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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54035912 No.54035912 [Reply] [Original]

Why are millennials so irresponsible?

>> No.54035963

Because they were raised by Boomers. Don't ask stupid fucking questions.

>> No.54036017

They were raised by the state, not boomers. Fiscal irresponsibility goes against the very core of boomer philosophy

>> No.54036117

So you're saying Boomers have no ability or responsibility to teach or inspire their children. It's all "the state" that, conveniently, Boomers control and operate.

Literal fucking retard.

>> No.54036147
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Boomers got them good

>> No.54036188

>Fiscal irresponsibility goes against the very core of boomer philosophy
Kek yeah and that's why boomer leadership and their philosophy of fiscal responsibility got us into the totally stable and financially secure position we're in today. Fuck off with your "but muh interstates," boomer.

>> No.54036264

lmao Boomers liberated women how is that fiscally responsible?

>> No.54036365

Women liberated themselves while boomers dragged their feet and whined like children

>> No.54036391

women literally got tricked into thinking a lifetime of 9-5 was better than a lifetime of being a mother
they got comprehensively outplayed

>> No.54036448
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>> No.54036460

this is a board about money. why are high estrogen humans like you even here?

>> No.54036480

It's high estrogen men who are incredibly misogynistic actually

>> No.54036564

>[citation needed]
but nice try ;)

>> No.54036597

Source literally every chad. Misogynism is a rightwing incel trait

>> No.54036620

>sperging out about the fictional "right wing inkwells" for no reason
rent free my dudes, are they with us right now?

>> No.54036664

at least try.
ownership of women is positively correlated with testosterone
wanting to see women larp as smaller, weaker, less intelligent versions of men is dysgenic and a consequence of low testosterone.

>> No.54036715

In Australia the boomers got free education, now that they're in charge they took it away and allowed the universities to charge American prices. All we ask for is a better standard of living than our grandparents, what happened to our parents was unfair but what is happening to us is just cruel.

>> No.54036749
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>t. Hurt feelings because pictures hit too close to home

>> No.54036806

those beady brown eyes means he's certainly european/arab (jew) or european/mongol.
ask any european: white people just don't look like that.

>> No.54037362

Please add /k/ on the lower left please, we're absolutely done with dennis, boris, ramesh and the other chuds.

>> No.54037381

Rundown on why /Pol/ hates /k/ now? The Ukraine stuff?

>> No.54037510
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>> No.54038499

Cope. Boomers fiscal responsibility in personal finances? Boomers? Are you serious? They only parrot that shit out of insecurity.