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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54031711 No.54031711 [Reply] [Original]

It doesn’t matter if the US defaults on its debt or not.

We’re going down either way.

If we default, the value of the dollar will tank, the country will lose all credibility, and we’ll be a third world country overnight.

If we don’t default, it gives democrats the green light to continue their reckless spending without fear of consequence. We will see hyper inflation, rate increases, higher taxes, higher gas prices, etc.

Would you rather burn to death or drown?

We’re so fucked either way.

>> No.54031733
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yes. hence WW3

>> No.54031740

>it gives democrats the green light to continue their reckless spending without fear of consequence
You say that as if the other side of the same coin doesnt do the same. It is statistically impossible for the American government of the modern day to cut back on spending.

>> No.54031744
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>> No.54031746


>> No.54031748

Fuck I forgot all about the debt ceiling lol. Yep, its truly over isnt it?

>> No.54031753

Thank god, the constitution is outdated garbage

>> No.54031761

We weren’t having this conversation when Trump was in office.

Biden spends money like it’s going out of style.

>> No.54031778

QE ultimate is better on paper because you lie to a bunch of retards that you're doing Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and they can still eat it up in the name of diversity environment or whatever the fuck they come up with
a default is just instant death

>> No.54031840

We deserve to default. It’s bad for the country, but we really have earned it.

If we raise the debt ceiling, it sends the message that this kind of money printing and deficit spending is acceptable.

It’s not acceptable. We deserve accountability. These people can’t keep getting away with this.

>> No.54031855

>I see red line
It's called an economic downturn my guy. We have them pretty often, the only thing different the last few years is the amount of propaganda in the press.
Since 2006 a house that cost 80k now costs 500k+
Your Quality of Life has been salami sliced for decades and now because the ultra wealthy are suffering a slightly difficult time you cry out as if struck.
Please, just shut up. You never cared about the economy in the first place.

>> No.54031904

I’ve never seen $5 gas in my entire life until 2021 and the United States has never, in its entire 247 years of existence, defaulted on its debt.

Not once.

>> No.54031939

history is about to be made.

>> No.54031950

>I've never seen gas $5
My Grandma had never seen a loaf of bread over $0.50
>The US has never defaulted on it's debt
It has continuously for decades, it just took out loans to make it look like it didn't. Eventually de-pegging the dollar from Gold and Silver to cope.
This is literally babbies first economic downturn, before the US defaults they will overhaul Social Security and Medicare which is burdensome paperwork they've been sitting on that can fix the problem. But requires effort.

>> No.54032012
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US is "soft defaulting" on its debts for 3 years now.
If I deliver you goods worth 100$ of USD from 2019. and you show up to pay for those goods with $100 of USD from 2023. you arent servicing your debt to me. You arent plain defaulting either but you are covering like half of the cost.

But the producers of diesel and LPG and other things cannot operate without pricing in the inflation caused by massive printing of USD.
This goes for both allies and enemies of USA.

>> No.54032025
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>Weren't having this conversation when Trump was in office.
>The nigger that nuked what was left of the economy out of existence with lockdowns and billions in gibs.
I hate you cult of personality/red-team-blue-team faggots that deepthroat politicians so fucking much.

>> No.54032134

didn't the orange nigger print unprecedented amounts of money over a cold. why are people still hung up on democrats vs republicans?

>> No.54032136
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I hope everyone who so much as lurked here for the first time in 2021, starting with rubic and and GME, offs themselves. The normie tourists ruined the board with moderation in sight and robbed us of alt coin season from binance casino chink gambling glorification. May the board see brighter days again without therisk of rabble returning in droves. If the site even exists anymore.

>> No.54032161
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>These people can't keep getting away with this
They can and 100% will. No one will do shit. You won't do shit. I won't do shit. The problem with this kind of issue is the effects are never immediate and no one cares about the future because our culture has become one where everyone is rootless and individualistic, obsessed only with materialism and social status. It's literally the perfect environment for geriatric boomers to abuse the fuck out of positions of power in government and industry to fleece the ever loving shit out of everyone around them and then die in comfortable retirement to let everyone else deal with the consequences.

There is absolutely no drawback for them doing this. Even with everything happening, life is still too comfortable and good for anyone to throw their lives away LARPing as revolutionaries, and the system is so entrenched through so many layers of bureaucracy, tech, and the collusion of moneyed interests that it's impossible to reform.

>> No.54032177

What did you just say about my team, you son of a bitch? Your team is shit and so are you.