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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54043899 No.54043899 [Reply] [Original]

BAT finally out of the top 100 market cap for good.

>> No.54044918

I'm surprised it took that long. BAT isn't worth a single cent with a garbage team that can't do anything right.

>> No.54045146

Why doesn't the browser block Brave search ads?

>> No.54045377

I haven’t gotten any search ads yet.

>> No.54045436
File: 104 KB, 692x390, abbyheader_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abbysisters.. it's over

>> No.54045462

God I love those fucking jugs. Like Jesus Christ.

>> No.54045507

Mommy i don't this ride anymore...

>> No.54045527

Also, tempting price point.
But I think BTC is going to crash further so better wait.

>> No.54045537

It’s confirmed, Brave kept the majority of their cash flow in SVB. They would’ve missed payroll yesterday if they didn’t liquidate 8 million+ BAT from the UGP wallet this week.

>> No.54045683

Depends whether your search matches their inventory. If you search something like "crypto exchange" you'll get an ad and suggestion to pay $3/month for ad-free search.

>> No.54045691

>Brave kept the majority of their cash flow in SVB
Proofs? Because the level of contempt Brendan and Luke seem to have for SBV suggests it's unlikely. And I don't mean contempt in a "oh these guys screwed us over too so *now* we hate them" way, but in a "these guys are Web 2.0 retards" kinda way.

>> No.54045854
File: 551 KB, 828x1792, DE3F2066-20F5-4C5C-95FB-46CA1E501DAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Forbes and WAPO are running ads on Brave now? Maybe there’s hope still.

>> No.54045893
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No those are normal results. Ads looks like this. Guess they are desktop only right now.

>> No.54045910

>I don't mean contempt in a "oh these guys screwed us over too so *now* we hate them" way
If you can’t spot an obvious deflection I don’t know what to tell you. The 8mm BAT dump from the UGP (the largest UGP dump ever) isn’t just another coincidence.

>> No.54045926

Are you being paid to view the beta ads?

>> No.54045949

Thanks to the team for the Brave browser! I can remember when BAT was the hot token on the block. Didn't want to deal with KYC was why I dumped it a long time ago.

>> No.54046126

No, I have ads turned off.

>> No.54046231

Why don’t you guys just ask Brendan and Jimmy since you’re DM’ing them on Twitter for nudes all the fucking time?

>> No.54046650

You might as well turn the ads on and get some BAT because you’re gonna get them regardless. It’s time to opt in anon

>> No.54046761

Can Eich still afford to hack my cam and watch me masturbate? I think I'd get lonely without his malign presence.

>> No.54046828

I'm don't want to kyc to some scammy exchange just for a few dollars a month.

>> No.54046978

So no proofs. Accusing people of naïveté isn't an argument. Shine on your retarded diamond you.

>> No.54048504
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nah surely its all a coincidence. 50% of all VC backed start-ups had exposure to SVB, and brave is based in silicon valley. surely brave didn't have any money there and them dumping a large amount of UGP is a complete coincidence.


its also coincidence that luke references a tweet that says that startups lost money that they use for payroll to pay their employees

surely brave isnt dumb enough to keep their money in the only fucking big bank failure since 2008. after all, they have demonstrated over the past 6 years that they are a VERY competent and capable group of individuals!

and besides, even if they lost all their money its not that big of a deal because brave is a very successful company that is just raking in the profits! they have very popular products like brave talk, vpn, and a paid search engine that millions of people pay to use every month. they also have tons of repeat business with big time ad revenue coming in from huge companies that love doing business with a platform whose ads get farmed by jeets for money, and whose CEO who tweets about covid conspiracies all day. dont worry guys we are in GREAT shape!!!

>> No.54048591
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>> No.54048726

>check CMC
>Zilliqa (ZIL) is above BAT in market cap

fucking lol, where did it all go so wrong. Also seems like BAT only ever drops in market cap rankings, I think it only shot up the ranks once. May have been in early 2021, I forget. Then it dropped like a rock once everything else caught up

>> No.54048902
File: 35 KB, 220x211, 3B5107C7-A352-49D3-8978-CF576E2735C3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basic Attention Token
>Fails to get basic attention

>> No.54048917

oh no Bravetards it’s over

>> No.54049000

I hope they lost everything at SVB. That way they can fire all the lazy faggots and tranny diversity hires they brought in over the past 3 years without getting sued for discrimination. They can rollout self serve and actually start promoting small regional businesses like they should’ve been doing all along. They can close the SF office and relocate out of the most expensive cost of living area in America. They can finally start pumping BAT to recoup all the money they lost in the bank instead of pretending BAT is nonexistent. They can also start bringing in some ad sales people and reaching out to smaller companies instead of waiting around for companies to notice them. A 5 day regional ad gets sold for a plumbing company in Oklahoma City, I want in. These fags got fat while everyone else is starved in the streets. It’s our turn. Brendan needs to stop being a bitch and flip the switch.

>> No.54049054

>Trips of truth.
Based and factpilled

>> No.54049067

if they lost all their money then they are fucking finished dumbass. they arent profitable yet.

>> No.54049123

Brave browser used to pay out a good amount of bat for viewing ads. Then they changed a few years back and have you get barely anything now. I'd rather just block my ads using ublock on Firefox than deal with the slower Brave browser.

>> No.54049221

Didn’t read most of this thread cause it’s bullshit and I’m drunk and vaping.

Thot poster, you around? I’ve got a request.

>> No.54049283

They are finished retard

>> No.54049296

If they can make the appropriate cuts and get thru the rest of 2023 and actually start building instead of just talking about it and not doing anything, they can make BAT pump to support a very lean staff off the gains. It’s a web browser, they don’t need more than 15-20 key workers. The company is bloated with fat useless eater shitbags and actual homosexual junkies.

>> No.54049592

lol they cant even get anything done or make the token moon after 6 years. you think they will be able to get it done with no money and no employees? what the fuck are you smoking

>> No.54049642

They are finished. I already told you

>> No.54049663

They couldn’t make it moon because they were getting cash from VCs. Now they got no other choice.

>> No.54049685

they already took the money from VC's but now they lost it. they still owe the money though.

why do you change your IP address after every post. its fucking weird.

>> No.54049731

Yea dude. They are finished. What are you still blabbering about. Go home

>> No.54049741

>they already took the money from VC's but now they lost it. they still owe the money though.
Why would they owe the money back if they never received it? That makes no fucking sense.

>> No.54049783

Yep, the grind to zero continues. BAT is still completely useless and there're no plans to change that. It's basically vaporware.

>> No.54049811

>Why would they owe the money back if they never received it?
...because they borrowed the money. if you get a loan for something and you lose the money, you still owe the lender

>> No.54049885

This thread is so shit. Can you guys just shutup.

>> No.54049949

The VP of ads sold. Why havent you

>> No.54049990

thats right i forgot you just want to bury your head in the sand like a dumb nigger

>> No.54050054

Wait is this true?

>> No.54050173

Yellenstain and the gang is already bailing them out anyway. They can go back to free money sloth life again. Powell is such weak bitch. I hold a fuckton of BAT and even I want them to fail miserably.