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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 229 KB, 592x844, svb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54033363 No.54033363 [Reply] [Original]

OK just in case anyone doesn't know the situation here with USDC I'm posting this. Since I've already seen the usual stupid 4chan "omg wut r the jews doing to us" posts
There's no "jewish conspiracy" to it, as always.
Silicon Valley Bank went down and Circle, the company behind USDC, has close to 10% of their backing for the coin parked in that bank and they can't get it out now. There's no way of telling that they'll EVER be able to get it out. And there's other issues too because nobody knows exactly what is gonna happen in the US economy right now with so many things teetering on so many edges.

All I can say is a lot of people were explicitly trying to regulate this shit (meaning stablecoins in particular) over the last few years and you guys on this board, on the rightwing, didn't want it because "muh free markets" and "muh capitalism" and "muh lolbertarianism" and "muh regulations are a jewish conspiracy against me". Well, this is the sort of thing that happens as a result so now we're off to the races and a 45 dollar asset might collapse and leave just one more crater in the global (but mainly US) economy. Have fun. Enjoy. It wasn't a conspiracy, you did it to yourselves with your own rightwing collective stupidities.

>> No.54033673

Look at who owns SVB. Shut the hell up, moron.

>> No.54033692

rightwing? lol nigger.

>> No.54033723


>> No.54033727

go back to rrrreddit
you post the same gay shit in every thread
also ywnbaw

>> No.54033732 [DELETED] 

>45 dollar asset
The only thing thats collapsing from 45 dollars is my asshole after eating taco bell

>> No.54033757


6 million, but for reals this time.

>> No.54033758

Cry, jump, hit your head to monitor, I smell blood, I'm shorting USDC to magma, even you try to keep it at $1, you are 3 billion dollars short.

>> No.54033773


>> No.54033778

>There's no "jewish conspiracy" to it, as always.
jewish conspiracy confirmed

>> No.54033800

BInance usd was literally regulated 1 to 1 in a bank account and they attacked it last week wtf are you talking about

>> No.54033811

>look at these centralized financial institutions falling because you pissed and shitted on the idea of more regulations for the decentralized assets that aren't even causing these issues
nonsensical stance

>> No.54033837
File: 1.11 MB, 2000x2756, 1676145808136674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think that other banks that are holding large amounts of USDC will falter too?

>> No.54033882
File: 2.97 MB, 500x368, 1518923885481.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto stable coin with $40bn marketcap is backed by $40bn in reserves
>Government-backed official USD, trillions in the bank, is back by... $0 in reserves
>"this is you heckin 4chud's faulterinos for opposing crypto regulations!!!"

>> No.54033926

are there other banks holding usdc?

>> No.54033981

Yes regulation is a jewish scam.
Fuck off outta here with your regulation.

>> No.54033988
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>> No.54033990
File: 30 KB, 227x213, 1633533581414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back you gay fucking jewish glow nigger

>> No.54034006

ok rabbi

>> No.54034023

It was the Jews. It's always the Jews. They suck blood from mutilated baby penises. They are evil.

>> No.54034043

>t. retards

>> No.54034046


>> No.54034077


>> No.54034083

i would re peg her with all my deposits if you know what i mean

>> No.54034085
File: 108 KB, 828x871, 85624e84abfab38a648020ebe559f2e9b9ce4185258186b6604ddf52b9b533a8_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Here we can see the Fabian Socialists demonstrating a pattern you often see imitated by modern leftists. While they readily criticize the evils of an amorphous capitalist system, they fiercely deny the conspiratorial activities of any specific capitalist families and people. The Bolsheviks would at least occasionally pretend to speak against some of their own masters like the Morgan, Rockefeller and Rothschild families. I find this tendency very revealing because, as you will see, the Fabian Socialists support many of the same policies that the Roundtable Group capitalists endorse such as world government and free trade.


Coinbase and stripe are fucked, all their money was locked in SVB

>> No.54034100

you lost, kike

>> No.54034105

Wrong board, commie

>> No.54034114
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> (((YOU)))

>> No.54034139
File: 137 KB, 500x522, 1668722950476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54034196

(((((((regulated))) ((((american government approved)))))))) stablecoins backed by ((((regulated and insured legitimate financial institutions)))) were the first to blow up in everyones face therefore chuds were just guessing about the jews like everyone else. it was a coin toss they had no way of knowing the vaxx was innefective poison

>> No.54034237

>crypto stable coin
>backed by $40 billion in reserves
>backed by nothing

>> No.54034270

the jew cries out as he strikes you: the post

>> No.54034301


>> No.54034366

>>>54033723 >>54033988 >>54034043 >>54034046
I have absolutely no idea what any of you idiots are even trying to get at. SVB is a publicly traded company. It's owned by lots of different people. What's your point here? Why are you people always so dumb and always saying such inexplicably dumb things that just make no sense?

>> No.54034376

You're the far right. That's far right rhetoric. That's Nazi, FoxNews, GOP rhetoric. "No left right dichotomy" that means you're the far right when you say that. So literally what is your point even?

>> No.54034388

>>>>54033723 >>54033988 >>54034043 >>54034046
>I have absolutely no idea what any of you idiots are even trying to get at. SVB is a publicly traded company. It's owned by lots of different people. What's your point here? Why are you people always so dumb and always saying such inexplicably dumb things that just make no sense?
Oh did you guys mean that you thought it was "owned by the jews" or "run by the jews" or something like that? It's not. You're insane people. Insane, retarded, far right nazis

>> No.54034397


>> No.54034416
File: 97 KB, 564x679, 513038D0-95E0-46B7-8C2E-31268EF1FAF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SVB head of risk management
>pic rel

>> No.54034425
File: 174 KB, 1024x723, 1668921966866975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rightwing this
>rightwing that
OP you're a retard, not to mention a massive faggot.

>> No.54034436

She's visibly not jewish, nor is she an owner of the company. You people are really deluded to the point of visual hallucinations, honestly

>> No.54034438

>Nazi, FoxNew
oh yea, the kikes who own fox are nazis lmfao

>> No.54034456

Yes you're the far rightwing. People who try to say "there's no such thing as rightwing". Like >>54034085 That is rightwing rhetoric. That is GOP rhetoric

>> No.54034470
File: 475 KB, 512x640, 1674092972847446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kike hands typed this. Make no mistake. Don't take the bait, stop responding.

>> No.54034472

FoxNews isn't owned by jewish people and yes you're all the same. You're the far. You exist together as the far right for one purpose solely, which is to serve the political interests of the wealthy

>> No.54034491

include sage in the options field to remove their lying posts.

>> No.54034504
File: 591 KB, 904x647, blonaldblumf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>far rightwing.
>rightwing rhetoric
LMFAO. picrel is you isn't it.

>> No.54034508

Lies, the freer the market the freer the people

>> No.54034553

Meh. It was decent bait for a moment ngl, got a laugh outta me. But now you tried too hard and ruined it.

>> No.54034571


>She is a diversity hire

>> No.54034586

Imagine identifying as right or left wing, fucking faggot crybabies man think for yourselves

>> No.54034614
File: 53 KB, 1024x966, 1658442275825683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When bitches ask you can just say right wing extremist cuz it's easier than rambling on an accurate explanation

>> No.54034834

I tell them they can suck my engorged, enlarged and enlightened centrist cock. OP can do it too.

>> No.54034863
File: 27 KB, 600x549, pepe_neutral_best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that these jewish organizations are exploding means that crypto is working as intended