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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54036084 No.54036084 [Reply] [Original]

each week i steal at least $100 worth of food from self serve check outs, what are the financial implications of this

>> No.54036121

dont see anything wrong with taking the advantage. you basically win if you dont get caught.

>> No.54036126

about 4800 in savings a year I think

>> No.54036132
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You have to risk it for a mere $100

>> No.54036138

Go ahead and steal, anon. I pay full price to cover you guys

>> No.54036141

the problem is if you have a regular store and get caught then you get banned and have to go far away to get food now

no thanks

>> No.54036166

I would scann and einpack her if you see what I mean

>> No.54036179

I pay for one thing and take 3 lel

>> No.54036186
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>drive to a store two hours away
>change license plates before entering store parking lot
>go into store with a beard and a hat, glasses, and covid mask on.
>fill shopping cart with all the groceries you want just keep it under felony theft price
>walk out with groceries and drive away because wagies aren't allowed to do anything to you

>> No.54036199
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I would scan her and einpacken, wenn you know what I mean

>> No.54036218

if you're not a nigger or a socially awkward fuck you can actually get away with it (the first time, don't repeat for a while obviously)
>don't act guilty
>oh sorry sir, forgot the content of this bag
>good job, thanks for watching carefully

>> No.54036219
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Damn you were faster but I got digits too nice

>> No.54036226

sexyyy sexx mmm
nice bra

>> No.54036227

>theft under a thousand its not rocket appliances

>> No.54036237

thats based. my wife works as a chef at a fancy golf club, we dont even go to the supermarket we eat stolen steaks, stolen bread, and drink stolen coffee.

>> No.54036244

>what are the financial implications of this
Pretty good until they get you, and even after that you don't spend money in prison.
win win

>> No.54036263
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Just buy your shit
Are you people really so poor you scheme ways to steal fucking groceries lmao

>if you're not a nigger or a socially awkward fuck you can actually get away with it (the first time, don't repeat for a while obviously)
Stealing from a grocery automatically puts you in nigger tier

>> No.54036277

Ist kaffee gut fur dich?

>> No.54036293

I think people also forget that if they commit such petty crimes, dishonest behavior will become a habit for them. Nobody will want to do business with them since they are not individuals worthy of trust. They will be forever relegated to the tail end of society, living like the bottom feeders they are

>> No.54036361
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>if you're not a nigger or a socially awkward fuck you can actually get away with it
>tfw I live in a brown country where nobody trusts white people
Actually feels good that white people can't "jew" us.

>> No.54036426

When I grocery shop, I just point ma gun at da cashier and shout gimme da money bitch, thats how I not only save on groceries I MAKE money!!!

>> No.54036430
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>> No.54036471

>They will be forever relegated to the tail end of society, living like the bottom feeders they are
Because the rulers of society are such honest transparent morally upstanding people, right?

>> No.54036500

This mindset creates niggerville

>> No.54036501

in a few weeks they will arrest you on the way out, and the cops will tell you they have video of you taking enough that youre gonna wanna take the plea deal your public defender is gonna be a tired uncaring pigdog and he will go out to get drinks with the prosecutor after they throw you in the slammer. if youre white they will let you bail for 3x the amount

>> No.54036511

I love that the yt people in America get fucked every day. We need another real black power movement to behead and kill all yt people and help our melanin enriched bretren and sisters. Kill all yt people and take their food and shit

>> No.54036575

No, it's just the truth. You either have master morality or slave morality. Both the poorest people and richest people have master morality, the retarded lemmings that choose to go to school for four years to work all day for fiifty more years and do things by the book their entire lives and keep wondering why they are depressed faggots going nowhere in life have slave morality. You seem to be in the latter.

>> No.54036603
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bro what the fuck are you talking about lmao
if you do things by the book you can retire in 10-20 years

>going to school and working for a bit is slave mindset
dear god this fucking board is poor as shit

>> No.54036662

t. slave

>> No.54036692
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>proceeds to link Andrew Tate
holy fuck you cannot be serious

yeah have fun stealing groceries in the self-checkout line while I have enough cash to literally get them hand-delivered to my house

because I have a "slave mentality" apparently by going to school and making 80k a year

>> No.54036693

can you pay the 10% inflation because of your US colony hobby too please, thank you very much. And with "thank" i mean fuck

>> No.54036720

Loss prevention has started building profiles on people so they can slap you with a felony once you've hit the right amount

>> No.54036728

>80k a year
Holy shit kek you really are a slave, not even six figure hell for this lad. How many years of boring ass lectures did you have to sit through to make those big bucks champ?

>> No.54036763
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This has got to be the funniest conversation I've had in ages

Whatever bro, maybe you'll be the next "master mindset alpha male" delivering my next batch of groceries this week

>> No.54036793

dat nigga bait frfr. Niggers need to look at other countries where they did that and reconsider if that's what the outcome they desire or envision but sadly niggers can't think ahead due to their inferior nigger brain.

t: been to several african nations

>> No.54036814

dingdingdingdingding, this is the answer. Stores aren't retarded and they watch the self checkout areas with numerous cameras, just because you snuck a haul past whatever overworked employee is telling folks which machines will or won't accept cash doesn't mean it isn't all recorded. They just wait, compile evidence, and when your theft reaches a felony amount they send the cops to your house and you get completely fucked and never get another job other than the lowest of the low for having that on your record. Unless you're literally starving to death theft of groceries is maximum retardation and even if you are starving you have a finite amount of theft you'll be able to get away with before you get locked up for it.

>> No.54036849
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I peel off the expensive stickers of the organic bananas and then put the stickers of the cheap bananas on them. Every single time I'm buying bananas I'm lowering some banana picking niggers profits. I'm a menace to nigger society.

>> No.54036863

Damn bro, you a real chad, you can even afford to have your groceries delivered to you? I bet you have both Netflix AND Hulu too, good shit man. Maybe if you get that raise you've been hoping for you can afford Starbucks everyday instead of McDonalds coffees, keep going champ.

>> No.54036907
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Yeah bro, glad you think so.
Anyway, real talk, if you're actually a grown ass man, reality is going to slap you in the face really soon

The best advice I can give you is abandon all that "slave and master mindset" bullshit, and realize cold hard reality doesn't care about whatever contrivances you come up with in your head to cope with your current situation

>> No.54036997

i do it because i can not because i need to

>> No.54037006

Why does ever Sprite commercial ever made star black "people"?

>> No.54037018

You have to go to work on monday lmfao. Meanwhile I'm gonna do a line a coke and hit your fat wife up. You a 9 to 5 guy? 6 to 4? I wanna arrive as you're leaving for work to laugh at you.

>> No.54037030

well, I can't make you listen
have a nice day!

>> No.54037052

You have to work on Monday XD

>> No.54037098

But then someone else (who isn't a nigger like you are) pays for what they think are expensive ones, but they're getting the cheap ones instead. So you're actually not doing a damn thing except being niggardly. Or maybe another niggerbefore went in and swapped all the stickers before you were there, and you're buying the cheap ones with re-swapped stickers, and feeling clever for no reason.

>> No.54037185

Post hands.

>> No.54037389

This just means i have a free credit amount up to a certain amount at every big chain i can bother to drive to

>> No.54037527


>> No.54037625

Seems like a lot of work to match up who stole what at different times on different days
Don’t grocery store employees make like $10 per hour?

>> No.54037641

No, my country's immigration policies, welfare polices and failure to hold actual criminals accountable creates niggerville. Me stealing from the self checkout is just me getting somthing back.

>> No.54037747

>wont just pay regular cashiers
>will hire trained security to watch cameras on multiple stations and compile evidence, stringing together multiple visits accross multiple shifts of possibility hundreds of people.
Yeah ok, dont care about your cherrypicked fabricated paid for by the corporations bullshit news stories.

>> No.54037842

you increase the prices for everyone else, spread out over people who actually pay. increase the chances stores will no longer be viable and will be closed

>> No.54037867

Yes, because of everytime that there's record profits companies decide to pass those on to the consumer in the form of lowering prices.

>> No.54037920

Not that I would ever do this, but accelerate, nigger! This bread and circus must eventually come to an end.

>> No.54037926
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No you fucking nigger, I dont put the organic banana stickers on the cheap ones, they end up in my jacket pocket or something.

>> No.54038265
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>> No.54038334



>> No.54039719

making 80k a year should grant you a position of shutting the fuck up

>> No.54039848

The nigger politicians whose boots you’re licking create nigger ville. They destroyed the social contract and don’t follow the laws they expect me to so why the fuck should I play by the rules? I’m worth over 300k but still shoplift regularly and will continue to do so. No why? Because a FUCK EM that’s why. I’ve tried being honest and doing what’s right and every year (((they))) press their boots harder on the common peoples neck so I do not give a fuck about stealing from some globo homo mega corp when they’ve raised the cost of living 20% in a year and made housing completely un affordable
Tuck your little pecker into your chastity device and crawl back in your hole you beta cuckold. I’ve been stealing from these things for a decade gotta be around 10-15k+ by this point and they won’t do shit. Just don’t be a retard and go to the same store every week.

>> No.54039858

>no food expenses
something small but important, you can save a little but not so much, why not just buy everything you would like and 3 months later just spend money on coins? that's what I'm doing with sora, I feel like I'm in debt with myself but a fair one

>> No.54039904

They will catch you and you will pay more in return. High trust societies exist and you have to fuck it up with your nog behavior

>> No.54040136

this man is a solid 10/10 for me
>fair, soft, skin
>narrow frame
>perfect breasts
and barely any sexooo posting. why do your men have to have gargantuan asses, masculine faces, and cow tits to coompost? you disgust me /biz/

>> No.54040253
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Yfw when your Romanian cell mate says your body is perfect for him to practice his master mindset on

>> No.54040789

even the biggest retard can hit play and fast forward through a video. with enough training they can take a screenshot and print out your face to look for next time

>> No.54040824

I did it once accidentally with a roll of aluminum foil and still have no idea how it got in there without being scanned

>> No.54040834

Yup. Good society. And society w/ niggers.

>> No.54040878

Cope, i know plenty of 6 figure people who steal at stores

>> No.54041019

how do you people not know that the plu # for banananananans is 4011? punch that in on self checkout and youre paying for basic bitch congo banananananas

>> No.54041077

pretty much, if i go through the self checkout, at least one item is not getting scanned

>> No.54041100
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>> No.54041119

i make $120k a year and i steal at least one item every time i go to the store. it doesn't take much to offset a 2-5% net margin on your purchase.

>> No.54041126

thats how black people turn their neighborhood into food deserts

>> No.54041142

How many packs of oreos do you have to steal to make the difference between your wages?

>> No.54041169

im not black and i work from home so i can do this anywhere in the country

>> No.54041207

>Traveling the world to steal doritos and snickers
You had me at Traveling the world anon

>> No.54041346

The cost of automation lmao

>> No.54041757

"full head of hair"

>> No.54041803

$100 every time you visit the grocery store adds up fellow zoomer.

>> No.54041980


>> No.54042186

>Get you one time.
>Find out who you are
>They see you multi times on cameras.
>Anal lube

>> No.54042666

It’s not actually humans doing the watching and figuring out who took what when and how much it cost. Where have you been?!?! You are constantly being monitored by A.I. and everything is recorded/. Wear a disguise, change your license plate, but don’t forget to leave your tracking device phone at home… and what about that credit card you used to actually buy the items you didn’t steal?? You are under constant surveillance and there is almost no practical way to avoid it.. perhaps you could grow your own food but then I’m sure you would find something else you need to steal like fertilizer, gloves, tools,pesticides, whatever. It is what it is! I just love all this hecken technology!!! It’s so cool!!!

>> No.54043715

Woah that's a really interesting way of looking at things

>> No.54043741

Who cares about profits. Show me the margins lol

>> No.54043816

I don't use self checkout. I'm not doing the grocery store's job for them.

>> No.54044331

Make sure you’re collecting the saffron for maximum value.

>> No.54044374

That's what companies get for not paying their employees decently and replacing them with machines

>> No.54044411


>> No.54044493

They always have people watching at the store I go to. They treat me like I’m stealing which I understand due to my skin tone (tan but not black).

>> No.54044663

steal steaks and buy $steak simple as

>> No.54044707
File: 170 KB, 930x870, neet cucks go to jail self checkout stealing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jail time kek. Have fun!

>> No.54044821

Paying taxes to uphold the current sóyciety automatically puts you in cuck tier
CEO of Based
What do you steal? I mainly go for steaks (beef and tuna), salmon and other high quality meats and fish

>> No.54044844

>nigger cattle who thinks the police are omnipotent
i've done things you couldn't even dream of (no, not pedo shit) and i'm still here.

>> No.54044972

$100 per month isn't worth becoming a felon if they catch on and start watching you. Not worth the headache of a misdemeanor either really.

>> No.54045054

i just get all my food from catering at work

>> No.54045096
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Karmatic laws
You wish to become a kike ?
Pathetic, truly

>> No.54046381

Yts think they winning, lmao
We got ebt free food.

>> No.54046543

>Paying taxes to uphold the current sóyciety automatically puts you in cuck tier
Food is not taxed in America, only hot prepared foods.

>> No.54046564

good goy. don't forget to tip mr. shekelberg 10%.

>> No.54046708
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I use picrel as a shopping basket, run my items through and then put them all back in the bag and walk out.
The most expensive item never leaves the bag.

>> No.54046725

>not debasing oneself to that of a nigger makes them a slave of the jew
kikes also molest infants and drink adrenachrome, do you wish to participate in that as well ?
how about murder
if you think the ones who print money are in any way effected by theft of any kind, you have down syndrome.
the only people you are liberating are the semites.

>> No.54046750

i did a year in jail over a probation violation for drug charges.
once you spend a few weeks in jail you tend toward never wanting to go back.
enjoy getting caught at some point idiot.

>> No.54046751

Also I have used my motorcycle helmet as a shopping basket and "forgot" about an item or 2.

>> No.54046824

boobies :)

>> No.54046844
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i would normally agree with you.
but times have changed.
times are tight.
its kill or be killed out there.
its a matter of survival now.
im sick of getting fucked over every day of my life.
so im going to start doing the fucking.

>> No.54046983

post your tricks senpai
i want to learn

>> No.54047068
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PROTIP: Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. This us a camera built into the top of a Philips head screw.

>> No.54047231

ruJGiNHJ, you are one of the biggest cucks on this website. both in size and in definition. enjoy your funkopops and star wars.

>> No.54047320
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I wish there were still any local stores around. Even before 2020 they were almost all gone, but after everything got shutdown for the pandemic/hoax/coronavirus whatever you call it, they all had to close. At this point in my area, which is a decent sized place with hundreds of thousands of people, there is only one local asian food store and one local store that sells stuff only on sunday for a few hours. Everything else is huge chain stores. they all have to have security guards and there are always homeless druggies stealing stuff in their backpacks, and the front of the stores is always filled with trash and cigarette butts. Just sad

>> No.54047362

This 100%
Playing "by the rules" while jews pillage you every day of your life is retarded

>> No.54047534

Its not even that, you're not slick, these self checkouts have cameras everywhere, it is only a matter of time before you're stopped and brought over to the office and made to stay there until police arrive, or if you get away they will send police to your place with all the compiled evidence of theft, and they only ever do so once you stole enough total goods to equate to a felony charge.

>> No.54047563

higher food prices for honest customers. just another tax on us americans for having all you chinks here.

>> No.54047842

>drug charges
you committed low IQ crimes. we are not the same.