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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 166 KB, 736x919, bankrun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54043007 No.54043007 [Reply] [Original]

I just withdrew all the money in my bank of america savings account. if you don't see the obvious collapse that's going to happen next week, then you cannot be saved. it's unironically over. buy canned food, ammo, rations, oil, and gas. don't forget the can opener.

>> No.54043045

Im going to rob you

>> No.54043052

Nothing ever happens

>> No.54043119
File: 672 KB, 2924x2336, Bank_Run_on_American_Union_Bank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing ever happens

>> No.54043125

Now use that to buy gold and silver, leaving about $10k in cash and bury it all somewhere safe.

>> No.54043142

Me too i withdrew my $37 and deposited in my Doordash account for more safe keeping. Stocked up here with me cans and anime pillow. Bring on the acapella sirs i am ready!!!!

>> No.54043151

Shoulda got some twenties

>> No.54043164

Good, you can wipe your ass with it after.

>> No.54043173

>use that to buy gold and silver,
gold especially but silver too is no longer what you think it is. it is considered largely for its actual use value now as opposed to be "le inflation hedge" or whatever, people on here treat gold like its another coin.

>> No.54043196
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I've got a lot of pms and even more weapons/ammo.
Plus I have a farm that's a half hour from the nearest interstate.

I'm so ready for shit to pop off, it's not even funny

>> No.54043214
File: 74 KB, 650x713, b6593-necklace_star-of-davi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dropped this
I forgot the third precious metal, lead. Buy lots of that too OP.

>> No.54043229

its never going to pop off in your lifetime so enjoy farm life

>> No.54043363
File: 25 KB, 602x434, FRED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its never going to pop off in your lifetime

>> No.54043689


>> No.54043705

Shalom rabbi, are you allowed to post on the Sabbath?

>> No.54043723

Should I keep rolling my T bills over so they don’t touch my checking account? My bank is a small credit union. Are credit unions at risk too?

>> No.54043779

>it is considered largely for its actual use value now as opposed to be "le inflation hedge"
Yet central banks keep accumulating. Even better that it’s industrial use is starting to get priced in as well.

>> No.54043813

I'm in a credit union, we aren't insured by the FDIC, we are insured by NCUA. Who insures NCUA?

>> No.54043820

Rabbi, don't you have baby dicks to be sucking?

>> No.54043844

>Bank is in a tight liquidity situation
>Still solvent though
>Retards think it's a great time to withdraw everything for some reason
>Bank fails because the accessible capital was tight
>Not everybody can get out
>Blame the banks, instead of the people that drained the currently active reserves for zero purpose other than feeling "safe".
>As if cash during a severe crash was worth anything anyways

You retards never cease to amaze me. You are objectively making your situation the worst it could possibly be.

>> No.54043912


>> No.54043937

>You gave it to us
Yeah retard, you asked the bank to handle your capital. They handled it. You signed the dotted line without reading.

>> No.54043939

>Who insures NCUA?
NCUA bros I don’t feel so good

>> No.54043949

>precious metals brainlet trap
Yes, do it. Lose your money, you fucking idiot. You deserve it.

>> No.54043965

The idea is to withdraw it and spend it on something that will retain its value, that way you actually have something besides a fraction of your saved up worthless paper.

>> No.54043986

Imagine being anti preparedness to the point you wait until the very end , until panic has gripped your city. You go to the store to get supplies for the family, the wife is pregnant with your 3rd, the dogs are waiting patiently at home.

You pull up to the store only to see a line of people waiting to get in. People walking out virtually empty handed. You think "hmmm thats odd, why arent they buying anything".

You finally get inside to see in amazement that the shelves are as bare as OPs pictures. Almost nothing left, well nothing of value.

You eventually head home, completely destroyed, in denial that this cant be happening. "Its literally nothing" the memeflag poster kept saying. How can he be wrong.

After you break the news to the family they begin to resent you for not being open to prepping in the first place. Your wifes boyfriend has been doing it for years and has plenty of supplies, hes offered to take care of your wife and two daughters. You have no choice but to accept, in reality they were going to leave regardless.

Now you are stuck in an empty home with the starving dogs, Its either you or them at this point. They will turn on you eventually too.

All this because you thought the word prepper = schizo. All because you let your pride and ego take control.

Use some common sense. Prepare now for what could be tomorrow. Its best to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

>> No.54043987

I'll state this though.
All the mobs run on the banks
Banks fail
Fed ends tightening, starts easing
Hyperinflation starts because of flush cash and assets
The money you mattressed is immediately worthless overnight.
There are very good reasons to not withdrawal more than you need during a tightening cycle. It's to prevent greater autism in the markets.

>> No.54044028
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There is no need to though.
The banks are healthy, the belt is just tight right now. It's only when retards start panicking that they fail. Even during peak good years they can fail if everybody panics.
You are literally causing an unnecessary crisis.

>> No.54044032

>Lose your money
Youre aware that you can simply sell silver and gold and get your money back at any time, right?

>> No.54044042

>banks shouldn't have abandoned the fractional reserve.

>> No.54044065

it's my money and i do what i want with it. im withdrawing. end of story. cope and seethe.

>> No.54044097
File: 2.19 MB, 2048x2048, 1678560369993722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what you do, you will ultimately fail.
Inflation WILL die.

>> No.54044102

>There are very good reasons to not withdrawal more than you need during a tightening cycle.
Maybe there’s good reason for you to lose your money in a bank run but not the rest of us. I’ll see you in the line on Monday.

>> No.54044112

Do you think they would tel the plebs if that wasn’t the case, or would they just say “everything is fine don’t panic” while they fuck you as hard as possible until it’s too late for you to protect yourself?

Besides, It’s foolish to keep large sums of money in the bank. It should either be in an investment like stocks or crypto to make you money, or used to buy physical items like real estate or precious metals so it’s not eaten away by inflation.

>> No.54044128

sure rambo. probably live in section 8 housing with latisha and 5 of tyrones babies.

>> No.54044177

I'll still have hundreds of ounces of gold and silver while you'll be sucking dick for scraps of federal reserve notes

>> No.54044186

>All this because you thought the word prepper = schizo. All because you let your pride and ego take control.

>Use some common sense. Prepare now for what could be tomorrow. Its best to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
I have some food stored away but if SHTF I’ll just take my artillery and commandeer my local grocery store

>> No.54044192

There aren't bank runs though.
>Inb4 SVB
We already know that was just a few retarded New money Oligarch babies who had never made large withdrawals before, and they all demanded their billions same second from a branch office. Then started shitting and crying that the bank had lost it all, never even letting the bank prepare the sum. As is customary for banks, there is a waiting period for supremely large withdrawals as they get assets in order for it. To prevent losses to the other depositers.
You're just slightly paranoid because of years of fear porn.
>Would they tell the plebs if that wasn't the case
JPMorgan is constantly releasing public access reports about the economy, and health of banks. Sometimes biased if they view a bank as competition.
But yeah, banks do want you to always trust them. They don't ever want to break that trust.

>> No.54044228

85% of my liquid wealth is in bitcoin/rose/hbar. I have about $90,000 in a retirement fund through work that I can’t touch and don’t have access to for another 24 years anyway. I only have about $2000 liquid in the system that I will lose during the collapse… the only hit I’ll take is on that $90k retirement fund that will eventually recover, and my job is recession proof so I’ll basically just end up slurping cheap stock shares in my work retirement account

>> No.54044247

>As is customary for banks, there is a waiting period for supremely large withdrawals as they get assets in order for it. To prevent losses to the other depositers.
If I can’t get my deposits back immediately it means they took my money and did something stupid with it. The bank is overleveraged and they deserve to fold.

>> No.54044292

silver was 50$ in 2011

>> No.54044376

I have $50K in my checking account.
Pretty sure if I tried to withdraw it all the FBI would kick down my door tonight and blow my brains out while I was sleeping or something.

>> No.54044378
File: 61 KB, 1024x762, 1678482113047144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I want it to fail because I hedged my investments against a healthy economy

>> No.54044418
File: 42 KB, 632x383, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explosion correlates with the definition change

>> No.54044419

You're too stupid for words. Give your money to a professional to handle.

>> No.54044445

My man this is the most pathetic form of victim blaming I've ever seen.

>> No.54044469

>The banks is at fault
You are for choosing the wrong bank turbo. Be responsible with your money.
Microsoft doesn't run it's finances out of Ol Macdonalds single town bank.
All I can say is...
Incredibly based.

>> No.54044490

Except there were no victims.
Just rich entitles twats that wanted their entire account instantly, even at the risk of other depositors losses.

>> No.54044497
File: 58 KB, 708x708, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you win the shoot-out, bro. Save a can of picrel for me.

>> No.54044544

Literally nothing is going to happen unless you fucking retards across the nation all panic at once and withdraw your money at the same thing. I swear to fucking god social media and the internet are a literal cancer on society

>> No.54044593

>reddit spacing
is this copypasta from some boomer shtf forum? its very gay

>> No.54044613

Just like how we shouldn't panic over inflation or lockdowns? Fuck you kike, it's my money, and I want it now

>> No.54044642

I am panicking over inflation. Powell needs to go higher. We need higher rates.
The lockdowns? Worth panicking over, given the gross amount of government over reach. They really need to create regulations and laws around what they can and can't do. Arresting church goers was fucking disgustingly tyrannical.

>> No.54044732
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 3526786269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm withdrawing tomorrow... you're making me hard

>> No.54044970

If the globohomos can organize BLM riots on social media, organizing a bank run that crashes the entire economy will be easy as pie. And let’s be honest, most of us are praying that society will start crumbling.