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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.18 MB, 842x501, yuan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54031462 No.54031462 [Reply] [Original]

How bad would it be to start stacking yuans? It's backed by the gold standard (unlike usd) and might be a good hedge against american political autism

>> No.54031470



>> No.54031496

I don't see anything wrong with it, I'm not an expert on the currency though

>> No.54031517

Yuan isn't backed by gold, dude. But any investment you make in eastern communism at this point in time will pay off well for you in the longterm, I can assure you that. WAY better than anything you've gonna find in western capitalism which is a blatantly sinking ship

>> No.54031521

I would stack swiss francs over euros, but I'd prefer yuans since China has more gold

>> No.54031526

it's back by a surplus of shitty fake housing

>> No.54031535

You don't "get rich" in China. You become a member of the Party. If your money is in Yuan, it belongs to the state. The same could be said for the Dollar, but we at least offer a pretense of capital freedom.

>> No.54031560

>It's backed by the gold standard
no its not.
also their entire economy revolves around non existent construction projects

>> No.54031575

this lol.

face it, the entire world is collapsing. the global economy and loose financial conditions of the last 10 years is taking us all down- EVERYONE indulged in it.

>> No.54031609

yuan is pegged to the dollar, cuck

>> No.54031626

>But any investment you make in eastern communism at this point in time will pay off well for you in the longterm
Yes bro, i already see the large amount of money you can make from a system that always turned out to be insolvent without a market economy, if anything this shit must go down like the crony west.

>> No.54031633
File: 4 KB, 313x161, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, pure and shiny chinese gold.

>> No.54031635

>It's backed by the gold standard
anon, I...

>> No.54031665

Ah yes. Just like how you should've invested in Soviet Russia and pre 1990's China. Retard.

>> No.54031666

Yes, just like Covid in China
Yes, Just like SARS in China
Yes, Just like the Economic Supremacy in China
Yes, Just like unbeatable Chinese tech that explodes on the regular
Yes, Just like the Quality of Life in China
Yes, Just like the Food in China
Yes, Just like the Human Rights in China

You have been lied to turbo. Quit buying CCP propaganda.

>> No.54031679

I don't think you even know what the word "insolvent" means. Nor "market economy". Nor do you know anything about communism or what communist societies are like. "A system that always turned out to be insolvent" that doesn't even make verbal sense but anyway communist and mixed socialism countries are the biggest economies in the world today.

You're a typical rightwinger. Dumbfuck. Uneducated. Doesn't know shit but still has loud retarded opinions he shares with everyone else.

>> No.54031729

See >>54031679 same shit goes for you. You people on the right are just massively uneducated, delusional and retarded. "Le communism doens't work!" you say as your capitalist society collapses in flames around you, even leading to your own racial replacement, fucking lol. Literally your capitalism has led to the elimination of your own people and genetics as a society. You're so fucking dumb beyond words. And you just say "le comunism doesnt work!" because IDK that's what foxnews and infowars brainwash you to say. Because you're so fucking ignorant and dumb. Meanwhile the biggest and most important economy in the world today is China. A communist country which is only getting bigger as the USA shrinks and retracts. YOU ARE FUCKING STUPIDPEOPLE ON THE RIGHT.

>> No.54031799

China is a state capitalism retard that’s why their economy is working since communism was abandoned in 1978. How the fuck do you bots/npcs don’t know this yet

>> No.54031824

China literally tries to keep its own currency devalued

>> No.54031832

China is a State Capitalist government you fucking retard. It hasnt been Communist since Mao and it has nothing in common with what you think of Left Wing countries like in Western Europe. You wouldn't last two days as a laborer or worker in countries like China or Vietnam.

>> No.54031843

>It's backed by the gold standard
can you walk into a chinese bank with your yuans and withdraw gold? that's real?

>> No.54031862

I can guarantee you that you don't know what words like "capitalism" "communism" or "state captialism" mean even. Nobody on 4chan ever does. China is a communist country. A literal 1 party communist state. You're a fucking retard. You and everyone on the right who always says "not real communism" because you make up your own insane, random meanings of words like "capitalism" and "communism" and then when communist countries don't fit into your fake definitions of "communism" you say "that's not real communism!"

Because you're Earth's stupid people on the right. You're Earths' stupid and uneducated people

>> No.54031880 [DELETED] 

See >>54031862
I have nothing more to say to you other than that communist country's are worker's rights countries. And their worker's have many more rights and protections and higher quality of life than in western countries. Especially than in America

>> No.54031908

See >>54031862
I have nothing more to say to you other than that communist countries are worker's rights countries. And their worker's have many more rights and protections and higher quality of life than in western countries. Especially than in America

>> No.54031933

kys tranny

>> No.54031949

chinglingpingpong mad af lmfao
go get welded inside your home bro

>> No.54031957

china has starting requiring people to put up a large cash bond to leave the country because anyone who has the means to immigrate wishes to do so.

>> No.54031967
File: 714 KB, 541x681, ---.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom is saudi, who has just teamed up with china (and iran)
america is going to burn

>> No.54031971

God, you are fucking dumb, holy fucking shit. You work for capital to pay for goods and services. That is Capitalism you dumb fucking moron. China's government just has more centralized control over their economy versus the US. That doesn't make it Communist you sub 80 IQ dipshit- it is literally called State Capitalism. Have you ever even been to "Communist" countries like Vietnam or China? They're far more Capitalist than the US is- no safety standards, longer work hours, shit wages. I actually go to these countries for work, you havent got a fucking clue what you're talking about.

>> No.54031989

I'm considering it.
I have half of my cash reserves in Yen because I'm a weeb but I'm seriously considering chinkybuxx more than USD. I could be mistaken though.

>> No.54032063
File: 294 KB, 396x252, Philippine_peso_NGC_series_banknotes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stack it in Philippine peso
1 in 10 Filipino is an overseas worker and they send billions back to their family. This keeps their currency stable and in high demand

>> No.54032106

What happens to China's economy if America has a real recession and isn't buying goods from China? Do all Chinese become trannies too?

>> No.54032117

The world is bigger than America

>> No.54032119

>You work for capital to pay for goods and services. That is Capitalism you dumb fucking moron.
That is not what "capitalism" means. Go to college. Get an education. Stay in school. Stay off drugs.

Just like everything else you wrote in your comment is insane, uneducated, random rambling of rightwing misinformation.

China is a 1 party communist state and as such they have far better worker protections and compensation than we do. The USA is the place where workers are slaves, moron.
Really, stupidfuck rightwingers are SO uneducated and brainwashed by FoxNews

>> No.54032123
File: 235 KB, 1174x265, Screenshot from 2023-03-10 23-45-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also stack this

>> No.54032133

Investing in China in any way is peak retard.

>> No.54032140

dude you have exclusively trash takes

>> No.54032162
File: 368 KB, 701x704, Screenshot from 2023-03-05 14-19-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54032168

>China is a 1 party communist state and as such they have far better worker protections and compensation than we do.

Ah so this is a troll post. Meh, 1/10 you got me to reply to schizo rambling twice. Take your meds and move along now.

>> No.54032180

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. China is numba oneee on humane rights. -100 social credit score. Send him to the education camp.

>> No.54032191

Vietnamese Dong is inflated, toilet paper shit. The only currency I've had where I was an unironic billionaire. There's a reason why all major large transactions for certain goods or services are done using silver.

>> No.54032196


>> No.54032206

I'm hearing 'yes' on the Chinese becoming trannies thing.

>> No.54032235

If that happens, China will still be China while American whites will be a small, shrinking minority

>> No.54032632
File: 132 KB, 786x740, homophobia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK. Great. I'm a straight white man. I don't care. You people constantly bring up gay stuff as non sequiturs, when they have nothing to do with anything, because you are secretly gay yourselves

>> No.54032643

China is literally a 1 party communist state. How could you not know something that basic.
They have a far better human rights record than the USA, that's for sure. Bar nothing. China is very good on human rights, in fact.

>> No.54032695

shit troll do better

>> No.54032707


>> No.54032767

Meanwhile the sovit union ended up in debt because they can't grow their oen food without selling oil. I think you are just projecting like any leftwinger ever.

>> No.54032896

As I said earlier in the thread, you nor anyone else on the right ever know anything about actual communist history. Or any sort of history. You idiots invent your own version of history. 99% of you believe moronic things like "the holocaust didn't happen" and "the germ theory of viruses isn't real". I mean, you're Earth's stupid and uninformed people. Which is what makes it all the more retarded when you constantly try to pompously lecture others on topics like history, economics, medicine, climatology, technology or politics

>> No.54032939

>hedge against american political autism
No such thing. China is part of globohomo as well, but more subtly.
If you want to fight American political autism, you would have to stack Venezuelan bolivars, or Iranian rials, if we are still talking about fiat currency.

>> No.54032971
File: 7 KB, 167x301, 1675533978842604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>capitalism doesn't work it suffers from surplus crisis all the time
>then why your system is doing the same thing with housing?
>>*autistic screech*

>> No.54033009

That’s a bot/npc

>> No.54033027

Don’t insult autists fren

>> No.54033038

Where would you even get their money here in the states?