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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54035567 No.54035567 [Reply] [Original]

Higher lows
Lower highs
fuck lads...what to do?

>> No.54035588

Sit back, relax and enjoy the show

We all know that sooner or later some centralized shit companies fail to deliver

> t. all in bitcoin since 2012

>> No.54035591
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>> No.54035596
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>TA on a stablecoin

>> No.54035602

I've got $25k in USDC right now =/

>> No.54035608

Not stable anymore anon

>> No.54035616

>I've got $25k in USDC right now =/

$22500 you mean

>> No.54035617

I just jumped out into ETH,
good luck HODL's.

>> No.54035624


>> No.54035626


So you care about some minor wealth short term. Let me remind you that generation wealth is build long term.

I hope this will be a (hard) lesson for you

>> No.54035627
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USDC will moon soon, low market cap, etc... we pooomp!

>> No.54035633

This is the final shakeout.

>> No.54035636
File: 7 KB, 241x209, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP desperately shills his bags in order to save them for the nth time today
Nigger, this is playing out the same way UST did. No, your technical analysis won't convince enough retards to save the algorithm. Take the haircut or get an entire shave.

>> No.54035637


>> No.54035638

hahahahahaahahah NOW WE HAVE MEME LINES ON A STABLE COIN hahahahhahahaa The coping HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH omg , its going to 1.5 if it brokes the resistance line HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAAH

>> No.54035693

in trial they will be able to show that they tried to push the elephant up the stairs 3 times and that will reduce their sentence.

>> No.54035713

I would do that, but I think all the coins will crash after people stop dumping from USDC into them.
Probably Tethering up is the safest bet.

Uhh fuck no. Not risking that for a measly 10% gain.

Wtf do you even mean by that?
That USDC was set aside for buying BTC at the bottom. I am trying to play the long game.

Not yet.

>OP desperately shills his bags in order to save them for the nth time today
Doesn't make sense. And I only just figured out about this 20min ago.
>Nigger, this is playing out the same way UST did. No, your technical analysis won't convince enough retards to save the algorithm. Take the haircut or get an entire shave.
Take the haircut meaning what?
The best bet seems to either wait, or tether up. Other coins are gonna crash soon after this....which I was already expecting...but I wasn't expecting USDC to depeg. It seemed like a safer stable than USDT considering the institutions that are invested in it.

>> No.54035741

That's exactly what I'm suggesting.
Smart anon.

>> No.54035748

I can't stop laughing at this fuckin image. HAHAH oh man. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.54035800

>but I wasn't expecting USDC to depeg.

it has to depeg. the real dollar assets are no longer there to fully back it.

>> No.54035803

that's how you know we're fucked

>> No.54035808

I swapped to USDT at 96c
I lost $2k, but at least I'll be able to sleep.

Well let's see how it plays out? It's clearly forming a descending triangle. What happens when it breaks one of those lines?
I mean...do you think it's going back to $1, or it's crashing to nothing?

>> No.54035819

>It seemed like a safer stable than USDT considering the institutions that are invested in it.

it doesnt sound like you know what you're doing. its about dollars backing the coin and they are now insufficient.

>> No.54035831

If they haven't touched the peg by now its over.
On Monday everybody will sell.

>> No.54035833

>no longer
Explain pls.
Is there anything safely pegged to USD at this point?

Bro...I'm just trying to come up with something. I'm sure I just made a kneejerk reaction that I'm going to regret...but fuck it.
It's only $2k and not $25k

>> No.54035863

How did you come to find that out tho?
I thought banks and blackrock and shit were backing the stability of USDC?

I hope that's not the case. One of my buddies has 100s of k USDC

>> No.54035873

>Explain pls.
>Is there anything safely pegged to USD at this point?

There are now too many USDC coins for the amount of real dollars that exist to back it due to losses sustained by the parent company Circle.

>> No.54035888

>How did you come to find that out tho?
>I thought banks and blackrock and shit were backing the stability of USDC?

the coin is backed by dollars owned by Circle and billions of those dollars are now gone

>> No.54035919

What happened to Circle?
Sorry. I'm out of the loop.
Can they recover?
Also, nice trips

>> No.54035925

Lower highs are normal here
Considering this is a backed stable coin its only normal the value would recenter around 96 the new backing value for the time being

I also love all the retards comparing this to luna and mentioning the algorithm
Do some basic reading on the things you comment about for your own sake

>> No.54035950

>What happened to Circle?
>Sorry. I'm out of the loop.
>Can they recover?

they had dollars in accounts with failed banks Silvergate and Silicon Valley Bank.

The banks failed because their assets became worth much less due to interest rate rises.

Its unlikely Circle will get back the full amount of its deposits because there will not be enough assets to sell for that.

>> No.54035956

Circle literally can't get the money because banks are closed over the weekend.

>> No.54035965

>Considering this is a backed stable coin

not any more

>> No.54035976

>Circle literally can't get the money because banks are closed over the weekend.

the banks are bankrupt and in receivership. their assets wont cover Circle's full deposits.

>> No.54036001

Oh shit. I had been somewhat following the SVB and Silvergate shit...I didn't realize the ties to Circle. Thanks for the info, anon.
Is USDT safe right now?

>> No.54036028

Only SVB is there yet, but Circle holds its USDC reserves in multiple banks. The $3.3B is less than 10% of USDC's total backing, and much of that is ultimately going to be available. I'd expect more volatility over the weekend until a repeg on Monday once more is known about Circle's dollar liquidity.

>> No.54036037

>Is USDT safe right now?

i think all of crypto will collapse but it might be safeish for the moment.

if the stablecoins go thats the end of all crypto isnt it.

>> No.54036047

>Only SVB is there yet, but Circle holds its USDC reserves in multiple banks

yes, like Silvergate.

>> No.54036061

Time to pull a schizo short move?
But those platforms probably won't be safe either.
I use PrimeXBT

>> No.54036144
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Literally ogre.

>> No.54036187

It's something like 3 or 4 billion out of their 40 billion in holdings they had in there.

>> No.54036195

So how is it affecting things this badly?
That seems like a drop in the bucket.

>> No.54036211

I dunno, guess it's a break in confidence. People are selling because they know people are selling and don't want to be the ones left holding the bag.
No idea if it's just a stupid short term panic of if things a properly fucked.

>> No.54036214

Stablecoins are a mistake

>> No.54036397

Congrats. My take is basically for you to send it to a safe wallet.
Metamask, ZenGo, sylo wallet, atomic are a few good ones you can use. remember the old saying, not your keys.........
Hmmmm.... but not in all cases

>> No.54037156

literally why