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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54039375 No.54039375 [Reply] [Original]

If "the Fed" can print money, why don't they just give us all of our money back?

>> No.54039483

No refunds.

>> No.54039511

The entire point of the rate hikes is to reduce demand (i.e. your money)

>> No.54039517

You still don't understand political economy? How many times do I have to explain: economic power means political power. No economic power, no control over policy. Period.

>> No.54039526

Because they give it to their Jew banker friends

>> No.54039530

why would they print money for you? defeats the purpose of printing money in the first place

>> No.54039540

Only private banks can print money.

>> No.54039544

nominal vs real money
It causes real inflation
"more dollars chasing the same goods"

>> No.54039545
File: 433 KB, 700x970, DD985280-168F-4FD6-A2FA-D9BE0AEDB853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on my chon
>not on my watch pal

>> No.54039617

The point of central bank fiat is to make you work. So while they certainly could, they will not.

>> No.54039640

So if they wanted to they could make us work more for less

>> No.54039679
File: 362 KB, 1200x1093, 2C08B899-85CF-49AC-8774-BE852E1E049F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if they wanted to
oh goy…

>> No.54039681

When has a jew ever said anything to help?

>> No.54039761
File: 222 KB, 594x780, 0675E65A-DB0A-4054-8E7D-50AD69EF7D92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it happens, but they don’t live long after they do…

>> No.54039856
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>oi guv oughta be anglos propa robbin you instead innit? Just give us the banks and we will treat you better, just like we did the bengalis, promise

>> No.54039872

Everyone asks "wtf happened in 1971" and not "why did bretton woods collapse to begin with"

>> No.54039899

>money printer go brrrrrrrr