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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54058952 No.54058952 [Reply] [Original]

Option A: Save the banks. Double digit inflation for the next 10+ years
Option B: Don't save the banks. Inflation goes down but max pain from contagion

What will he do?

>> No.54058962

Half measures that do too little, too late. He's going pussyfoot and try to put a bandaid on a bullet wound.

>> No.54059017

B would be the right thing to do. But I am betting on A because billionaires are lobbying for a bailout and they will probably get it

>> No.54059019

You don't understand option b, in the case of that option it's not max pain, it's death of the financial system

>> No.54059037

bandaids to slow the bleed until the next election cycle where whichever red candidate wins they will be able to blame conservatives for the crash when all the cronies money controllers rip off the bandaids at the same time

>> No.54059038

C: Banks will save themselves with your money via bail-ins. Thank you for playing

>> No.54059045

A, they always do option A. I wish for once we could have the fun time

>> No.54059085

So, saving half of the banks then?

>> No.54059115

AA (the flattest boobs are the least fun)

>> No.54059121

Higher interest rates don’t lead to lower inflation
You’re stupid if you think raising the profit margin on banks makes them create less money in loans for the other banks they own part of.

Everyone on biz knows this shit is true
I don’t know why people here still larp like higher rates lowers inflation

Stop playing the role of stupid goy and repeating that banker bullshit

>> No.54059147

god DAAAAAAAMN how much is his setup cost
fucking hell that monitor arm is alone like 1k

>> No.54059148

flat is justice

>> No.54059188
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Option 3: invest in housing and energy to reduce inflation

>> No.54059253

Max kino, got it

>> No.54059269

How is the death of the financial system not max pain? What an incredibly stupid post

>> No.54059275

Which option pumps my crypto and metals?

>> No.54059279

The problem is simply that the system is liable to rug everywhere: banks go bust, stablecoin issuers go bust, bonds go bust, and so on, and so forth. The problem isn't the quantity of money, since the money is already out there and is being used as money, i.e. that MBS-collateralized interest rate swap in the Congolese overnight repo market that some guy at JPM thought up after a heavy binge drinking session has already been lent out into the banking system, so it already had its effect on inflation. The problem is its sudden disappearance when people panic about the soundness of that fine investment.
The Fed could literally just print up all the bank money, bail out every bank (just the deposits, not the bank as a whole with all bullshit schemes), and pay every dollar-denominated bond too, and it would all be fine. I know it sounds insane, but think about it:
Let's say there's 5T "money" in the system, but it's actually different things: physical cash, bank credit, collateralized loans, derivatives. Let's just say for examples sake that there's 1T cash and 4T bank credit, so
>money supply = cash + bank credit = 5M = 1C + 4B
The 4B is redeemable for cash, but there's only 1C in existence, which enables bank run mechanics when people rush to redeem B for C. If you replaced B with C, you'd have
>money supply = cash + bank credit = 5M = 5C
Simple as that. The problem is that if you tried to implement this today, it'd lead to hyperinflation since you can always do this, not just in a bank run. But in theory, they genuinely could just cover every default, it wouldn't change the amount of money (except insofar as banks would start creating new money after such a bailout more profligately, but that's an independent problem).

>> No.54059313
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>Maybe we should Great Reset finance

>> No.54059384

A, but if you are working class then A will fuck your shit up hard by reducing your purchasing power that your crypto gains wont really matter

>> No.54059429

That wasn’t true with covid poomp so I don’t see why it would be true now. Just buy the right projects

>> No.54059463
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Neither you fucking moron. This is another nothingburger and I hope all of you stfu by next Saturday. Shiting up this entire board with your fucking FUD.

Every silicon valley retard claiming its 2008 all over again doesn't even understand the basics of the banking system. You're all going to look retarded by next Saturday and we'll all just pretend like nothing ever happened. Remember Evergrande?

Fucking rope before the FUD is over so only the normal people are left on this board.

>> No.54059476

Nothing Ever Happens.
The system will chug along nicely with a FED funds rate beyond (positive) 7% well into the 2030s.

>> No.54059502

People will pretend to have always known this was another nothingburger come next Saturday when the weekly candle was green.

>> No.54059526

I seem to remember you saying something similar just before the covid lockdowns in early 2020. You're just like the vast majority who, when confronted with a desperate situation, always (and I mean always) do absolutely nothing.
Ofc you might be right, but there's every chance you could be wrong, despite your frudtrated swearing and inability to convey your feelings eloquently.

>> No.54059547

Option A, but not immediately. It'll only happen once it's clear that multiple runs have already happened and a decent chunk of people already have (now worthless) money in their mattresses. My bet is this happens 6 months from now when SP is down and when it looks like too many "smart" plebs tried to jump the deflation gun. I'm talking people with 50K in cash hidden in the walls immediately roping because everything from food to rent to housing does a 2x on the pivot and keeps climbing from there and they're scrambling and failing to find a way to put their chips back on the table to keep up. Anyone who legit withdraws cash in excess of 20K is going to get tripped up by so much identity, compliance, and tax shit trying to get back in the game that their head will spin.

>> No.54059555

> poorly run, degenerately leveraged regional banks are pillars of the financial system

>> No.54059581
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You forgot option C: WAR.

>> No.54059582
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Wouldn't you rather be
>uneloquently correct
>eloquently incorrect
when it comes to business and finance?

I mean, as an example, you sound like the biggest shiny boom rock advocate next to P. Schiffy who eloquently got it all figured out, however reality continues to unfold in a whole different manner.

>> No.54059645


You remember me saying what? Are you fucking schizophrenic? Oh wait, we're on 4chan. This is an Anonymous board retard.

>You're just like the vast majority who, when confronted with a desperate situation, always (and I mean always) do absolutely nothing.

And you're the guy fighting at Walmart for toilet paper. Covid was a nothingburger you retard. The panic was self-induced by morons like yourself and the government seized on your fear porn. Just like this situation.

>inability to convey your feelings eloquently.

Because morons like you cause panic over nothing. Plunge the country into chaos, then pretend like nothing ever happened. You're a fucking parasite.

>> No.54059690

What if you lost the war with all this economic burden?

>> No.54059731

>degenerate banks fail
>larger banks and well ran regional banks suffer a few years of steep losses, but have the funds to remain solvent
>ultra deep recession for nearly a decade
That’s better than option A in every way in the medium and long term despite being awful in the short term

>> No.54060049

fed is a conglomerate of banks and option B is on the table?
this is really the level of /biz nowdays?

>> No.54060065

we need to do this shit like a bandaid. im sorry but the harsher we are, im talking 10+% prime rate, reserve requirements of fucking 20% etc...
just buck up and have a tough couple years and save the dollar for the next generation, also we need to gas all the jews and re-segregate schools.

>> No.54060161

Option B only relates to small and mid sized banks. The big ones who have a seat at the fed are relatively safe and their control of the financisl indistry is only consolidated with option B. You are in no position to complain about the level of /biz/ because you are the one dragging it down

>> No.54060258


For the love of God! Go for B.
Not this shit again!

t. millenial

>> No.54060297

>covid was a nothingburger which was seized upon
Yes, it wasn't planned at all. Completely just spontaneously jumped into life. Operation lockstep is a figment of my imagination.
You're an idiot, even if youre not the guy I originally addressed and just some troll. You're a pair of idiots.