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54083089 No.54083089 [Reply] [Original]

Retard here.
Explain the bank thing like I’m a retard.

>> No.54083101


>> No.54083129

fbbp thread over

>> No.54083150


>> No.54083166

People want their money back but it isn't there because bank gave it all away.

>> No.54083201

Who did they give it away to?

>> No.54083211

>banks invest money in worthless tech ventures
>people want their money back
>bank has no money
>word gets around
>more and more people demand their money back
>bank doesn't have money
>people panic, money gone
>word spreads to customers of other banks
>banks have money, but not enough to pay every customer
>people demand they give them their money
>banks tell them they can't pay everyone
>bank run
>banks collapse
>all money gone

>> No.54083270

Isn’t this the same thing that happened with FTX, Celcius, Luna?

>> No.54083320

Essentially, all financial systems are just based on trust, if enough customers don't belive in a bank, it fails, just like a stock, the problem with one bank collapsing is word gets around, even if SIVB only had 1% of the fund available to pay out, DB, Chase, whatever might have 40% of the customers money available, but if enough distrust is built up in the general population builds up, and even there people start thinking they don't actually have their money, and enough people demand their money, that the banks essentially loaned, then they fail

This is why the government is trying to clamp down on social media panic, because it could unironically kickstart a bank run

>> No.54083327

not as bad since they didn gave the money to caroline. but those banks SHOULD be hedged

>> No.54083330

>banks invest money in worthless tech ventures
WRONG. SVB invested a majority of its money in AFS and HTM bonds at low interest rates. Why did they do that? Cause the government printed money like no tomorrow during the pandemic causing all these VCs and other companies to get hold of surplus cash, which they deposited with SVB. What does SVB do? Invests them in negligible risk government bonds to get safe returns till maturity.

Then the government goes and hikes up interest rates, and hiked interest rates cause hiked yield rates which have an inverse relation with bond prices for reasons I don't want to elaborate on here. All that money they had invested with the bonds goes kaput on account of their falling prices, and they sell all thir AFS bonds to get some liquidity at hand but incur extreme losses. Then they try raising money from the public on Friday which not only raises red flags in investors but also fails miserably, and they have no money at hand to fulfill their liquidity obligations causing total collapse.

This is all the governments fault and it is their OBLIGATION to bail the bank out for fucking them over with their dipshit policy making that introduced extreme volatility in the markets. People should be blaming the government not the fucking banks.

>> No.54083342

>>banks invest money in worthless tech ventures
you mean
>banks invest money in trannys, niggers and women and it goes wrong.

>> No.54083345

Liars and retards.

>> No.54083539
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Up to this point:
>People give bank money for safe keeping
>Bank takes that money and invests it for more money
>Bank's investment goes to shit and has less money than it was given
>Bank tries to raise money so they have previous amount of money
>People notice, get scared, try getting their money from bank
>Uh oh, Bank has no money!
>Bank goes tits up because it has no money
You are now here:
>Other people with money at other banks notice, get scared
What everyone here expects will happen next:
>Other people try getting their money from their banks
>Uh oh, other banks were also doing stuff with their money!
>Other banks go tits up because they don't have money

>> No.54083586

>People want their money back but it isn't there because bank gave it all away.

they spent it on funko pops but the value of their funko pops has fallen

>> No.54083616

Based noticer

>> No.54083681

Banks likes to loan out money. But instead of loaning out their own money they loan out the money people keep in their bank. This is called fractional reserve banking and is a normal part of jewish-style banking. And then people want their money, but they loaned out all the money. Legally it is the bank's money to a large degree.

>> No.54083751

This is correct but the central bank isn't the government. This is just a small crack in the dam but there potential huge cracks that could form. How about JP Morgan's exposure to derivatives, haha. If that implodes, it brings the entire house of cards down. Better be holding hard assets right now.

>> No.54083825

Basically this. Powell saw inflation, channeled the spirit of Paul Volcker, and went full retard on rapid fire interest rate hikes without giving time for idiots like SVB to realize that rates can't remain low forever.

>> No.54083869
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This is it - this is the one.

>> No.54083897
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China rise.
America fall.

>> No.54083900

To me
I am $300,000 in debt lmao not my problem

>> No.54084780

>bet on getting free money at the taxpayers expense
>nooooooo you have to bail us ouuuuut
They knew full well that VC tech are super-quick to withdraw and that they had less than 40k customers account for all their deposits.
Their fault for having shit LCR, and the US for allowing it, which they lobbied to have even lower. The average US bank has next to fucking nothing on hand, the average Euro investment bank (not even regular banks) have 160%-190% LCR coverage and legally has to have at least 100%.

>> No.54084958

>people save money in bank
>bank dont have that money anymore
>people try to get their money back
>sorry, your money is gone

>> No.54085085

I learn best with butthole-related analogies, so am I correct in thinking this is basically the economic version of the 2020 toilet paper shortages? Like all the normies are afraid they won't be able to wipe, so they go out and buy up all the toilet paper, making it impossible for anyone else to buy toilet paper?

>> No.54085271

>This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

>> No.54085680
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here you go you go

>> No.54085778
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You go to work
You produce value
Jews steal it
Government protects them with weapons you pay for

>> No.54085807

How much do banks pay for FDIC every month? Is it more expensive than my car insurance?

>> No.54085840

What will actually happen
> fed prints infinite money
> gives them to banks
> go to 1
You pay for all of it

>> No.54085894

what causes the investments to fail? inflation?

>> No.54086490

Yes and no. For toilet paper shortages there was no real supply problem, everyone would've had enough to wipe their ass and it was just acute supply problems brought on by panic buying more than they actually use or need.
This is people realizing there is no supply, it's all been stuffed up a tranny's asshole.
Effectively we've been playing musical chairs, the music just stopped and everyone realized there were never any chairs.

>> No.54086689

Giving the money to retards.

>> No.54086849

>it's all been stuffed up a tranny's asshole
Oooh, I get it. That's a good point. Thank you for putting this in terms I can understand!

>> No.54086911

small banks can't tank the economy without the consent of the federal reserve, and the fed decided not to let them. the end.

>> No.54087377
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>> No.54087532

One Thousand and Thirty.

>> No.54087652
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>> No.54087897
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>> No.54087930

Where were they going to if all these countries expelled them before Hitler? There were millions in Poland and Germany. It's also funny that you could expel them post Hitler?

>> No.54087996

>but the central bank isn't the government
Try to start a central bank by your own. Oh, you can't? Maybe because it's a monopoly granted by the government. Central banks can only exist if a gov allows it. Then yes, they're the government.

>> No.54088481

>Put all your eggs in one basket
>Basket breaks
>Have no eggs
>Somehow this is someone else's fault

>> No.54088532

>Retard here.
>Explain the bank thing like I’m a retard.

>> No.54089503

Why do they want to have their money back? Cant the bank just transfer the numbers from one database to the other?

Are we suddently globally retarded? Didnt we know that before all this? Are we going to stack our money under our bed all of a sudden?

>> No.54089656

Super mega retard here, bigger retard then any other retard.
These people that demand their money from the bank, do they not have loans? What are their actual networth?

>> No.54089662

>Cant the bank just transfer the numbers from one database to the other?
I mean you have 2 banks. EAST bank and WEST bank.

Lets say you have 2 million on EAST bank. You go to the bank and you want to cash out 2 million. EAST bank says I dont have enough cash you retarded mongeloid.
Why is that person not moving his money to WEST bank? EAST bank just has to send the 2 million dollar to WEST bank with an SQL statement.
Voila money problem solved.

>> No.54089774

Everyone knows. Even my dog that a bank can never give all his customers their money. We know this and we knew this already 400 years ago.

This is just the big boys that want to restructure the financial world. They want BTC to become the main currency. This is extremely bullish.