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54032093 No.54032093 [Reply] [Original]

It’s going to skyrocket.

>> No.54032108

sky rocket as in to an asteroid for mining

>> No.54032147

stfu. you have to be some idiot to actually believe that they will mine on asteroids considering they cant even go back to the moon.

>> No.54032155

Eventually, when the Fed goes back to easing it will be a good time. Precious metals trade inversely with real rates (inflation adjusted.) Don't buy when rates are rising like now. There will be one initial fake out before it takes off after Fed cuts. If you are accumulating for long term than buy whenever just be ready not to have any gains for a while.

>> No.54032160
File: 323 KB, 2560x1707, PARKER-SCHNABEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking guys going to make so much money

>> No.54032164

>go back
>implying they've ever been

>> No.54032230

>investing in fucking gold when easing comes
Retard. Gold has always been a horrible investment the moment the stock market really took off. How many billionaires got rich off of buying and selling gold? Compare that with the number that got rich from stocks. Investing in anything other than stocks/bonds/coins is endeavors of gross imbecility in this one's humble opinion.

>> No.54032280

Cocksucker, anon asked when to buy gold, not if he should. I wouldn't own that shit even in real physical form.

>> No.54032432

Ah my bad then. Sorry.
You're a fucking retard OP you made me get mad at the wrong person you fucking faggot.

>> No.54032600

Not likely.. As the fed raises rates, it crushes all other currencies leading to more flight to USD. USD and gold are negatively correlation, gold is about to have a rough time. good for gold bugs though, they'll get shiny rock cheapies.

>> No.54032698

gold has outperformed stocks, consistently

>> No.54033767

Post chart thats zoomed out.

>> No.54033794

why would i buy a physical asset that i need to take delivery of when i could just buy bitcoin and immediately own it?
gold only makes sense in a world without electricity, and if we're going there the currency is ammunition.

>> No.54033824

When the Fed goes back to easing it's not a good time, it's Weimar hyperinflation.

You can't just print your way out of a collapse.

>> No.54033825

Bet your ass it is.

About bloody time too.

>> No.54033847
File: 19 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would i buy gold when i have to like, wait a week for shipping
this is it? this is your FUD?

>> No.54034131

gold being physical is fud? it's the only valid reason to own it, its physicality. if you don't want a physical asset your options for hard money begin and end at bitcoin.
most don't want to custody large amount of gold, and you're going to need tens of kilos to store wealth at a size worth owning gold for. if you aren't already wealthy gold isn't going to help you.

>> No.54034163

>hard money
pick one

>> No.54034172

That's a true statement on a timeline of 1997-present. But I agree that the particular starting year skews it a lot.

>> No.54034184

they can't fathom whats in store for them. they have never left the US. they don't know what they had. we'll all be living like third world rats in a decade. prepare now.

>> No.54034189

read again esl.
>if you don't want a physical asset

>> No.54034660
File: 148 KB, 983x781, Money Supply Growth In Wars by nickgerli1 Reventure Consulting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s going to skyrocket.
From a certain point of view. The reality is that the fiat currencies are debasing, so in reality you could cash out with hundred million US dollars per ounce in ten years time, but that hundred million dollars will just get you a cheap motorbike.

>> No.54034773

Gold isn’t an investment you dumbfuck. It’s money.

>> No.54034795


Gold doesn’t perform at all. A gold ounce 5,000 years ago is still that same ounce of gold today doesn’t fucking matter if the dollar exists or not. Gold is stored energy. The primary function of money is to measure value which gold doesn’t beautifully.

>> No.54036161

It is inevitable. Central banks in the East have been on a gold buying spree. Can'y have both West and East bidding for gold. Not enough gold for that, unless price is revalued up.

>> No.54036342

Lmao anon. You're living in 1921 Weimar with cash and stonks, while all of us are in 1922 with gold and silver.

>> No.54036623

>the whole fucking market about to shit the bed
>PMs have been shitting the bed too
>”gee I guess I should buy some shiny rocks!”

Never change, boomers

>> No.54036677

>he's missing out on a short term sentiment-induced discount on an asset that is going to only gain long term against a deeply inflationary currency
Serious question, are you black? No, never mind, you're just retarded because even black own more gold than you

>> No.54036711

Gold literally went up 2% in Friday.

>> No.54037054

There’s only a handful of anons on here who seem to understand that. People who buy gold with the intention of trying to flip it for more paper is NGMI, unironically

>> No.54037146

>Why should I buy something when I can buy nothing? It's so much easier to take delivery of the nothing.

>> No.54037169
File: 71 KB, 350x350, 1603060297749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold became literally useless in the dark ages retards. Pick up a book shiney rocks midwit traps

>> No.54037177

You guys didn't post charts faggots

>> No.54037875

if you think bitcoin is nothing why are you posting on a website for people looking to make money? you're already priced out.

>> No.54037991

this, earth is flat, space is fake and gay.

>> No.54038076

They know they are predicting the collapse of the modern economy jesus christ it's time to stop gambling to try and become rich and just cash out.

>> No.54038109
File: 274 KB, 1200x675, barbosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark ages

>He doesn't know about the Islamic Golden Age
>He doesn't know about Mali
>He doesn't know about Timbuktu
But yeah history says gold is useless whyboi, remember to bring your GF to service the brothas at the next BLM rally like last time

>> No.54038152

Unironically this, if gold skyrockets, Africa will get wealthier too, why do you think China is so invested? Better bet on bank bail out.

>> No.54038203

Gold is traded like an asset and can go into bubbles. In the long run it is stable, in the short run you can still use it for gains.

>> No.54038263

did they have gold grills back then? was there a drill rap scene?

>> No.54038430

>why come to a business forum if you’re not going to talk about btc?
Yea, right on!!

>> No.54039457

maybe complete your english course first before attempting discourse here.

>> No.54039464


That's assuming demand for gold won't increase in kind though.

Crypto will shit itself along with the stock market in coming days (as it ALWAYS has historically), you'll have huge swarms of retail investors looking to get into commodities and assets.

In a world where dead stocks like GME can gather moment, I don't see any logical reason why demand for gold won't increase during time of maximum uncertainty, especially when silver is historically weak in recession.

>> No.54039488

>a website for people looking to make money

>> No.54041265

started accumulating mid-late last year. about flat for now. it starts to pump whenever people start to expect rates to peak soon. and with bank failures recession fears are pumping it up regardless of rate hike expectations decreasing. if you wait for them to ease you'll just miss out.

>> No.54041600

Adam Driver already made a lot off Star Wars.

>> No.54041744

that’s not Adam Driver. it’s his son.

>> No.54042994

The gayest thing about being a gold investor is that you are right time and time again and then when you sit there expecting to be paid the market goes "Nooooooo. You're actually gonna lose money".

Three years ago. Covid and stimulus. Oh wow haha, that's a lot of money printing. I bet that's gonna cause inflation and supply shortages. I bet golds gonna go up!.

>Noooooooo, see. You don't want gold. It can't go up because people want dollars not gold.

Yeah but dollars are the problem cause they print it and basically the US is a ponzi scheme and has all kinds of debt it can't pay.

>Nooooooo. You're just wrong okay. People want dollars. It's the strongest currency.

Yeah but I bet that banks are gonna start crashing soon and we're gonna have a war with Russia and that's gonna make gold go up.

>Nooooooo. Yeah banks are failing but it's contained and that just means people want dollars more so golds gonna go down and also oil is going down too because we don't need oil anymore and in fact we'll just sell all the oil out of the petroleum reserve okay because we don't need it that bad and we'll be driving electric vehicles in two years.

>> No.54043085

gold and silver will eventually go up at some point and it might be very violent.
This point will be a turning historical / economical shift that will cause price suppression to fail.

>> No.54043129

Nope. It will crab or go down. Gold isnt what you think it is anymore.
No I will not elaborate.

>> No.54043224

In 50 years

>> No.54043330

When the experimental results of the market, through momentum or false hope, perform differently from the theoretical unfortunately you just have to side with the former. There's far too much funny money around making the market act illogically and even when you can predict something (I think PM's will go up a lot even though I've been trying to dissuade people from getting into them the past few years for being too early) predicting exactly when it will happen is very difficult. Like the guy who shorted the 2008 recession was a month or two from being liquidated before it finally crashed iirc.