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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 581 KB, 1372x2000, 8175 - 2soyjaks 4chan angry bloodshot_eyes cap clothes crying frog glasses hat helmet military nazism open_mouth pepe pol_(4chan) schutzstaffel soyjak stretched_mouth stubble variant chudjak variant classic_soyjak wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54037390 No.54037390 [Reply] [Original]

The worst fear of edgy /pol/faced rightoids is being mocked as impotent.
They're immunized against most insults; ugly, fat, evil, monstrous, degenerate - even failsons. They can shrug it all off.
The /pol/face meme on the other hand acts on their deepest fears. Their pathological sense of inadequacy, impotence and fear of emasculation that informs their worldview.

It's okay to be ugly, undesirable, even a cum-guzzling diaper-scat bottom-furry. As long as - deep down - they're feared.
They're okay with being ignored, denounced, even mocked. But they can't stand being laughed at as impotent and powerless. It's many times worse than being ignored or mocked in other ways.
It's like the incel fear that women will laugh at them. It's not the rejection itself, it's having their deep seated self-loathing and impotence publicly acknowledged by the Other.
Specifically: The fear of being perceived as powerless is greater than the actual fear of being powerless.

Liberals of course play right into this by portraying rightoids (including /pol/faced mass shooters) as a terrifying unstoppable evil that should be feared by the masses. Something they get off to. Every. Time.

/pol/ has been mocked for years, going back to the 7+1chan days. So far nothing stuck. Leaders exposed as zionists and pedophiles? Nothing. Furries and Nazis in drag? Nothing. Hypocrisy? Statistics? Actually existing white genocide by rightoids? Nothing.

The /pol/face though made them melt down within 24 hours. To be the point they've spend days spamming with thousands of IPs to prove how "not mad" they are. (Mind that they've never done this before)

And before you say "words words words" or "da left cant meeem" here's a TLDR: You're impotent, inadequate, powerless. And deep down you know it.

>> No.54037464
File: 63 KB, 249x420, 1DCBDCAE-D384-495C-AF90-311D06DF8B76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews really are seething today over yet another of their institutions being btfo’d by the based chink

>> No.54037494
File: 71 KB, 350x350, 1603060297749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great post op

>> No.54037525

>ugly, fat, evil, monstrous, degenerate - even failsons.

cause i'm beautiful 8.5/10 chad,in shape,30% evil,not degenerate or monstrous. Failson is just the latest projection made by trannies ,the genetic deadends.

the biggest redpill you retards fail to accept is how much better than you >80% of us are

tl/dr, weak pasta,wrong board,saged

>> No.54037622
File: 609 KB, 630x494, 1678194758725111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wrote all that text but I didn't even read it lol

>> No.54037694

how about you go post this on pol you fucking discord newfag

>> No.54037771

>And before you say "words words words" or "da left cant meeem" here's a TLDR: You're impotent, inadequate, powerless. And deep down you know it.

what has upset you so much?

>> No.54037830


>> No.54037873
File: 549 KB, 1342x1774, 1619140132139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah people are definitely gonna click you link chud

>> No.54037913

What’s chud? You wouldn’t happen to use buzzwords you don’t understand like a bot/npc?

>> No.54037935


>> No.54037972



>> No.54037988

>To be the point they've spend days spamming with thousands of IPs to prove how "not mad" they are.
when did this occur?

>> No.54037996
File: 279 KB, 711x700, 1634389734970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow really got me chud. Absolute low IQ answer from you

>> No.54038028

existential anxiety of potential economic collapse has made the biden administration look incompetent, which is in fact worse than the economic collapse itself.

>> No.54038068
File: 175 KB, 845x1024, 8F459DAA-1159-4F75-A5E8-53C82455247E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m rubber you’re glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you

>> No.54038079

How is asking a question if you understand words you use low IQ? Ironically it’s low IQ to use words you don’t understand. Do you understand that?

>> No.54038104

You write a whole lotta nothing. Thanks for the bumps though chud

>> No.54038111


>> No.54038154
File: 220 KB, 800x1069, 01EC2D2B-4342-41A8-89DB-6642A16BC840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5403 >8104
reminder these are the npcs spamming “go back to /pol/“ on 4chan

>> No.54038172
File: 35 KB, 392x590, 1634856175486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54038235

I've had more conversations with fellow fathers on /pol/ than I've had on other boards. Where does the impotent thing come from? It seems more likely that porn addicted hedonists would be impotent (assuming you exclude death grip fapping as a notable sexual act)

>> No.54038314
File: 168 KB, 564x277, qy1iqb9oiwz31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir, this is /biz/