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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5405293 No.5405293 [Reply] [Original]

Have you taken the Ripio pill yet?

Smart contracts and SDK coming this month

>> No.5405355


it's not worth discussing with them

i posted a thread earlier today and no one bothered.
fuck them. i hope they miss this

>> No.5405382

Bought this and Decentraland not because I want quick money but because they are both interesting projects

>> No.5405469


not in mana
but i'm in RCN because of it's impact on microfinance and emerging markets
huge fucking MARKET!!!

no one is remotely interested in this. it's so fucking weird. all they want are skateboards and mcdonald's partnerships.

then again it's not like /biz would put a dent in RCN's price. but i hope some of them would realize the massive potential this has and how big it will be as we edge closer to April

they want to buy in during March. FINE! but it'll be at least 4x from where it is now. better stock up now when the it's dirt cheap

>> No.5405535


>sub 100 on cmc
>fulfills a worldwide need for credit lines to 2nd world countries
>cosigns loans to prevent default risks

Yea nah, fuck this shitcoin

>> No.5405662


Ethereum co-founder joined as lead advisor
Billionaire backing
VC funding
professional crew that meets all deadlines

yeah not worth our time or money


muh transaction speed
muh transaction fees

>> No.5405681

fuck no i havent taken the shit pill lol

>> No.5405711


i found the street shitter

>> No.5405883

fuck credits fuck banks
satoshi wants us to get rid of the banks

>> No.5405980


it's not a bank
it's decentalized P2P global retail loans. that means we lend to each other and we forego the high frictional costs associated with institutional lending. you know those credit card fees and 25% APR...
yeah that will all be gone with RCN's platform