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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54043985 No.54043985 [Reply] [Original]

Raising interest rates is making housing prices fall, but the cost of building housing is also going up dramatically due to inflation.
So doesn't that mean less houses being built will result in house prices going back up?

>> No.54044010

Interdasting theory.

>> No.54044014

Only a Boomer die-off will return sanity to the housing market.

>> No.54044016

what is it like not understanding the cost of land?
not understanding how prices are set?
it must be so confusing for you.

>> No.54044025

I confused

>> No.54044046
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> help two identical houses, one in the middle of nowhere and one in the middle of manhatten, are different prices! the former is 200k, the later 3mm
> yet they both use the same materials
> is it because the cost of labour is 2.8mm more?
imagine being this stupid

>> No.54044083

All you need to know is money is literal mandrake magician shit. What do you actually want? Stop overthinking things

>> No.54044107

>> help two identical houses, one in the middle of nowhere and one in the middle of manhatten, are different prices! the former is 200k, the later 3mm
>> yet they both use the same materials
>> is it because the cost of labour is 2.8mm more?
>imagine being this stupid
That wasn't my argument at all retard.
I'm talking about building NEW houses with the massively increased cost of building materials. This would disincentive new building, leading to less housing supply.

>> No.54044350

cost of materials is insignificant compared to people being unable to take out loans to buy the house

>> No.54044615

are you building them on land you massive retard? is the cost of that land greater than zero?