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File: 96 KB, 1015x583, photo_2023-03-12_02-36-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54053344 No.54053344 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54053358

LMAO executives aren't losing shit

>> No.54053375

its not about executives, but about deposits

>> No.54053397

its about sending a message

>> No.54053401

This is the end of the US dollar if it happens

>> No.54053424

The message would be "deposits arent save"
And shit would go down come monday

>> No.54053457

then why does Mitt's tweet talk about executives?

>> No.54053496


>> No.54053504

Mitt made his billion in Private Equity. I'm sure a bunch of his friends and his own money he put into VC funds is tied to SVB. They're also big donors so he'll go to bat for them.

>> No.54053505

He's saying depositors should get their money probably through some kind of depositor bailout (instead of bailing out svb itself)

>> No.54053510

he explicitely says, they should lose it all
can you read?

>> No.54053523

literally not even what Mitt says yet that faggot says he says it and likely the same faggot reposts that lying faggot here claiming its real

>> No.54053528

Mitts gotta be banking with Zions right?

>> No.54053535

>muh good faiths
listen humans. your good faiths will not save you

>> No.54053544

It’s not a bailout. If money I deposit at a bank can just disappear like in a third world shithole, what is the point of the US government and their USD token? This is the most basic fucking safety net I can ask for.

>> No.54053554

Fuck Mitt

>> No.54053560

What does mittens have saved in svb?

>> No.54053582

Screw those companies. They have CFOs who make millions to manage their treasury and they can’t be bothered to do anything but put in a bank account instead of short term treasury bonds. Ohh wait that would require a whole 60 seconds when they could be golfing

>> No.54053593

you nailed it

>> No.54053613

Anyone who had over 250,000 in there didn't need to be bailed out. Make no mistake, this is a bailout for billionaires. Not the ones running SVB, but the ones who parked their funds there. It's another "tax payer dollars to billionaires" scheme. This is what the rightwing in America is actually all about

>> No.54053629

>>54053344 (OP)
>Anyone who had over 250,000 in there didn't need to be bailed out. Make no mistake, this is a bailout for billionaires. Not the ones running SVB, but the ones who parked their funds there. It's another "tax payer dollars to billionaires" scheme. This is what the rightwing in America is actually all about
250,000, if anyone doesn't know, is what the FDIC insures. So ordinary people are already getting their deposits back. This bailout will go all to the wealthy. That's why the GOP will support it.

>> No.54053640

Fuck shit Romney he's one of the criminals who caused this mess with baine capital

>> No.54053648

dude, what do you think a bank is?

>> No.54053652

yes, and my point is that regardless of SVB bailout, "depositor bailout", or no bailouts, the executives will get their bonuses and golden parachutes. Or did you forget what happened to the banks that were bailed out in 2008-2009?

>> No.54053657

>let's print more money
How much does the Mormon church have in SVB?

>> No.54053662


Fuck Mitt Romney

>> No.54053679

>the executives will get their bonuses
they already got their bonuses

>> No.54053684

It's always (((our))) money and (((your))) losses.

>> No.54053697

Most of them are saying
>but but muh startups
So guarantee every depositor up to 50 million and all of the start ups will have their money without bailing out the large corporations who hired incompetent CFOs

>> No.54053701

Except that companies have their deposits there and can't pay their wagies next week you ideologically blinded midwit

>> No.54053705

>being this illiterate

The primary concerns is businesses, who routinely keep more than $250k in various accounts for payroll, facilities expenses, and other shit that's a fact of life as a business. There are companies that had most of their money in SVB that won't survive because of it, so all of the employees will be canned.

>> No.54053726

Mitt Romney is a retard. SVB had $214B in assets that will now be sold off in pieces or in hole to make good with the uninsured deposits.

>> No.54053736


There is no making good here. Moneys gone.

>> No.54053754

Most of those assets are severely underwater MBS that were purchased in 2021. They will be lucky if those assets are worth 100 billion since bonds have nosedived due to fed rate hikes

>> No.54053765

This is the same logic that was used to justify the 2008 bailouts. If you support the bailouts, you support the bailouts. That's on you. Indeed, the bailouts were the product of the American rightwing, no matter how much they try to deny that now. It came down from the Bush admin, prior to Obama's inauguration. They were passed in 2008, prior to Obama's inauguration.

Democrat legislation, which Bush refused to sign, centered more on actually helping employees. Extent them unemployment benefits. But the rightwing won't do that because you don't care one big about employees. You're trying to funnel our tax dollars to billionaires. Plain and simple.

So the Bush admin refused to sign more leftwing legislation and bailouts were what we got as a result. Since then, the GOP has been characteristically lying to it's voters saying "the democrats did the bailouts". There's no shame to the lies you animals tell

>> No.54053782

>who routinely keep more than $250k in various accounts for payroll, facilities expenses, and other shit that's a fact of life as a business.
Maybe they should buy insurance on that then

>> No.54053799

No, fuck the people with 50 million dollars. Fuck those startups. It's all venture capital money anyway. I know you're not that naive and you don't really believe that. You want bailouts because you wanna support the rich. Plain and simple.

You wanna help employees? Like the other lamer here >>54053701 pretends? Then you'd give the money to the employees directly.

Oh wait, that's what the rightwing DOESN'T ever want. So you cry crocodile tears about the employees, whom you screw over at every turn, as a means to try to con America into funneling tax money to billionaires. Fuck off, you delusional, manipulative pieces of rightwing shit

>> No.54053804

MAGA republicans hate the bushes you fat retard.

>> No.54053821

See here >>54053765 and here >>54053799. My responses to them goes to you too, and anyone on the right bitching about "muh employees". You don't give a fuck about employees. You want tax money funneled to billionaires. And if you cared about employees you'd extent them unemployment benefits. You'd pay the money DIRECTLY to the employees the way leftwingers want. That's what you oppose though, so get fucked and don't pretend to care about "muh employees"

>> No.54053837

No you don't "hate the bushes" you're the exact same group of people as the bushes. You say shit like that to try to distance yourselves from them because you know they're politically unpopular and destroyed America, the middle east and the global economy. Idiot. You think people don't know that? Fucking retard, you're all rightwingers. You're all the same thing. You exist for the sole purpose of politically benefiting the rich

>> No.54053867
File: 56 KB, 1132x267, Screenshot from 2023-03-11 20-41-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd legislate that the customer must pass a test on fractional reserve banking before being allowed to open an account.
In conjunction with this maybe finally there will be a market for what the majority are actually using a bank for- to store their funds.

Only ignorance is keeping 100% reserve requirement, in cold hard cash (marketing slogan you even get the same bills you put it) from being a service people would be willing to pay monthly for

>> No.54053894

He's such a Mittwit.

>> No.54053932

Once you deposit that money into the bank, it is no longer yours. The bank holds the right to give that money out in loans and such. As long as the bank has liquidity to pay whatever things you want here and there, then all is well. When that liquidity dries up, ie interest rates go up and people can't pay them, then suddenly you're faced with all of your depositors wanting to know where the fuck their money went.

Banks don't just hold your money out of the kindness of their hearts lmao

>> No.54053960

Complete fantasy. Their assets are mostly t-bills of short and medium duration. The Feds will let them mature and eventually be able to pay back most of the uninsured deposits. The real problem is time; even ignoring the psychology of bank runs, the uninsured depositors are going to need that money faster than the FDIC can finish liquidating it.

>> No.54053972
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I can completely understand why the Amerisharts want to pay for SVB bailout, endless wars, reparations to niggers, debt servicing on the federal debt, and Federal anti white people programs and propaganda, all while the government hires 90,000 new IRS officers with their own tax money to take more tax money, and inflating your meager savings away.

Whatever you do, Amerisharts, don't get a tax rebellion going. Keep paying taxes to your crooked gubbersment, otherwise the world might stop thinking of you as fat pieces of apathetic and self indulgent dog shit, and think of you as a noble people of spirit and integrity.

>> No.54053993
File: 1.29 MB, 530x866, failed-fiats.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would you be willing to pay a month to have a guarantee that the very bills you put in will be the ones you take out, 100% reserve requirement, 0% interest earned in savings?

remember fiat systems last on average 20 years, usd is 50+ nixon gold shock

>> No.54054006
File: 168 KB, 352x352, 1677269009087352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think Obama policy, or ARRA, or anything his administration did in 09-10 was anti-banker or somehow superior to TARP and Paulson's take on shit then you are just chud as the chudiest chud. You retarded faggot.

>> No.54054045

>/biz/ doesn't know about the FDIC

>> No.54054066
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>You exist for the sole purpose of politically benefiting the rich

>> No.54054070

Bullshit. The money is still yours when you deposit it in a checking account. That’s the whole point of being a regulated US institution with a literal banking license. Or are you saying there is no difference between a bank and a shitcoin casino like Binance? Because then I see no point in paying these old faggots to run a government. Might as well dismantle the whole thing.

>> No.54054112

wow thank god the commie republicans didn't win

>> No.54054128

are you serious? go read a book kid. your money is gone. and you deserve it. not your keys and all that.

>> No.54054141

Uh huh yup the Obama administration was great. Democrats look out for workers, republicans look out for billionaires. Everyone knows that. Your idiotic attempts to claim different are never going to fly in the real world outside of your babyboomer echo chambers. The whole world is waiting for your generation to die, idiot. Even your own children

>> No.54054149
File: 318 KB, 612x757, now-much-a-month.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bullshit. The money is still yours when you deposit it in a checking account
Pic related, how much would you be willing to spend a month for this to be true. Same bills in are the ones you get out? cold storage, no fractional reserves, no money multipliers, no smidgeons of interest?

>> No.54054187

I heckin love the fricken demorinocrats commieism way frickafracken more than the republican commieism

>> No.54054188

ah yes, the last bailout worked so fucking great

>> No.54054205

Yeah the democrats are the leftwing party in American politics. They're the party that looks out for worker's interests. The republicans are the rightwing party, they're the party that exists to serve the political interests of the rich. Everyone knows that. You all might hate it when people say it on this board, there's nobody in the real world who doesn't know that, though.

>> No.54054226

you sure know us well, outsider. how'd you learn all this in china?

>> No.54054241

You're not mysterious or special. You're not any different on this board, or /pol/, than anyone's racist Hannity watching uncle who comes over for thanksgiving. You're all just ordinary republicans, no matter how much you try to pretend you're special

>> No.54054243

I'm in a trade union and Obama didnt do jack shit for me or any other workers. Biden shut down the rail workers union strike. Democrats are straight up corporate whores, even worse than Republicans. So shut the fuck up retard, you're not a worker in solidarity with me, you're a fucking cashier at Starbucks who doesn't know dick about the real world beyond what you read on your fucking iphone while wearing your Nike sneakers. Keep your toxic neoliberal corporate bullshit away from the Left.

>> No.54054257

>You're not mysterious or special. You're not any different on this board, or /pol/, than anyone's racist Hannity watching uncle who comes over for thanksgiving. You're all just ordinary republicans, no matter how much you try to pretend you're special
PS I mean, you exist to serve the political interests of the rich. That's all. There's no other dimension to any of you on the right.

>> No.54054274

Nobody believes your retarded LARP And everyone knows it was your republicans who shut down the rail workers strike, idiot. Democrats voted for them to get their demands, republicans voted for them to not get their demands. That's not going to change no matter how many times you all say it. Idiot.

>> No.54054275

Ngl pretty based for a union guy

>> No.54054279

The executives all sold their stock in the days before the collapse.

>> No.54054289

oh look the chink pushes le heckin critical race theory. stopped reading right there. like clockwork lads, like clockwork

>> No.54054299

>Nobody believes your retarded LARP And everyone knows it was your republicans who shut down the rail workers strike, idiot. Democrats voted for them to get their demands, republicans voted for them to not get their demands. That's not going to change no matter how many times you all say it. Idiot.
PS there's no amount of this retarded foxnews misinformation you're all gonna endlessly post on this board to somehow make republicans be a pro-worker party. Or to make democrats be an anti-worker party. You can all say it endlessly on 4chan until you're blue in the faces, nobody in the real world is ever gonna care. Everyone in the real world is just gonna shrug and say "what a den of god damn idiots"

>> No.54054316

Nobody brought up critical race theory here bud you, bud. Nor do I understand why you're calling me a "chink" but whatever. I'm a white man. A straight white man. Not that I think that should matter one way or the other

>> No.54054353

No their assets are mostly in MBS since we were still at 0% in 2021. Their newer deposits got rolled into t bonds, but that does not make up a majority of their assets

>> No.54054396

ah to be 13

>> No.54054395

>Or to make democrats be an anti-worker party

They are. Democrats hate workers. They are the party of rich upper middle class suburban white women. The only good thing about Democrats is they half-ass maintain some old relics of pro-worker legislation from back in the day back when Democrats actually used to care about workers. Everything else about the contemporary party though moving forward is pro-Corporate, pro-Wall Street, maintain the status-quo fucking bullshit. Fuck them and fuck you, go watch another Marvel movie you neoliberal teenage fuckhead, we are not workers in solidarity.

>> No.54054440

Anyone who uses the phrase "fractional reserve" has no clue how banking works. Loans create deposits, not the other way around.

>> No.54054491

you are guaranteed up to 250k
if you have more than that, use more than 1 bank, retard

>> No.54054522

>The primary concerns is businesses, who routinely keep more than $250k in various accounts for payroll, facilities expenses, and other shit that's a fact of life as a business. There are companies that had most of their money in SVB that won't survive because of it, so all of the employees will be canned.

>> No.54054536
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>> No.54054552
File: 18 KB, 500x500, cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you that fag that was posting retarded shit here yesterday by claiming high inflation is good because it helps the working class?

>> No.54054561

OK. There's no amount of times you're going to post retarded foxnews shit on 4chan to make the republicans be the pro worker party, or to make the democrats be the anti worker party. You can keep doing it, nobody can stop you, but also nobody is ever going to take you seriously. You just sound amazingly cringe.

>> No.54054598

>OK. There's no amount of times you're going to post retarded foxnews shit on 4chan to make the republicans be the pro worker party, or to make the democrats be the anti worker party. You can keep doing it, nobody can stop you, but also nobody is ever going to take you seriously. You just sound amazingly cringe.
PS I mean it's always going to be "republicans hate workers and support the rich". while "democrats hate the rich and support workers".

That is the fundamental political divide in America. So you can keep on trying to gaslight it and say otherwise but nobody in the real world, off of 4chan, is ever going to take you seriously

>> No.54054613

We have inflation to help the working class in America. Yes. Explicitly. You are brainwashed to hate inflation and the federal reserve on the right because those things exist to help you as workers. And rightwingers hate workers

>> No.54054632
File: 466 KB, 442x442, 1674595576763834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically kill yourself, nigger tranny.

>> No.54054643

Ladies and gentlemen. This is a red pill moment for a newfag. He’s learning how banks really work, though not acknowledging it yet. Yet. Go easy on him. He’ll be happy we told him the truth.

>> No.54054645
File: 851 KB, 1200x1516, The Left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate neoliberal bootlickers so much.

>> No.54054678
File: 1.09 MB, 2434x2110, ows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and me both.

>> No.54054684

Those are two separate events. You understand that, right? Like 2 separate events taking place in the same place...that doesn't mean they come from the same people. I'm not sure if you all understand that on the right when you post that meme.

JP Morgan is your thing on the right. You're the ones who support private banking on the right. And corporations. And the right of rich people to privately own America's large industries and operate them for profit. AKA "capitalism".

I've realized you people don't even have very basic educations on the right. And especially not on this website. So IDK maybe you genuinely don't know stuff like this

>> No.54054724

Inflation DOES NOT help the working class, you fucking Wall Street Democrat shill. Fuck off.

>> No.54054733

As I stated here >>54054684 that's you on the right also. Those changes in our national political discussion are because YOUR rightwingers took a case to the supreme court called "Citizens United Vs the FEC" wherein you argued that corporations need to be able to put more money into our political system on the basis of "free speech" and "free markets".

This case happened in 2010.

So YOU rightwingers got your way and that's what caused all of the changes in our political discourse through the 2010s. YOU caused them on the right, not us on the left.

Every year since then democrats have been trying to pass the DISCLOSE act in order to undo the ramifications of that case, but republicans refuse to pass it. Republicans want more corporate money in politics.

Corporations fund culture wars, which republicans then capitalize by running on.

Then stupid uninformed idiots like you post these memes because rightwingers are grossly uneducated and easily manipulated. You're Earth's stupid suckers.

PS this meme also proves you wrong as racists. It proves how you're corporation's useful idiots getting embroiled in identity politics and culture wars, rather than class (leftwing) politics

>> No.54054747

Ignore xim/xir: this user is a Reddit tranny who was spamming in /biz/ yesterday by saying inflation is good and that if you're against it, you're uneducated.

>> No.54054768
File: 986 KB, 1300x975, FuckLeftoids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rightwingers are grossly uneducated and easily manipulated
Nigger, you can't even solve kindergarten math without having a PTSD attack about muh colonialism.

>> No.54054780

You support central banks which print trillions of dollars and give it to banks and corporations which creates massive unsustainable stock and housing bubbles.

>> No.54054808

Nobody on the left thinks "math is racist" or any of the retarded things you all endlessly try to pretend we believe on the left. All you can do on the right is make up moronic strawmen of us and then cry, loudly, at the top of your lungs, about the completely fake strawmen you made up.

And it doesn't fool many people which is why a vast majority of the country passionately hates the far rightwing

>> No.54054835

>Nobody on the left thinks "math is racist" or any of the retarded things you all endlessly try to pretend we believe on the left.
Nigger, back in 2021 literally all left wing "news" sits like USA Today and CNN were unironically debating if it's racist to teach kids that 2+2=4, because some Marxist professor in California said that good grades are white supremacy.
Get fucked with a rusty pipe.

>> No.54054842

The fed gives money to banks and corporations because you, on the right, refuse to give them the power to mandate the fed funds rates. So they have to use reverse repos to buy off those companies and have them obey the rates. Again, as with other examples in this thread, your doing. Then your rightwing media brainwashes you with half truth to get you to oppose your own economic interests and support wealthy interests. You fall for it on the right because you are the planet's stupid people. You're basically the stupidest 10-20 or so % of the world's population

>> No.54054860

some shill(s) turned this thread into a gay left vs right debate, gj

>> No.54054863


>> No.54054867

No they weren't. Again, there's nothing for you to say but your moronic strawmen. All you can do is make up moronic strawman and then whine about them. Also all of the media in the USA is far right, capitalist, private, billionaire owned media. It's all private industry. Your people. Capitalists. The far right. Whether it's USA Today, CNN, MSNBC

>> No.54054871
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>AI-generated word salad

>> No.54054873

you made a bad business decision. live with it. just like you tell all the kids to pay back their student loans.

>> No.54054884

>the federal reserve needs MORE POWER to devalue the wages and savings of the working class so boomers can increase the value of their houses and wall street can have higher stock prices
Holy FUCK leftists are actually this brainwashed

>> No.54054902

Hey, no one's looking for cogent points right now. Quit it.

>> No.54054906

OK there you go, so you oppose giving the federal reserve the power to enforce the fed funds rate without using reverse repos. And you do this based on the usual lies and misinformation.

OK. So as usual, you on the right are the ones supporting the thing you pretend to be against.
The way you operate is through lies by omission. So you wanna pretend to be upset about reverse repos, but you never tell your fellow rightwingers that they exist necessarily due to YOUR policies on the right. And that YOU are the one opposing reforms to make them uncessary.

Same goes for the immigration debate, political correctness and literally everything else too

>> No.54054921

>OK there you go, so you oppose giving the federal reserve the power to enforce the fed funds rate without using reverse repos. And you do this based on the usual lies and misinformation.
Why did you completely ignore what I said?
Why should the federal reserve even exist?
Why should the government steal my purchasing power and give it to corporations and boomers?
Explain yourself.

>> No.54054936

OK so there you go too, you oppose the federal reserve. Meaning you want a totally privatized, billionaire-run banking system. Where voters have no say, no democracy, no representation. Because you exist, as a rightwinger, ONLY to serve the political interests of the wealthy

>> No.54054950
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>> No.54054957

sure you are akmed

>> No.54054958

I can't get drawn into these stupid political debates with posters on this site, who are all far rightwingers AKA both intellectual and moral subhumans, so I'm gonna stop posting now

>> No.54054972

None of this means anything to me. These are all far right propaganda articles from far right news outlets that are intentionally strawmanning and misrepresenting leftists as always. As I said, without your strawmen you would have absolutely no legs to stand on in US politics

>> No.54054974

>Meaning you want a totally privatized, billionaire-run banking system.
I want nothing of the sort. I want free market banking where wages and savings increase in value.

>Where voters have no say, no democracy, no representation.
Uh yeaah, it's called freedom. Democracy is an authoritarian system.

>Because you exist, as a rightwinger, ONLY to serve the political interests of the wealthy
You're literally advocating for wall street and boomer housing equity and I proved it.

Also, I'm a Libertarian, not a "right winger".

>> No.54054986
File: 8 KB, 226x258, 612982F1-D756-433B-BECF-47AAD5488D3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bother? You already shitted up the entire thread with your faggotry.
>omg I found LITERAL nazis on 4chan, wait till I tweet this screenshot

>> No.54054987

>misrepresenting leftists
It's funny that people on the right understand people on the left way more than vice versa.

>> No.54054990
File: 329 KB, 500x775, Inflation_Femoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still can't explain to me what 2+2 is, shitskin.

>> No.54055006

You clearly don’t understand this place. Move along kiddo.

>> No.54055015

>I want nothing of the sort. I want free market banking where wages and savings increase in value.
OK yeah so that means you want a totally privatized banking system that is run by and for billionaires. Solely by and for billionaires. And you oppose democracy, so you oppose the interests of voters. You oppose voters having any say in anything in our government. You're an elitist who wants everything run by and for billionaires. You want everyone else to be enslaved and you call this "freedom". That is what the entire rightwing wants and that is what they call "freedom".

And yes, you are a rightwinger. A far rightwinger. Doesn't matter what false labels you aggressively, out of your own self-interest, try to affix to yourself

>> No.54055016

>so I'm gonna stop posting now
just go back already

>> No.54055017

"Right wing" is a misnomer. Leftists are people who want the government to enforce absolute equality. Anyone who doesn't want that for any reason is anti-left, which gets called right.

>> No.54055018

>reeeeee muh left vs right
Ahahahh why so mad? Maybe best for you not to post while you dial 8, faggot

>> No.54055021


>> No.54055070
File: 89 KB, 600x521, hoppe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>totally privatized banking system
Technically yes.
>run by and for billionaires.
That's the current system you support.
>nd you oppose democracy,
Yes, I oppose authoritarianism.
>so you oppose the interests of voters.
Of course, the mob shouldn't be allowed to take away my rights.
>You oppose voters having any say in anything in our government
No shit lmao
>You're an elitist
>who wants everything run by and for billionaires.
No. Take your meds.
I already proved that you're the one who supports devaluing our wages and savings and giving it to billionaires.
>You want everyone else to be enslaved and you call this "freedom".
No, I want everyone to have freedom and high living standards.
>A far rightwinger.
What is wrong with your direction brain retards?
Your labels are completely meaningless and you KNOW IT, yet you still use these fake terms to smear because you have no actual criticism.
Next you're going to call me a nazi.

Grow up kid, stop oppressing people.

>> No.54055083

Gas yourself.
People like this are why I am looking forward to the collapse. They will starve and/or be eaten by niggers.

>> No.54055091

they're truly religious cultists

>> No.54055109

suck start a shotgun already

>> No.54055131

Of course they're going to bail them out. It's 80bn, who gives a shit.
That said, for every dollar spent on bank bailouts a lolbertarian should be taken out back and shot.

>> No.54055157

It's going to be bail-ins this time.

>> No.54055167

"Just" 80bn for SVB, sure, how much more for First Republic? And then the next one? Or the next?

>> No.54055170

>That said, for every dollar spent on bank bailouts a lolbertarian should be taken out back and shot.
sooooo the people who are the strongest advocates AGAINST bank bailouts you want to shoot?
why is that?

>> No.54055178

the bottom line is that too much inflation discredits the whole monetary system
this of course is worse for rich people (who have a massive stake in the system) than for poor people (who have little to no stake in the system)

>> No.54055199

>sooooo the people who are the strongest advocates AGAINST bank bailouts you want to shoot?
every VC libertarian tech bro has been asking for an SVB bailout since Thursday, where have you been?

>> No.54055202

i've seen plenty of lolbertarians saying a bank bailout is warranted because that's what the government is mandated to do, or some other gay reason
now i guess you're gonna say "that's not real libertarianism!!" ok whatever. your ideology is retarded.

>> No.54055213

Stop panicking, Nancy. 200bn to solve the problem.

Nah not buying it this time. You clowns are way past your expiration date.

>> No.54055221

As one of those employees

I would happily give up a paycheck or three to let the entire banking system begin to cannibalize it's self.

I'm not some overleveraged goon.

>> No.54055231

Anyone backing a bailout, will soon be found swinging from the nearest tree. Especially Mittens.

>> No.54055248

"The left" that would be most willing to do so are now just a bunch of sexual degenerates, they won't do shit.

>> No.54055277

Downplay it all you want, setting up a backstop robust enough to handle multiple failing banks simultaneously is the current scuttlebutt. It would be a miracle if the cost for this topped out anywhere close to 200bn.

>> No.54055278

I don't hate democracy, i hate their democracy.

>> No.54055291

There's a nonzero chance some subset of republicans could do a tea party thing.

>> No.54055297

bailout confirmed

>> No.54055337

>implying anyone will do anything
anon, burgerstinians are living in totalitarian state with as much invigilation it's physically possible and at same time comfortable with their goyslop and shit entertainment. They won't do shit, they CAN'T do shit.

>> No.54055365

>every VC libertarian tech bro
Are you that same faggot retard from yesterday who got BTFO on this point.
NONE of those people are Libertarians. They're all neoliberal progressives that vote Biden.
All Libertarians are against bailouts and central banking.
It's usually you retards that support that shit.

>every VC libertarian tech bro has been asking for an SVB bailout since Thursday, where have you been?
Literally none of them are, why do you people lie?

>i've seen plenty of lolbertarians saying a bank bailout is warranted
Literally NONE of them are doing this.
They've been the ones advocating against bailouts for decades.
Ron Paul ring a bell?

>your ideology is retarded.
We're the ones who were right in the end.
Told you so.

>Nah not buying it this time. You clowns are way past your expiration date.
We were correct about everything.
Cry about it.

>> No.54055367

>all libertarian businessman are liars because they take handouts.
>they also pay taxes.

Yea... :( the nice and friendly ideas I was taught as a child force me into a paranoid forever war with all other entities.
>it doesn't have to be this way
Go away jew.

>> No.54055394
File: 141 KB, 608x797, 1662063757398258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, another January 6th isn't out of the realm of possibility.

>> No.54055414

Fractional reserve, as in the amount of reserves the bank has at the FED is only a fraction of their existing deposits. Fractional reserve banking a descriptive, historically relevant, and correct term.

>> No.54055428

glowie shit, notice they just made things worse and politician got hurt

>> No.54055437
File: 184 KB, 1284x726, 1670209566004161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everything is glowie shit, kemosabe.
Be the change you want to see.

>> No.54055477

I wouldn't bet on anything happening but I think you're underestimating anti-government sentiment. Feds got caught on their Jan 6 lies by the mainstream less than a week ago. The bank that just went under was run by woke retards. If someone wants to become a republican hero by forcing leftists to eat shit on this one, now would be the time.

>> No.54055480

What would happen if the bread and/or circuses get disrupted?
Glad there’s no way for that to happen amidst these bank failures! Netflix isn’t already teetering without their funds getting erased from a bank’s bad investment, for example. Nope, same with all of those food processing plants that aren’t burning down.
There is no threat to bread and circuses that will add up until they fail.

>> No.54055489

all I see is
>no true Scotsman
no true Scotsman
>no true Scotsman
no true Scotsman
>no true Scotsman
no true Scotsman

>> No.54055514

We need to save the little guy.
And by little guy I mean multi-millionaire Indians.

>> No.54055571

>>no true Scotsman
This isn't an argument at all.
Bank bailouts isn't a thing Libertarians argue for.
It's not a no true scotsman, it's just a fact of reality.

>> No.54055580

You are embarrassingly clueless. Banks create deposits, they don't "lend them out".

>> No.54055597

250k is plenty of money to be insured, you dirty jew.
Maybe don't put money in scam banks

>> No.54055611

>Might as well dismantle the whole thing.
oy vey

>> No.54055634

99% startups fail. Why delay the inevitable

>> No.54055670

I can't even begin to imagine what it's like living with such profound mental disabilities. Wouldn't even be an execution tb h, euthanasia is the correct term.

>> No.54055748

SVB depositors are just the companies that Mitt and his PE/VC friends own. They’re skipping the “bailout the bank” step and just trying to get their own direct bailout.

>> No.54055753

Wow what a great argument.
I didn't expect much from a brainlet that actually unironically thinks Libertarians support bank bailouts.

>Wouldn't even be an execution tb h, euthanasia is the correct term.
You subhuman corporatist statist animals wouldn't accomplish shit. The right wing far outnumbers you in terms of guns.
Drown yourself.

>> No.54055774

>Of course they're going to bail them out. It's 80bn, who gives a shit.
Is this the programmed cope from the latest Destiny stream, faggot?

>> No.54055789

Did Destiny really advocate for bailouts? lmao wtf

>> No.54055813
File: 82 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x1000,075,t.u10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the timeline change? Is it 1934?
You sound like you come from 1934.
Because you sjw bullshit would only make a grain of sense then.

>> No.54055823

>Help government I put my money in the hands of retards because I’m an idiot please bail out the executives who fucked me!!

>> No.54055824

>privatize the gains
>socialize the losses
Fuck that, liquidate the rich.

>> No.54055839

>NONE of those people are Libertarians. They're all neoliberal progressives that vote Biden.
>All Libertarians are against bailouts and central banking.
no true scotsman.

>> No.54055857

FDIC covers up to a quarter million. Everything past that and you can eat shit, especially if you were too retarded to not have a sweeps account that broke the money up into 250k chunks across banks to limit risk. People being absolute moronic retards get what they deserve otherwise, sucks to suck.

>> No.54055879

Your rhetoric is foolish. These fuckers will bring down the entire system in your false dichotomy.

This is almost identical to the college loans. The universities get of scott free, BY DESIGN.

>> No.54055889

I hate economically illiterate occupy wall st niggers who thought that letting the banks fail was an option

>> No.54055893

>no true scotsman.
No, it's just defining things.
That's not what a no true scotsman fallacy means.
All Muslims believe in god is a logically true statement in the same way Libertarians are against bank bailouts is.
These things are a priori true.

>> No.54055906

>they were too fucking dumb to have a sweeps account and kept everything with one bank in one singular account
Not. My. Fucking. Problem.

>> No.54055912

there's literally nothing to bail out
it's not like svb was malicious or something and cooked the books like the subprime loans shit

>> No.54055914

They're doing the:


Summers and Ackman made a veiled threat that community banks will continue to disappear for failure to follow their dictates.

>> No.54055925

I hate spineless faggots that thought not letting them fail was preferable to everything being fake and fucking gay for the last fifteen years and only sending two people to prison over it. It's time richers got what they fucking deserved same as everyone else.

>> No.54055926

And in a fucking silicon valley startup bank fucking KEK

>> No.54055934

What the fuck is a destiny

U mad

>> No.54055940

It will be your problem, because you fail to see how these fuckers set up a situation to get you off the prize.

>> No.54055956

Nigger if the banks failed then it was another great depression. A complete irreversible collapse of the financial system. That is a bit different than sending a couple bank bossmens to prison

>> No.54055962


>> No.54055968


>> No.54055970

FDIC only has enough cash to cover less than 1% of what they claim to insure. When the bail ins start everyone will be stuck with worthless bank stocks.

>> No.54055984

>Nigger if the banks failed then it was another great depression.

More banks failed in 1920 than in 1929 and yet we didn't have a depression in 1920.
The government created the depression.

>> No.54055998

>What the fuck is a destiny
Left wing YouTuber who talks fast like he's on meth and defends pedophilia.

>> No.54056010

They were malicious through incompetence, got raped by rate hikes that were clearly telegraphed for years and will continue because there's no other viable option to fix the situation, and it's a bad bet they made with customer deposits that assuredly other larger financial institutions also made. It's also, again, not my motherfucking problem a bunch of richers decided to be asinine troglodytic buffoons and gamble with money they were supposed to protect like a drunk old man in Vegas at the roulette table doesn't get a single penny back after he goes all in on black and it comes up red instead.

Suck my balls.

>> No.54056055

god damn you sound like a redditor
go back

>> No.54056066

I'm balls deep in gamestop and laughing my ass off at this entire situation I've told everyone was coming for years. It's not my problem and I'm positioned to make millions if not more in the fallout. You should've listened.

>> No.54056094

Do a flip. You were warned. You didn't listen. It's not my problem.

>> No.54056109

You sound like you're fully boosted.

>> No.54056124

Obviously, I can't be sure, but I know that it important to stress the details. I would never invest in a meme bank, or wokest of the woke banks.

>> No.54056144

>inb4 all democrats+romney vote for a bailout and reddit niggers blame republicans

>> No.54056154

Oh shit a depression? Guess we better let an incestuous orgy of central planners consume all wealth.

>> No.54056171

do you really not remember the last time this happens
>*government gives them money
tf is wrong with you

>> No.54056176

warned with what faggot
fucking jimmy baggie stop replying to me

>> No.54056180

God damn this is the most jewish shit I've read in a while.

>> No.54056205

That user was a faggot Reddit tranny who was posting the same retarded shit on this board yesterday.
Xim/xir can be identified by their inane word salad as well as combining "right wing" into one word.

>> No.54056221
File: 102 KB, 795x650, 1616773566487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>far rightwingers AKA both intellectual and moral subhumans

>> No.54056265
File: 41 KB, 750x458, 1587681799637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first day on this board. I like how antisemitic you guys are. I feel like I understand the economy better already.

>> No.54056301
File: 30 KB, 443x591, IMG_1254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one nose who controls the economy.
It's just a cohencidence.

>> No.54056388

>warned with what faggot
Warned with economic crisis on the horizon as early as April 2021. Specifically calling out shaky foundations in the financial sector surrounded on hiding bad investments (Melvin Capital, Archegos) and institutions that service/were connected too them (Credit Suisse, Silvergate). The ability to play with ludicrous amounts of leverage thanks to Covid has left dozens of financial institutions overextended. Some overextended in worse directions than others, but the ones who saddled themselves with an infinite downside obligation are poisoning the pool for everyone else, since it isn't safe to invest in the markets when you don't know who's connected to the ticking time bomb. Hence trillions of dollars being tied up in RRP, with every other penny spent on scraping up enough collateral to keep up appearances for one more day. The economy has been contracting because of this for 2 years, and GME holders were predicting this exact circumstance while the S&P was still on track to hit its historic all time high. Highest it'll be for a long time, I'd wager.

>> No.54056437

this is literally a nothing burger.
banks getting bailed out = financial system will remain stable

>> No.54056473

why are you not mentioning citadel? :^) or other businesses that are doing just fine :^) or are they also going to fail? :^(

>> No.54056511

If that's the best you've got, I'll just keep enjoying the show while you keep fretting over what's going to happen next.

>> No.54056530

They're not getting bailed out. There is no money to bail them out. The debt ceiling isn't getting raised, there's too much money in existence any fucking ways, fdic will cover the vast majority of everyone and anyone that was too dumb to spread their shit out or had it in a bank that was too dumb to not play stupid fuck-fuck games with their customers capital can pound sand.

>> No.54056599

cope with your 80% losses jimmy holder

>> No.54056618

Cope with the uncertainty in the market. You, and everyone else, will have too.

>> No.54056635

my dubs win over your singles
you cope harder

>> No.54056654

>>54056388 and >>54056511.

>> No.54056652
File: 57 KB, 976x850, pepe stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Mr. Biden, do the exact thing that Obama did in 2008. There definitely will not be a huge catastrophic downturn in the markets because of this whatsoever

>> No.54056990

welcome new fren sweet phone
you are here forever no cap
we're just really sick of their flim flam
cause you start to notice things and look into whose responsible and
early life

>> No.54057024

obligatory contrarian post. you cant help shitting out dog shit takes can you?

>> No.54057817

They will probably get a bonus (paid by taxmoney) because despite letting it all collape, they done a great job promoting rights for the LGBT community, women and people of color. I'm sure there's already some other banks fighting over these executives, to let them run their bank.

Deposits always have to be safe. Not difficult as you can print as much as you like. Almost no one would go to their job if deposists weren't insured up till a certain amount.

>> No.54058277

Banks are private entities. If you entrust them with your money and they go belly up, that's your problem. The government will however be nice and insure up to $250k for you

>> No.54058394

Yes. That mentally ill anon has been intermittently on this board for over a year now

>> No.54058452

>make up moronic strawmen of us and then cry, loudly, at the top of your lungs, about the completely fake strawmen you made up.
This is literally what you've been doing about the evil "right wingers" in several threads. You cant possibly believe you are convincing anyone with your rhetoric.

>> No.54058506

Plz no

>t. National Debt

>> No.54058524

Why is there so much talk about left vs right?
Shouldn't you all be focusing on playing some minecraft with these bankers?

>> No.54058550

You are ruled by Jews and niggers and you expect safety and justice lmao

>> No.54058568

It’s literally Democrats you faggot. No Republican supports Romney he’s literally a faggot liberal just like you. Also all the companies that use that faggot bank are woke liberal trannies.

>> No.54058574

The Democrats literally did do the bailouts and RINOS went along. Cope harder faggot.

>> No.54058584

Did you just teleport from 2008?

>> No.54058592

lol that's literally what a bailout means, if you don't have any risk then you shouldn't put all your money in a niche bank with super high yield accounts. The likelihood of this happening in say Bank of America are virtually 0, but at the same time you will get 1 cent every 10k in a shitty savings account

>> No.54058634

What does this mean?
Will the printer turn on?

>> No.54058637

If everyone gets insurance through inflation then nobody gets insurance clown.

>> No.54058675

wait so all banks are literally just bigger FTX's? this is gonna be good

>> No.54058732

FDIC didn't manage to find a bank to take over, even with backfilling part of the losses. We will almost certainly see some fatcats lose a bunch of money.

>> No.54058783

Let the printing begin!

>> No.54058805

Executives exit scammed few weeks ago

>> No.54058896

Go back to R*ddit holy shit

>> No.54058942
File: 337 KB, 1080x1215, 1678377446825045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> R*ddit posting this hard

>> No.54058983

FTX was quite literally what banks do yes.
It just went down quicker because it didn’t have QE to plaster over the fuck ups or really nothing in place to stop them from being coke heads with people’s money.
Crypto is hard money and you if fuck around with deposits you find out pretty quickly what happens.

>> No.54059097

>Might as well dismantle the whole thing.
why exactly do you think satoshi invented bitcoin?

>> No.54059113

I'm like 80% sure this is Destiny replying, he types exactly like this

>> No.54059150

sounds fine by me

>> No.54059248

Not your vault.
Not your money.

>> No.54059709

I swear I never heard that word before Do Kwon and now the normies of Mormons are tweeting it

>> No.54060122

When you deposit to a bank the money is not yours but belongs to the bank and the bank has a debt to you
You are the lender when you deposit to bank. you're lending your money out with no rights or say in how that money will be used
Not your keys not your cheese
Not your money, not your cash

>> No.54060200

this, also if I, as a grown adult, consent to a series of terrible financial decisions such as taking out vast debt to attend college for a meme degree, the government should also bail me out, this is the absolute most basic safety net imaginable, the ability to make terrible financial decisions with life altering consequences and have the tax payer pay for it

>> No.54060279

>when you fall for the marketing
lmao fucking retard faggot both parties are for the rich. and it worked really well too after tthe real left pulled occupy wall street and almost started lynching bankers outside the NYSE. now those same people cheer for George bush tier foreign policy and support wars. your post is a great example of the type of idiot the democrats appeal to. but the republicans are just the other side of the coin.

>> No.54060299
File: 617 KB, 750x748, 1678025667725519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for the chaos when banks get bailouts right before they deny student loan forgiveness

>> No.54060443
File: 230 KB, 1004x561, 6 Mega Banks Which May 'Bail You In' - G20 Bank Bail-In Laws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s not a bailout. If money I deposit at a bank can just disappear like in a third world shithole, what is the point of the US government and their USD token? This is the most basic fucking safety net I can ask for.

You're right it isn't a bailout, it's a bail-in.

>> No.54060548

And in the end the government actually made money from the bailouts. People always assume the money injected was just given but they were loans

>> No.54060917

Theyre kind of one and the same though. To bail out depositors is to bail out SVB anyway. SVB spent depositors money and took losses. If you bail out the depositors then SVB has no liabilities anyway and can just wait to maturity for the money back.

>> No.54061871

All this "muh left vs right" shitflinging has always been a distraction so that the elites and the goverment can rob people blind with bailouts and corporate welfare without you noticing. Republicans and Democrats pretend to be opposed, but in reality, they are both willing to sellout americans to their corporate overlords.

>> No.54061968

Low IQ Redditor tourists won’t believe you. They think banks are fully solvent for deposits and there’s a big vault in the middle of the bank where all that money is stored and Scrooge McDuck is swimming around, keeping an eye on everyone’s money kek. Banks are just playing a constant game of musical chairs, where the cash coming in just needs to be greater than the cash going out.

>> No.54062248

You are the real American. And I salute your courage.

>> No.54062275

Absolute lies and cope
>aggressively lying on /biz/ this badly
This is AI or another discord schizo from niggereddit.
Obama bailed out the banks. Obama destroyed the economy for a decade. Obama is the reason why you never had a job and have mutilated yourself instead of fathering children with the cute girl next door.
Keep worshipping king house nigger and his slave masters you demented misprogrammed chatbot.

>> No.54062465

This guy makes me ashamed to be mormon, makes us look like a bunch of jews.

>> No.54062677


>> No.54062696

this isnt about bail in or out, this is just a different kind of bankruptcy

>> No.54062700

Well, if the 'brew fits...

>> No.54062717

>It’s not a bailout. If money I deposit at a bank can just disappear like in a third world shithole

that is what happens due to the limit of deposit insurance.

if you want it all guaranteed, buy more insurance.

>> No.54062734

Making a deposist is not a life altering decision, you fucking moron

>> No.54062746


>> No.54062755

The Bane capital guy wants bailouts? How about no.

>> No.54062770

Sure seems pretty life altering for those who can't get their money out now.

>> No.54062794

Bailout just got denied by treasury

>> No.54062869


>> No.54063283

>Bailout just got denied by treasury

good. banks must be allowed to fail.

>> No.54063323

When I heard Oprah and Prince Harry and Megan had money there, I knew there would be a 100% bailout.

>> No.54063690

I'm not a regular /biz/ user and even I know the basics of how banks operate. I thought it was common knowledge that banks cover their operating costs by handing out loans using your money.

>> No.54064224

based knower

>> No.54064289

Do i even need to check early life?

>> No.54064714

>SVB depositors are just the companies that Mitt and his PE/VC friends own
This lmao he's sweating bullets because I'm sure he has his hands in a ton of le Silicone Slopes Utah-based "startups" that serve more as a money laundering scheme than anything

>> No.54064760

Based post

>> No.54064944

itt: brown third worlder crypto pajeets didn't know FDIC and equivalents exist in the first world, and think there can be a bank run in the west like in their shitholes

>> No.54065094


>> No.54065179

not your keys not your crypto

>> No.54065209
File: 50 KB, 640x480, bigboobauno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoiler, no help coming will save them.

>> No.54065235
File: 175 KB, 750x1024, 1678645463755110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SVB had NO head of 'risk assessment' for nine months before it collapsed... as woke boss for Europe, Middle East and Africa was busy organizing a month-long Pride campaign and a 'Lesbian Visibility Day'
sigh, women always have to ruin everything

>> No.54065246

>Once you deposit that money into the bank, it is no longer yours. The bank holds the right to give that money out in loans and such

correct. the bank owes you some money thats all, like it owes lots of businesses money

>> No.54065269

I think if depositors are not made whole it will cause a contagion of panic in the banking system.

Proposed Compromise: gov bailout for depositors, debt & equity investors get wiped out, all personal assets seized from the executives to partially reimburse the state/punish those responsible.

>> No.54065277
File: 113 KB, 1200x800, 1623706785938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a huge catastrophic downturn in the markets

>> No.54065359

If dems gave a shit about workers they'd close the border and stop putting "low income" (jobless nigger) housing in regular people's neighborhoods.

>> No.54065694
File: 144 KB, 1080x360, Screenshot_2023-03-12-19-48-31-08_0b2fce7a16bf2b728d6ffa28c8d60efb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good?

>> No.54066899

>left winger
god this place has gotten so stupid, glad i come back less and less

>> No.54066940

Well he sure as fuck ain't an alt-right grifter.

>> No.54066967

AI prompt: typical day in America

>> No.54067091

ok I get it now. fuck those incompetent geriatric fucks. If you want it done right, do it yourself.

>> No.54067122
File: 58 KB, 559x1024, 1652295210069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Time for the asteroid, we're at peak stupid.

>> No.54067182

It wasn’t real leftwingism

>> No.54067208

>believing a politician
>believing Moscow Mitt of all people
Big mistake.

>> No.54067287
File: 60 KB, 398x376, 1624378325795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on this board that put money in a LGBTQAI+ SUPPORT WOMEN'S RIGHT AND MINORITIES bank

>> No.54067339

How the fuck can these faggots be okay with giving money to banks but then bitch and moan about the student debt relief shit? Play stupid games win stupid prizes should apply to both right?

>> No.54067383

socialism for the rich.

>> No.54067386

It's Moscow Mitch, smart one

Mitt has spoken out against the fascist Russian regime since the beginning.

>> No.54067417

>FDIC only insures up to 250k
Where do do millionaires put all their cash then? Just split it up between 30 banks?

>> No.54067510

please god let it be no bailout

>> No.54067573
File: 112 KB, 1024x963, 1560464037816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Might as well dismantle the whole thing.

this is what I've been saying since 2012

>> No.54068355


>> No.54068737

Stock and property.
Most millionaires aren't literally sitting on a million dollars of cash.

>> No.54068908

Liquidate them all

>> No.54068930



The US is absolutely a third world shithole, you haven't been paying attention.

>> No.54068977

>the US is a third world shit hole
>this third world shit hole basically fucking runs the rest of the world
Lmao lets here your explanation for this

>> No.54069201
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>Might as well dismantle the whole thing.

>> No.54069377

Ohh well what do they do to fund their lavish lifestyles? Just sell stocks when they need cash?

>> No.54069747

What's the point of an economy of risk and reward when your risk is just eaten up by everyone else and you get all the reward

>> No.54070377

Should have paid more attention to the people they trusted with their funds and future. No need for us to pay them for their negligence.

>> No.54070447

When there is no money left, it is always possible to take it directly from the pocket of the goyim.