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54054371 No.54054371 [Reply] [Original]

Banks aren’t safe.
Crypto isn’t safe.
Cash isn’t safe.
Precious metals aren’t safe.

The only safe currency is cheese. Yeah, you read that correctly. Cheese. Cheese is the only currency that cannot fail.

Sell everything you have and buy up as much cheese as possible. A nice variety of different cheeses should work. After you have accumulated as much cheese as possible, you should learn how to make your own cheese. You should also buy a cow to travel with you. Find a property owner(landlord) that will take payment in cheese and that will allow you to have a dairy cow. You can feed this cow cheese too. Talk to your utility companies and work out a deal where you will provide quality cheese for services. Find a car dealership that has a cheese-loving owner. Find a gas station that will accept cheese.

You may be scoffing at what I say but I promise you that the two main currencies of the future will be cheese and pussy. And if you’re a man, cheese is your only option.

>> No.54054393

Precious metals are pretty safe

>> No.54054422

I just created cheese coin, cheddar luck next time anons

>> No.54054431

Cheese has more utility than a shiny rock. Cheese is better than gold.

In a post apocalyptic scenario where you are starving, will you want silver or cheese?

>> No.54054449

just bought 150 aged Parmesan wheels. thanks OP they should be here next week.

>> No.54054466

You’re practically a king now

>> No.54054484

How do I store my cheese? Or do I just market mold as extra flavor?

>> No.54054495

ah yes. i dumped all of my life savings into 600 pounds of swiss cheese. even if swiss cheese doesnt pump i can still eat it. cant say that about gold

>> No.54054500

Cold and dry area. You can always add additional wax to your cheeses to prevent mold formation.

>> No.54054506

Yeah but in a scenario when I’m not starving (which is most of the time) I’ll take the most thermally/electrically conductive metal in the universe over spoiled cow secretions.

>> No.54054517

I have strongly fucking considered taking some of what I've made doing other things and going into cheese production. You know, we're joking, haha, but... actually not really.

>> No.54054531

Cheese is the next thing to skyrocket in price. Buy now and sell when the cheesedemic hits.

>> No.54054572
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>anon invests his life savings in chesse
>anon doesn't know how cheese is made
>anon doesn't include essential items in his buying list
>anon is now a milklet, and at best a buttercuck, without the ability to produce chese for the fromage économie

>> No.54054608

Colonial ATJ ftw

>> No.54054623

I suppose I should’ve reworded my main post.

Cheese will be the main currency. Please consider these other items important and required:

-canned goods
-can opener
-cheese knife

>> No.54054639

>add additional wax
Wait I can have sex with cheese too? Gold bars can't do this

>> No.54054664

Only with soft cheeses in warm conditions. I recommend protection.

>> No.54054666

>cheese knife
>serves him right he trusted a cheese knife

>> No.54054713

again, you still lack one of the two main ingredients in cheese production, and you lack a third for cheese production at scale.
you will not make it in the amish renaissance if you do not address these issues.
milk does not simply turn into good usable cheese on its own regularly, just like flour doesn't turn into bread by leaving it out long enough. ngmi.

>> No.54054741

Since you have so much expertise with cheese, I would make someone just like you my cheese slave. You will produce all of the cheese and you will be happy.

>> No.54054760


>> No.54054777
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>> No.54054845

if you do not have a bacterial culture, you will likely just get spoiled milk. if you do not have enzymes/rennet, you will not be able to produce a majority of higher value cheeses.
you will also need copious amounts of salt, which will be difficult to find if not by the sea. in addition, a large basement to age the cheeses, and to keep you bacterial culture alive unless you have bought copious ammounts of it pre apocalypse. im not even sure how to keep one going indefinitely, as no one really does that with modern methods.

>> No.54055106

>I’ll take the most thermally/electrically conductive metal

>> No.54055111
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>> No.54055116

It's Gatorade you retards. Electrolytes is right on the label

>> No.54055125

>the two main currencies of the future will be cheese and pussy.
>cheese pussy

>> No.54055133

Fuk u anon and your electrolytes, I will drink DI water and I will like it!

>> No.54055143

Imagine the smell

>> No.54055145

ls barter system the future of currency? are we back to square one after 10000 years?

>> No.54055150

>he can't drink water after EMP blast
Jesus christ urbanites are pathetic

>> No.54055154
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this is true
in amsterdam, residents flaunt their wealth by showcasing their cheese wheels

>> No.54055156

>they took this from you

>> No.54055176

i have 8 oz of pre-sliced sargento swiss in the fridge :(

>> No.54055182
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The real wealth is in 72 pound wheels of Parmigiano Reggiano. Aged 24 months. Costs around $1000 and will appreciate in value every year it is aged.

>> No.54055208

how do you avoid the chinese fakes?

>> No.54055228

you need to go to the source and purchase and bring it back as hand luggage, never letting it leave your sight.

>> No.54055239

Buy in person at a cheese shop or online from a reputable shop. Avoid Amazon. Avoid sketchy cheese-themed webshops under 2 years old.

>> No.54055274

i don't know if airlines will let you do 72 pounds as carry on luggage, even if it is rollaboard

>> No.54055281

>sketchy cheese themed webshops
Just how many webshops are there to justify fakes?

>> No.54055295

>the two main currencies of the future will be cheese and pussy.
what about bussy?

>> No.54055299

>walk into airlines with 50k in cheese
>immediately upgraded to first class

>> No.54055311

I’m sure there are a few out there
I mean I suppose

>> No.54055314

is milking a cow the original PoW algorithm?

>> No.54055352

I’d unironically spend most of my cheese wealth on pussy. I’d fuck a girl while she eats my cheese. I’ll fuck her on my massive cheese wheels.

>> No.54055417

Based and real value pilled.

>> No.54055439

too based for this website

>> No.54055449

If it is I owe your mother 40 years of service

>> No.54055467

I would say cooper cable will be very useful

>> No.54055876

>I'm a pretty big deal. I guess you could say I'm...THE BIG CHEESE

>> No.54055901


>> No.54056922


Its sad that I'm seriously considering premium cheese as a better store of value than most other options at this point.

I should probably buy more ammo, propane, and then cheese but even still being in the top 3.

Maybe even a copper alcohol distillery before the cheese. Lots of potatoes and corn available each harvest so no problem there.

>> No.54057028
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>you're fine if you don't have salt and rennet, but God help you if you are without a rug

>> No.54058693
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Cheese changes everything

>> No.54060298

It's got what plants crave.

>> No.54060400

There's no whey this can be true.

>> No.54060842

Are we actually about to invest in cheese now?

>> No.54060939

Based. What’s the best density/per dollar cheese to carry?

>> No.54061004
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>> No.54061019

Absolutely based thanks fren!

>> No.54061048

>investing for le apocalypse
Fuck that. My investment is a 12 gauge with a single round of buckshot.

>> No.54061111
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Got some cheese futures from this fine gentleman ...

>> No.54061187

My cheese wall can stop your bullets

>> No.54061257
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best thread on biz

>> No.54061314

Fire arms and ammunition, when it does come down to the cheese economy nothing will stop someone with a gun and a truck from just taking your cheese stores.

>> No.54061336

>You can feed this cow cheese too
Jesus Christ it's a perpetual motion machine

>> No.54061410
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>ten years later

>> No.54061474
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>buy cow
>milk cow
>make yogurt, butter, cheese, and set aside some whole milk.
>start selling
>notice brothel bro killing it by selling pussy
>notice cows have pussies

>> No.54061539

Look at the subtle off-white coloring, the tasteful thickness of it. Oh my god, it even has rinds..

>> No.54061555

>muh shiny rocks
Kys boomer and pass the cheese

>> No.54061579
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>Go to grocery store to buy cheese.
>buy all da cheese. No cheese left in store.
>Wait in parking lot for customers exiting the store and ask them if they would like to buy some cheese from me, the friendly neighborhood cheese monger.
>Mark up price 100 percent
>People angrily buy cheese from me

>> No.54062018


>> No.54062067
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LMAOing at your pathetic existence

>t. honeychad

>> No.54062142
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Aren't you bery goncered :D about the environmental impact of needing to raise and feed hundreds of cows/goats/etc to fuel your cheese economy? What about the methane?

>> No.54062170

>soup chads rise up

>> No.54062200

greenoid fud

>> No.54062219

>blacks are lactose intolerant so venture fails
its so fucking over

>> No.54062241
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But that's the beauty of cheese! Some types are lactose free!

>> No.54062308
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>> No.54063372

Peak /biz/ retardation

>> No.54063485

He implied he will kill himself when he said "single round"

>> No.54063533
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french here. Cheese isn't safe, and anyway you burgers are not even allowed to buy the best cheeses (unpasteurized)
The real deal is the Sardine Game. I will not say anything more