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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54029538 No.54029538 [Reply] [Original]

the banks are insolvent

>> No.54029548

i use a credit union

>> No.54029551

I just devoured an eight ounce block of cheese.

>> No.54029562

Only SVB and maybe a few other smaller ones, this has been contained quite well tbqh, the US government came out and said that the US banking system is resilient today

>> No.54029574

Very bearish!

>> No.54029592

Now I'm gonna wash it down with some milk.

>> No.54029604

based dairy enjoyer

>> No.54029606

american cheese?

>> No.54029613


>> No.54029617

Better be whole, I don't want to see any of that goddamn 2 percent or skim bullshit. Have you ever tried raw milk?

>> No.54029644

Always whole, I never by reduced fat dairy products. And no, I haven't tried raw milk and I don't know where I would get it.

>> No.54029649

I'm no /biz/ expert, but I've served in the armed forces long enough to know that when Uncle Sam makes a point to ensure you everything is ok, that means something bad happened that will affect you.

There are no exceptions to this rule, that's just how the man does business.

>> No.54029664

i have been posting this video on /biz/ this shit was laid out a month ago, the fed knows exactly what its doing, I wouldnt expect a pivot

>> No.54029674
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>> No.54029676

Any story/example?

>> No.54029726

When I was in the navy, steak and lobster/crab leg dinner not on a Sunday usually meant your underway or deployment was getting extended. They try to soothe you a little bit before you get fucked.

>> No.54030097

Follow-up: Went too hard on the milk (two quarts) and ended up having diarrhea.

>> No.54030148

Personally? I hope it was Swiss

>> No.54030156
File: 139 KB, 245x355, BA4A989D-6B7C-4937-AE85-5D4F6F65F25A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being biden right now, stealing the election and landing yourself in the middle of a banking crisis. Do you think he regrets it?

>> No.54030179

I don't agree with the stealing angle. But he absolutely does not like what's going on currently woth banks

>> No.54030531

>landing yourself in the middle of a banking crisis. Do you think he regrets it?

I don't want to be rude, just bantz
but his masters ordered it, dipshit.
Biden admin wants to kill crypto
goym will eat ze bugs , own nothing and they will be happy
otherwise he would've ordered that ugly SEC jew to stop the witch hunt

>> No.54031556

>Do you think he regrets it?
He doesn’t even know what’s happening. There is so much blackmail on him and Hunter he didn’t have a choice but to be the steal candidate and do/say whatever he is told.

>> No.54031623
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It took fucking long enough, it was crazy how they kept this circus going for so long. Clown World is OVER, the Bear has left his cave. Bobo HATES clowns, unless they make him legitimately laugh, no trainwreck laughs. DANCE CLOWNS, DANCE FOR BOBO!

>> No.54031658

Monero solves this
Bitcoin solves this
Ethereum DeFi solves this
even fucking Lido solves this

let them burn

>> No.54031659

yes he stole it and he will blame this on drumpf and steal it again in another year

>> No.54031668

>Do you think he regrets it?
He was barely aware of what was going on during the Dem primary, let alone the actual election, or his "presidency"

>> No.54031678

Lmfao zoomies are gonna lose all their money

>> No.54031938
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I was like "nowhere is safe in crypto, I'll just buy 1 and 2-month CDs"

>> No.54032806


>> No.54032810
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>> No.54032824

Retard where do you think all that money went? all his buddies got paid/cashed out before this shit happened

>> No.54033774

and bitcoin wins once again

>> No.54034080

>US government came out and said that the US banking system is resilient today
Like they said that
>inflation is transitory