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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54061313 No.54061313 [Reply] [Original]

A few months ago I quit my shit codemonkey job to do my own startup. I have a marketable idea and $100, 000 of cash in the bank that I have at my disposal. My app idea is for business customers, and the way things are going I don't think businesses have a very high capital expenditure appetite. I'm already swamped with work, and I'm really wary about hiring help due to inflation. Should I give up and get a proper job instead? I was also considering freelance IT, since I have the skill set and a friend of mine makes over $100/hour doing it.
At this point should I just pull all my money from the bank and go full /pol/ mode, trying to hoard as much as possible?

>> No.54061364

App idea brooooooo
It's not 2013 anymore

>> No.54061446

if your asking, probably not
if you can make 100/hour do it, save up and invest wisely
unless you know your really smart and motivated, and can succeed
YOU have to know yourself

safest path is to work (make 100/hour), save up, then invest wisely
study cycles of markets and human emotion

>> No.54061471

i dont have any experience with apps, but you shouldn't go into apps and invest a large sum if you have no experience
if you do apps, at least dip your toes so that if you fuck up your cost won't be that high and you'll have learnt somthing
apps - from what i know, is mostly hit and miss
and you have to have a good product
and good maintenance team
and good at delegating work

again- if your asking, probably not, but i don't want to completely disregard your dreams, YOU should know yourself. good luck

>> No.54061495

I mean I know I can do it... but is there going to be a boogaloo before I can finish an initial version and turn a profit? And will businesses even be willing to make any capital expenditures on stuff like my app?

>> No.54061507
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>that i have at my disposal
yeah okay see you tomorrow

>> No.54061513

>My app idea
i hope you lose everything you have

>> No.54061517

It’s a fantastic time. first thing Monday morning go withdraw all your money from the bank and follow your dreams!

>> No.54061764


>> No.54061906

>app idea

For the last decade you could have the most idiotic unprofitable idea, but so long as it had "big data", "defi", "blockchain", "tech" etc you were guaranteed investment. Better still the words "it's not an X company, it's a tech company" would convince any investor to throw money at your stupid business whatever product X was. You didn't even need to make a profit more investment would just flow in. One of my friends had a small loan of 200k for her dumb app idea, it lost money every year and still received investment. Now it's ceased trading..

The ship has sailed on tech swindles. Good riddance. "Tech" sector has been as fat, inefficient, and pampered as the banks were in 07. Let it fall.

>> No.54061969

It isn't some zoomer crypto big data shit, I assure you. It's similar to Microsoft Office in practicality.

>> No.54062007

If you're even considering going back to work, you need to do that today. Lets of tech workers are still unemployed from the layoffs a few months ago. It's not a case of "oh I'll just apply and get a job within a week or two".

>> No.54062016

Keep overheads low and don't hire anyone else. Consider getting a part time job just for the cashflow, don't go full time since it will steal energy
t. Similar position and will reduce my hours to half time in the fall

>> No.54062032

Why do you need "a business" to build an sell your app? Just build the app put it out there see how it does with limited functionality/trial period and then charge money if it takes off.

>> No.54062043

Baseddev lmao

>> No.54062061

I will work for you

>> No.54062436

>I don't think businesses have a very high capital expenditure appetite
that's why you run a subscription model

>> No.54062541

Actually do picrel. If you have a good core group of 10-12 guys you can kill it in the trades.

>> No.54062722

>th is to work (make 100/hour), s

How the fuck do I get from 11 USD / hr in LATAM to 100 USD / hr?

is a 9x increase in salary, and realistically no LATAM startup will pay that to a 30 YO.

Only politicians, and mining company managers, and medium - big company owners get that kind of money here. I know an e-commerce fag that scams people for that much too.