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54069100 No.54069100 [Reply] [Original]

>they didn’t hedge

Literally interest rate swap markets exist and are liquid, everyone who put their money in this piece of shit deserves to lose their money. They could’ve paid a sliver of their income to hedge against higher rates, but because techbros are dumb they thought there was no possible way rates could get this high.

>> No.54069190
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The yield curve inverted and SVB is like nah bro, it's cool
Almost makes me think SVB is a psyop for some greater purpose

>> No.54069345

I think they will blame Basel somehow, full implementation went into effect recently of Basel III, and they will probably blame the lack of avaliable balance sheet space to properly hedge against rates on that

>> No.54069727

From a human nature perspective, could they really have done anything different?
They live in a different world, different culture, different rules, different people, etc. in the last ~12 years they could've funded a startup that rents out second-hand chewing gum and that company would probably be valued above a billion dollars by the 3rd funding round. The monetary macro picture is the easiest in the entire history of mankind, instead their entire incestuous egofiend bugman culture has convinced itself of it's own genius since everything they touch turns to gold.
What I mean is these bozos are convinced that """""deflation"""" hits in 2 more weeks for the past 3 years so why would they hedge interest rate risks?

>> No.54070018

They could’ve been happy with taking a 0.75% spread instead of a 1.5% spread of hundreds of billions of dollars, and knowing it’s risk free now