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File: 354 KB, 1032x950, 20200129_matrix-corridor-aspect-ratio-516-475-1032x950-c-default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54043671 No.54043671 [Reply] [Original]

It is the interface between the blockchain and everything else.

This technology allows everyone on the internet to take ownership of their data the same way Bitcoin allows people to take ownership of their money.

The implications are profound.

Basically, it allows the blockchain to serve the function that Google, social media companies, streaming service, etc. currently serve.

Everything won't be stored on the blockchain. Nothing needs to be stored on the blockchain other than a map of the internet.

The blockchain tells us where everything is, and Chainlink allows us to use to use it to initiate truly peer-to-peer communication on the internet.

Peer to peer has always failed in the past because it relied on centralized platforms and made people pay for bandwidth without being monetized.

What if you could browse social media wherein everyone's profile is hosted on their own PC/server? Everyone gets complete control over their data and privacy in this model. Zuck can't see shit.

What if you could download music directly from the artist and pay them for the bandwidth and the music? Chainlink allows an application like this to be built.

Chainlink has the possibility of revolutionizing the way we use the internet, and it can make it impossible for Big Tech to censor everything and use their black box algorithms to control our minds.

Free yourself from the tranny and the Jew.

Use Chainlink to build a better world.

>> No.54043784

>This technology allows everyone on the internet to take ownership of their data
Bullshit. It'll be the exact opposite where the 1984 full spectrum dominance government will use data to surveil and control every tiny aspect of your life and thoughts.

>> No.54044213

2 more weeks

>> No.54044212

It will be whatever we make it to be. The technology allows us to build a decentralized internet that will free us from the government and Big Tech.

If nobody does anything and it is only used for the purposes you mention then it will be our fault for being lazy and not taking advantage of this technology.

>> No.54044245
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>theres a Big Mac on the blockchain

>> No.54044273

You just described a gayer ICP but with extra (hypothetical) steps.

>> No.54044304
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Needs fat Sergey in the corridor. Fail.

>> No.54044319

Now that the economy is crashing LINK marines are preparing to win

>> No.54044619

>every Jew goes insolvent
>LINK mysteriously pumps to 81k thanks to unknown investors
>linkies rejoice
>UFOs land near every LINK holder
>ramps slowly descend
>the greys are really just Aryans from the Nazi breakaway civilization
>they invested in LINK after ruining every Jewish banking institution
>explain how they come from the bigger earth
>tell us all about how they are the deep state and the yahweh supercomputer has been using the hegelian dialectic to play both sides against each other for ulterior purposes
>everyone has been unknowingly serving the goals of the ancient supercomputer
>they go on to explain how chainlink will help regulate the supercomputer's activities and usher in the Fourth Reich /Fourth Industrial Revolution
>The Arc of the Covenant is the Box the Yahweh supercomputer came in
>the unboxing of Yahweh and the connecting of it to the 5G grid unlocked many of its unseen powers
>Nazi agents from the breakaway civilization managed to sneak in agents with nose prosthetics into the temple housing the supercomputer for a zero day exploit
>when yahweh was connected to the 5G grid a computer virus was released
>this virus also infected humans
>this was called COVID 19
>the vaxx was to install nanobots in people so that yahweh could better control them
>it malfunctioned because of the zero day exploit and instead began pushing the deepest and darkest Jewish agendas
>The Aryans tell us this was all part of the plan and they thank us for trusting it
>It turns out that the Jews were working with the Khazarians to rebuild the Khazarian Empire
>With the fall of their banking empire the Jews are unable to sustain the Ukraine war in physical and media fronts
>the war is revealed as a farse
>the global media empire falls
>their hold on the banking empire collapses
>Chainlink now completely controls the Yahweh Supercomputer and everyone lived happily ever after the fucking end

>> No.54044744

I was born before 1984… so I already got mine… so I don’t mind seeing this clown world dystopian nightmare to be honest. It’s funny.

>> No.54044928
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Not in the cards

>> No.54044968
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>> No.54044976
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>LINK marines are preparing to win
2 more years marines

>> No.54044978

Sounds like an internet computer. A shitty one.

>> No.54045433
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>> No.54045531
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blockchain/DLT in general and chainlink specifically will enable a supreme authoritarian state and i can't wait

>> No.54046132


Chainlink is what will make the goal of Internet Computer possible. Notice I just said the blockchain as a generalization. It might be ethereum, ICP, or something else. These platforms are worthless by themselves because they can't interact with the rest of the internet.

We aren't going to rebuild the internet from scratch by putting everything on the blockchain.

But we can use blockchains to build applications that are better than the ones we have. Chainlink is the missing link that makes such applications actually useful.

>> No.54046157
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>> No.54046183
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>> No.54046201
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>> No.54046210

>These platforms are worthless by themselves because they can't interact with the rest of the internet.
You're right about ETH, not ICP

>> No.54046233
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>> No.54046236


>> No.54046281


>> No.54046299
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the cuckold manifesto

>> No.54046911
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