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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 293 KB, 1154x703, 1678570968567911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54047121 No.54047121 [Reply] [Original]

You were warned on March 6th. It has begun, fasten your seatbelts because the ride has only just begun.

>> No.54047165

Jeannie's have moved into Uranus

>> No.54047176

Sounds filthy, tell me more

>> No.54047218
File: 35 KB, 800x450, B7772E5B-FB4F-4231-A61F-980AFEDCE593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my venus is in pisces is that bad

>> No.54047325

my fucking god please astrology trannies, TA trannies KYS and never post here again back to /pol/ & /x/

>> No.54047359
File: 44 KB, 550x525, s (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't actually believe this horseshit, do you?

>> No.54047384

I've entered your mother

>> No.54047404

C'mon it's not as crazy as technical analysis. Muh lines, scribbled wherever, jesus christ

>> No.54047526

This one confirms already what we know at this point, so not as exciting, but Mars is currently in Gemini. Mars is the planet of warfare, destruction, chaos and division, while Gemini is often associated with intelligence, analysis, intellect, communication and is related to the planet Mercury which gives it a strong bias towards Technology as well. Basically the programmer Nerd of Astrology. Well, its obvious what is happening then isn't it... a violent planet like Mars in Gemini would cause extreme volatility and chaos in the Tech and Communication sectors. You can also expect communication among people to become vitriolic, hateful and toxic, people are probably going to lose their mind as this SVB/tech fiasco continues to unfold and hurt economy, and the contagion begins to hit causing people to be at each others throats and finger pointing at each other. Gemini also governs speed and swiftness, so expect further chaos and shit to rolldown hill with extreme qucikness and gusto- there are no brakes on this train.

>> No.54047560
File: 217 KB, 1813x826, 2D89488C-9C9E-4CAA-A016-ADCB5A0E9652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No serious market movements or patterns to make with Saturn entering Pisces from last 3 times it did.

(pic rel, red circles are the sections in which Saturn was in Pisces)

>> No.54047585

cut my life into pisces

>> No.54047599
File: 76 KB, 640x640, e1nu37jv7mo91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except it all came true. Seethe harder dumbass reddit atheists. Reminder you guys are always wrong about everything, just as the last two years have perfectly demonstrated. Your sole purpose in life is to exist as the perfect contrarian indicator as to what decisions one should NOT make when planning for the future.

>> No.54047606

It's already over next week. Your autism has failed you once again bear faggot. Also
lmao you are female

>> No.54047609

1k EOY?

>> No.54047623

Interesting, but I'd like to know what's coming up next. What's the next pair?

>> No.54047636

blah blah blah tranny shit coin blah blah

ok buddy whatever you say dork

>> No.54047642

saturn entering pisces is bullish you dumb fucking cunt at least do your research before posting you fucking hylic retard

>> No.54047672

Fuck, I have been feeling sick all week. Maybe it's related?

>> No.54047732

Saturn entering Pisces does not necessarily mean the market in general will rise or crash in any significant way, it just means certain aspects of it, like a certain sector for instance, may be constrained or sluggish. It just so happens that the largely Pisces-governed woke/ESG bullshit is so heavily embedded into our economy this market cycle, and especially in Tech, which is a major market cap hoarder this time around, that when Saturn entered into Pisces on March 7th and placed a severe restriction on it, it shook the whole market with it.

>> No.54047766

Na they released another bioweapon, I'm immunocompromised and about to die, not even larping something changed.

>> No.54047795

Saturn will stay in Pisces until 2026, retard.

Seethe harder.

>> No.54047836

How many predictions didn't come true? Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then.

>> No.54047891

Pisces rules the twelfth house. It's a place of illusion. In that regard, Pisces and cancer have many histrionic similarities. Regardless of when you think the age ends, all can agree that mankind has toiled in the twelfth house for a long time. Deceit and treachery were the way. It's only now as the age is moving to the 11th house and we are embracing technoloy like distributed ledgers, moving away from the illusive Pisces, are we starting to see that mankind has been duped for a long time. Pisces is the girl that gets drunk and cheats on you but still thinks it's your fault somehow. Expect turmoil in the markets.

>> No.54047926

Oh ho ho, just you wait. There just one slight caveat to this post- Mars has actually not entered Gemini yet, Mars enters Gemini this MONDAY, MARCH 13th!!!! As in the fucking day after tomorrow, right as we sit on the brink of chaos in the markets and the Tech sector. Get fucking ready boys! The markets are going to be a fooking bloodbath this week.

>> No.54047942
File: 83 KB, 826x609, EQjM_TpXYAAHDhB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe harder
hur hur
sun moon mars lololol

>> No.54048059

As Leo enters Uranus, humanity will feel the barbed dick of a lion enter their puckered asshole. It will be clear to society that everyone will be in a bad mood due to having a barbed cock up their ass. While Lions are really cool, assholes are not. However, Uranus is really far from the sun, so in this case assholes will be cold. The lion cock will warm people up. Prepare for traditionally cold people to 'warm up' to new adventures.

>> No.54048060

Astrology is unironically more accurate than any idea to ever come out of a redditor's cum filled mouth.

Spooky, and good catch, anon.

>> No.54048075

>believing imaginary things
the newest religion

>> No.54048083

According to Indians Saturn is in Aquarius until 2025. What makes western > vedic?

>> No.54048137


>> No.54048247
File: 251 KB, 420x619, pluto generations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the economic freak out is because pluto is in capricorn and about to leave for pluto in aquarius.
The 2008 crash happened when pluto first entered capricorn

t. /x/

>> No.54048267
File: 83 KB, 1024x1017, 1676905886384898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people on /biz/ actually base their finances off the position of stars and planets

>> No.54048289

If you invest every full moon you'll come out on top because it's basically DCA.

>> No.54048339

After the results of the age of Pisces we should genocide all Pisces and nuke the entire star constellation

>> No.54048375

Pluto is not a real planet in classical Astrology. Pluto is a LARP.

>> No.54048962

>the death of ESG
i hope so

>> No.54049021

did you even look at the chart you posted?
corresponds to two major selloffs and the start of the megagiga gbr

>> No.54050367

jews move the markets in accordance to their calendar
how is following their moves any different