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54035374 No.54035374 [Reply] [Original]

Is this legit? How is it allowed?

>> No.54035437

Nothing bad happened. Your retarded twitter demagogue is spinning retarded rightwing anti-fed narratives like always. Based on nothing. They just make up their own retarded narratives about everything and infer a conspiracy because conspiracies don't have to be logical or make sense. They appeal to people's senses of fear and paranoia. They appeal to emotion. So they feel real to you, but they're not.
The federal reserve doesn't operate for profit. The private, billionaire owned and run banks, which you all want to abolish the fed and replace it with, are what operate for profit and are incentivized to do shady, manipulative and conspiratorial things in lieu of regulation like the fed provides.

As rightwingers, you exist to serve the wealthy. Nothing more. And all of your rhetoric and propaganda is brainwashed into you in order to facilitate you into a mindwashed automaton who serves the wealthy

>> No.54035531

Pretty sure the tweet is placing blame and not implying intent. You sound like the other side of the flat earther coin.

>> No.54035530

What level of retard do you have to be to think a central bank that has 1/100thd the wages of working class in order to provide rich debtors easy money is pro left?

>> No.54035558

>rightwing anti-fed narratives
as if leftists don't also hate the fed

>> No.54035559

He didn't lie at all, if you had at least the reading comprehension of a 6 years old.

>> No.54035568

Leftists want the fed to print them dollars. Rightwingers want to burn the fed.

>> No.54035613

The inflation in the country exists to help the working class. You oppose it on the right because you exist to help the wealthy. Simple objective reality
I don't care about your contrived mental gymnastics version of whatever moronic idea you're poorly trying to communicate to me in this comment
No we support the fed on the left. We support central banks. We think banks should be under the control of voters and operated not for profit, as the fed is. For the benefit of the working class, as the fed does.
You on the right hate the fed because you want it privatized and run by, and for, billionaires. For their profits. You serve the rich on the right and everything you do revolves around putting more things in the power of the rich

>> No.54035648

>Inflation with no wage growth helps the working class

Might want to check your common core math little guy.

>> No.54035674

No one said "inflation with no wage growth helps the working class". You just made up a very stupid statement out of your head, based on nothing, attributed it to me and then carried on a disussion with me as if I'd said that. And this is how rightwingers operate and it's part of why everyone hates rightwingers

>> No.54035707

>No one said "inflation with no wage growth helps the working class". You just made up a very stupid statement out of your head, based on nothing, attributed it to me and then carried on a disussion with me as if I'd said that. And this is how rightwingers operate and it's part of why everyone hates rightwingers
PS under normal circumstances, low rates leading to inflation, leads to higher real wage growth. Wage growth that is higher than the inflation. This is why we have it. This is why we have inflation as an act of congress. This is why the rightwing hates inflation because the rightwing hates workers.

Obviously the global economy is complicated and has many factors, so you can't just isolate the situation right now as "wage growth has not outpaced inflation" and then try to paint that as characteristic of something in normal times.

We're in a rising rate environment right now with global supply chain disruptions and a war that shut down the world's 2nd largest supplier of oil.

So on every level, you people on the right are just mendacious and utterly fucking stupid. You make up the most retarded shit and then just pretend other people said what you pretended you made up. But that's not how reality works. Your bullshit will never become true

>> No.54035723

Wage growth in inflation adjusted dollars is near zero, and pain points in the economy are up thanks directly to fed monetary policy. After 2008/QE, only an illiterate glue sniffer would think the fed does anything but keep the casino going at the common man's expense. You can't read, you babble nonsense, read a book.

>> No.54035749

it's called "trusting your banker"
whatever the stakes you play at, you never do this

>> No.54035768 [DELETED] 

what are you trying to say then?

>> No.54035769
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Holy fucking...

(Don't expect any of these retards to understand Anon)

>> No.54035772

See >>54035707
Fucking rightwingers are beyond being just normal idiots. You're way off the map and impossible to talk to

>> No.54035787

Ah it's a subzoomer troll. We've been baited for division.

>> No.54035790

I told you that we have inflation, as per an act of congress, because it helps the working class achieve full employment and better wages. Real wages. As in more wage growth than the inflation. That's why we have it. To help the working class. There aren't very many real economists (note, not gold shilling used car salemen with far right agendas like Peter Schiff) who would deny that. It's not a very controversial POV in either economics or finance. And as an investor it's sort of something you should inherently know when you're mapping out the economy and figuring out where it's gonna go too.

But obviously everyone here other than me are notoriously bad investors

>> No.54035793

Leftists love the Fed because the TV told them so

>> No.54035801

You haven't read a book in your life. You don't work a job, you don't pay bills, if you did you would be seething at the rate on your car/home while your wage goes up 50 cents every two quarters.

>> No.54035817

Thanks for pointing out this clown @balajis. I just blocked him on Twitter. Don't need to see any more stupid stuff on there.

>> No.54035840

Why does having inflation guarantee wage growth that outpaces inflation?

>> No.54035872

congrats wagie you finally make $15 an hour now but everything else is double

>> No.54035897

Because... it just does, okay??!

>> No.54035899

They held off on the rate increases for as long as possible, but when it was no longer tenable to keep putting it off they sold everything at the literal all-time top (which should have been anyone with a functioning brains signal to get the fuck out or at least rotate to more stable positions) and started hiking rates. They're not going to stop hiking rates for a while either, I'm expecting 10% within at most another year or two. There's no other option. Shit has to get deflated or else things are going to start breaking in a catastrophic manner and the extreme amount of bitching about this having to happen is because everyone wants the infinite free money machine to keep running when it cannot and should've stopped a decade and a half ago, five years ago at the absolute latest. It has jack shit to do with right versus left and everything to do with profit seeking individuals being assmad they're not going to make nearly as much for the foreseeable future. On the plus side, whatever you have will appreciate in value significantly so as long as you're not living destitute to begin with and have some form of savings you will be mostly fine. There's even a few different assets in the stock and crypto realm that will appreciate significantly if not squeeze hard because their suppression was directly financed by ultra loose fiscal policy and everyone sincerely believing that would continue because it had to continue. To their credit, they were correct in that assumption for a long time.

The fed does a lot of dumb shit but the rape hikes are not that and anyone mad about it doesn't actually understand a motherfucking thing about how money or finance works on a longer timescale than recent memory.

>> No.54035904

LMAO. What a brainwashed bootlicker you are. Sheltered and privileged bootlicker at that.

>> No.54035917
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A fucking leaf

>> No.54035930
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>> No.54035944

You are making some compelling arguments but I really dislike your narrative that the rightwingers are tools for the wealthy and by implication the leftwingers are some sort of fighters for the oppressed man.

>> No.54035989
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The fed was designed to make the people paupers and hand all the assets to their little club

>> No.54036223

Can't have a little public discourse without tribal derision, ceryainly not here.

>> No.54036451

>left good, right bad.
go blow it out your asshole faggot.

>> No.54036518

>dubs of truth
>"rape" hikes
>not a typo

based post anon

>> No.54036774

>The private, billionaire owned and run banks
Like the fed (You) mean?