its much more plausible investors come to him to advertise and generate retail liquidity to exit positions because they have inside info that things are awry and want to get out.

>> No.54084184

He's like a zerohedge for boomers

>> No.54084273


I know of Zerohedge but haven't went on the website. Do they do the same thing and push wildly bad plays/assets to garner exit liquidity for investors that pay them to advertise?

>> No.54084275

he's a tool and he says exactly what CNBC watchers are supposed to hear.

>> No.54084333
File: 213 KB, 645x973, soyoooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whenever he says X, you must do Y

Haha he is good counter indicator!

>> No.54084463

i need to watch this guys twitter. is what we're all thinking. he has to be doing this on purpose.

>> No.54084473

>train language model on cramer's writings and tweets
>prompt it for stock advice
>do opposite
>infinite money

>> No.54084503

James 'Shit Midas' Cramer

>> No.54084515

Yes they were shilling silvergate bank a month ago.

>> No.54084852

Nassim Taleb (aka based arab) talks about this.

>> No.54084986


>> No.54085048


Ironically not a single person you tagged actually said to do the opposite of what he posts.

We all simply brought up the fact that what he is doing is likely intentional/malicious as opposed to just being wrong.

>> No.54085073


Damn fucking homos

>> No.54085175

That even more reliable then a press statement that they're insolvent

>> No.54085242

Lol I should seriously make plays off his callouts/info.

>> No.54085771

I know.

>> No.54085832

this, he just leads the retards into the fire. he's doing a service.

>> No.54086047

How has he not been offed by some vengeful boomer that lost their retirement thanks to his "tips"?