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54028238 No.54028238 [Reply] [Original]

Tuesday, March 14 2023. That is the date that your capitalist system is going to officially come crumbling down it's knees, you know. I mean, I wouldn't suggest having your money in the markets on monday, but tuesday will definitely be the day it's all over. When CPI comes back hot....even if it does't come back hot..there's nothing more to be said at that point.

The fed has exhausted all options. Raising rates pops more bubbles and causes more contagion.
Lowering rates or keeping them steady keeps us at 6%+ inflation.

It's over, man. Game over, man. Capitalism loses. Your system failed. That will be the date of the official end. The official beginning of this next great financial crisis, which WILL be far greater than anything we experienced in 2008.

Because the republican party will not act in the congress to implement the democrat legislation which has been designed to create other tools for our govt to save out economy, such as price controls or the expansion of the federal reserve's authority, there's basically no other options now.

Oh well there will be one option, bailouts. And no doubt we'll try that eventually. That's what republicans really want. That's what the "free marketers" and the "libertarians" really want. Govt payouts to billionaires. Your taxes going to billionaires. And they'll lie in their media to blame "the democrats" for it too, as always, even though it was THEM who shot down literally every other positive, actually socialist solution in the senate. Because it only takes 40 votes to shoot things down in the senate, so the republicans always rule the roost in America as "the party of no"

March 14th 2023, that is the day it all ends and capitalism dies. And when the bailouts comes, this time, even they're not likely to actually totally fix the situation

>> No.54028255

Real capitalism hasn’t even been tried yet

>> No.54028258

The situation is very different from the 2008 situation and not likely to be remedied by some simple bailouts. Our issues now are much more complex, revolving around geopolitical strains, wars and the America's failing military and economic supremacy. Bailouts won't really do shit. But we'll get them anyway because the republican party is deft at engineering these situations.

>> No.54028266

We know this is all a Jewish scam ponzi already retard. Did you feel smart making this post?

>> No.54028278

Source: 4chan

Thank you, sending this to the president

>> No.54028282

"Capitalism" means the private ownership of industry, idiot. Which obviously is how all industry in the USA is owned. Moron. You fucking retards on the rightwing literally don't even know the basic meanings of political words. Zero educations. A lot of it comes down to that. Just zero educations so you just make up your own completely fake alternate realities of pseudofacts and pseudomeanings to words which just are not real.

>> No.54028288

good think im shorting since feb 5

>> No.54028320
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nothing is going to happen. hehe r-right bros?

>> No.54028370

Capitalism isn't a political word, Marx was an economic historian. A really bad one who had a completely incorrect definition and understanding of feudalism and who's analysis is pretty much useless beyond the lens the introduction of the concept of class.

If you have a degree I would return it as clearly you didn't earn it.

>> No.54028417

Capitalism means the private ownership of industry and it's operation for profit. There's no amount of retarded, insane, uneducated and totally imaginary rightwing stupidities you're going to post on 4chan to undo reality. Or undo the reality that America is literally the furthest right version of capitalism imaginable. Something known as "unrestrained capitalism" where there's no meaningful limits at all on how much one person or industry can own.

>> No.54028450

>Capitalism means the private ownership of industry and it's operation for profit. There's no amount of retarded, insane, uneducated and totally imaginary rightwing stupidities you're going to post on 4chan to undo reality. Or undo the reality that America is literally the furthest right version of capitalism imaginable. Something known as "unrestrained capitalism" where there's no meaningful limits at all on how much one person or industry can own.
PS this is just what real life is. So there's no amount of you showing up to internet threads on 4chan and saying "IT'S NOT REAL CAPITALISM" or trying to write rightwing fanfiction about Karl Marx, and your imaginary versions of history, that is going to undo that concrete, indisputable reality of America being a far right, unrestrained capitalism country

>> No.54028453

You're uneducated lel

>> No.54028517

>>>54028417 (You)
>>Capitalism means the private ownership of industry and it's operation for profit. There's no amount of retarded, insane, uneducated and totally imaginary rightwing stupidities you're going to post on 4chan to undo reality. Or undo the reality that America is literally the furthest right version of capitalism imaginable. Something known as "unrestrained capitalism" where there's no meaningful limits at all on how much one person or industry can own.
>PS this is just what real life is. So there's no amount of you showing up to internet threads on 4chan and saying "IT'S NOT REAL CAPITALISM" or trying to write rightwing fanfiction about Karl Marx, and your imaginary versions of history, that is going to undo that concrete, indisputable reality of America being a far right, unrestrained capitalism country
PPS when I went back and looked at your comment again, it looked like you were unironically seriously trying to defend feudalism also. So "Jesus fucking Christ rightwingers are goddamn fucked up" that's all I can say about you or anyone else on this godforsaken board. And anyone who is reading this and doesn't know, they should know that's what "capitalism" and "libertarianism" and "free markets" and the far right are all trying to actually accomplish. Taking you back to feudalism where you own nothing. EVERYTHING is owned by a handful of rich people and operated for their own profit. That's what they want. That's why they hate communism too. Because communists and Karl Marx advocated for everyone to be able to own their own property, instead of having it owned by the rich. And that too is objective reality no matter how much they endlessly lie and say "communists believe you will own nothing". Which is totally a false statement, and is in fact exactly what THEY believe and what THEY are attempting to accomplish

>> No.54028540

No. You're Earth's insane and uneducated people on the right. Obviously. You literally don't even know what words like "capitalism" even mean, despite supposedly vehemently supporting it

>> No.54028552

I think this is wrong, you should add a citation or something

>> No.54028640

We shall see. I don't think people are going to be receptive to a bailout, and this leads right into what promises to be an insane election.

>> No.54028641

OK well it's not a matter of debate. "Capitalism" means the private ownership of industry and it's operation for profit. Learn the basic definitions of words before you use them. Go to college. Stay in school

>> No.54028653

I think you don't actually know what that word means my man.

>> No.54028675

This isn't a matter of debate, you fucking retard. This is blatant, pure, simple, objective reality. This isn't like a "an interesting argument with 2 sides". Capitalism means the private ownership of industry and it's operation for profit. Fucking retard. Shut the fuck up, seriously, just stop responding to me

>> No.54028742

>objective reality.
You mean subjective interpretation from the historical analysis of some guy in the 19th century who was largely incorrect.

>> No.54028776

There's nothing subjective about it. The word "capitalism" means the private ownership of industry and it's operation for profit. It's not a matter of opinion or debate. Go to college, get an education, stay in school and don't do drugs

>> No.54028778

It's entirely subjective.

>> No.54028803

No it's not "subjective". It's the meaning of the world. You're an uninformed and insane rightwing retard.

>> No.54028812

Screenshotted so I can laugh in your face on Tuesday

>> No.54028821

>No it's not "subjective". It's the meaning of the world. You're an uninformed and insane rightwing retard.
meaning of the word*. Not world.

>> No.54028822
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>> No.54028834

>It's the meaning of the world.
Its definitely not the world is pretty big after all.

Your definition isn't objective.

>> No.54028850

I'm ready for the Mad Max days, got the jacked up old bulletproof Mustang running on used cooking oil with nitrous turbo boost and a trunk full of weapons. Deep in the desert I have one chest full of Confederate gold bars lost during the Civil War, and another chest full of emeralds so that I can trade goods with the Asians.
Dem faggots like OP will be the ones in trouble cause they didn't prepare for how to REALLY live in the future. He probably has a bunch of useless crypto on a USB stick that needs electricity to work. Hahaha, enjoy the darkness fuck face.

>> No.54028858

Do you think you're being funny when you say "world" as if you didn't know I meant to type word? Like whatever dude. There's no amount of stupid shit you're going to say to make the world "capitalism" somehow have a magically different meaning than what it does. You people on the rightwing are just totally whacked out, insane retards.

"Capitalism" means the private ownership of industry and it's operation for profit. It's not that hard to grasp and there's nothing "subjective" or opinionated about it.

>> No.54028882

go back to /pol and get laughed out of there.

>> No.54028883
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I refuse.
your reality has been altered the moment you read this.

I will not allow any cataclysms until I have a qt bf to cuddle with.
My wish is now Law.

>> No.54028899

I don't have any significant amounts of crytpo ATM, that's for sure. People like you would likely be the 1st to go in a mad max scenario. Or you'd become willfully enslaved by some neofascist militia. And you'd probably be happy about it. One way or the other, your existence would be nothing but misery in such a scenario

You fetishize things like that from the safety of your home, often in your mom's basement as she cooks you chicken tenders and stuff like that.

I've been homeless. I have was homeless for about a year and a half. Lived in the woods mostly. It's very stressful, very traumatic

>> No.54028925
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First of fuck socialist's like yourself.
Second, calling our current system "capitalist" is a joke. Because it is not a capitalist system.
It a hybrid missmash of capitalis, socalism, cronism, and jewish talmund bullshit.
>Democrat tools like giving the fed more tools
Fuck the fed. The fed helped cause this mess. That is like saying "lets give the axe murderer a chainsaw to save the person he is chopping up"
I hope this system does crash and I hope retards like you starve to death, because you could not feed yourselves without a "capitalist" propping your sorry asses up.

>> No.54028933

Holy shit, you’re the dumbest motherfucker on 4chan. You’re a useless mouth.

>> No.54028939

That's just your opinion.

>> No.54028960

"Capitalism" means the private ownership of industry and it's operation for profit, you idiot. Explain to me how industry in the USA isn't privately owned or operated for profit. Obviously there's no argument to make regarding that. You're an idiot. Everyone on the right is an idiot. Uneducated idiocy. And since you don't even know what the word "capitalism" means, I can pretty much assure you that your views about the fed, what it does, what it's purpose is, and who it helps and who it hurts are also rightwing propagandized bullshit that's totally false.

The federal reserve operates to help voters, not billionaires. You on the right seek to abolish it because you politically exist to serve the interests of the billionaires

>> No.54028963
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>> No.54028980

Nope. Not my "opinion" in any way, shape or form

>> No.54028988

EXACTLY. We haven't had real free market capitalism in this country since before the GFC, if not longer (NAFTA introduction, even earlier.) What we've had since is coordinated global central bank interest rate manipulation and asset value inflation. Giving the government more tools is exactly what got us into this mess.

>> No.54029004

This isn't correct, It's entirely subjective, but I wouldn't expect much from an uneducated homeless guy.

>> No.54029042

This. 100% based and true. Democracy + Electoral College was the real mistake. Can't believe I technically have less voting power as complete fucking backwater retards.

>> No.54029052

>Because the republican party will not act in the congress to implement the democrat legislation
I think this is your strongest case.
No fucking shot a Republican House votes to bail out California banks and California businesses.
Now, I do wonder if the State of California steps in. Apparently they have a trillion dollars for reparations and the city of San Francisco has $500B for reparations.
Surely they could afford a measly $200B to save their economy.

>> No.54029061

"Capitalism" has nothing to do with free markets. It means the private ownership of industry and it's operation for profit. "Free markets" is a separate issue

And as far as that issue is concerned, the USA has been moving closer to free markets for the last 55 years, since Nixon was elected. This process greatly accelerated under the Reagan admin and hasn't been let us since

On the right, you don't know basic meanings of basic words. You don't know basic history. You don't know basic economics. You don't know basic facts of the society you live in. You're grossly uneducated people who believe an invisible skyman created you from the dirt, and then created women from your ribs 10,000 years ago. Just like you believe "murica isn't capitalism" or "murica isn't free markets". It's all delusional. None of your beliefs on the right are real

>> No.54029080

Democracy certainly isn't a mistake, just the electoral college and US senate because those are undemocratic institutions. Or the lack of DC statehood too

>> No.54029090

Democrats caused this mess with reckless spending.

We deserve to default and lose credibility. That’s what happens to reckless spenders like Biden.

If Republicans cuck on this, the country is over. Expect Weimar levels of inflation.

>> No.54029094

It's never going to be a matter of debate. If you really want to keep doubling down on saying that "capitalism" doesn't mean private ownership of industry and it's operation for profit, then you're only proving yourself, and all rightwingers like yourself, to be grossly uneducated. And willfully uneducated

>> No.54029111

These globalist nerds would

>> No.54029124

I passionately hate ignorance. Just passionately. Not normal ignorance, mind you, but willful ignorance.
Stupidity is OK because you can't help it.
And regular ignorance is OK too because everyone is ignorant at some point in their live.s
But when you wade into the territory of willful ignorance, which is the noted territory of the rightwing, that's when people begin to become infuriated and impatient with you

>> No.54029169

That's subjective what's objective is I have a home and you don't.

>> No.54029204

>The federal reserve operates to help voters, not billionaires. You on the right seek to abolish it because you politically exist to serve the interests of the billionaires
How can you be this stupid? Who owns the federal reserve? I will give you a hint, it not the voters.

>> No.54029235

>House leader is a republican from CA
its a mono-party anon they all bail each other out

>> No.54029251

>the central bank is capitalism

>> No.54029269

>willful ignorance
So you are full of Self loathing. Yes, anyone reading your post can see that.

>> No.54029348

We'll see. I don't see the stomach for it, especially since the Biden administration is bringing out all their diversity hires saying everything is fine.

>> No.54029379


The only thing that will be ending from Biden's catastrophic fuck up of an economy is the end to ESG investing, woke stakeholder capitalism, blue haired HR departments and scam zombie tech companies from California. You guys had a good run for the past 10 years, its over now though, and the end result of it was that you all ended up destroying our economy. It is unironically over.... for you.

>> No.54030681

The federal reserve isn't privately owned no matter how many times you keep saying it is on the right. It's a public US government institution. It's run by and for voters. That's why you hate it on the right. You're the ones who are attempting to privatize it so that it can be run for the benefit of billionaires

>> No.54030738
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>I've been homeless
How many cocks have you sucked for semen sustenance? Did you invest in kneepads?

>> No.54030775

this guy is a retarded communist

>> No.54031020

I've never done anything like that. Most fucked up thing that happened to me when I was in the woods too was when 4 drunk hillbillies in a pickup pulled up on my sleeping bag in a field in the middle of the night and tried to homosexually rape me in the middle of the night. But I fought them off and that's all I'll have to say about that.

>> No.54032759

Man, to be this naive!

>> No.54032787

>A really bad one who had a completely incorrect definition and understanding of feudalism and who's analysis is pretty much useless beyond the lens the introduction of the concept of class.
lol holy cope

>> No.54032844
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^ Get a load of the pilpul from this (((economist)))

>> No.54032863

Except lowering rates doesn't cause inflation. The inflation was caused by the supply shock from the Ukraine war and sanctions against Russia.

>> No.54032872
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A fucking leaf

>> No.54032874

The sole problem of modern capitalism is the fiat money system. This should be obvious to anyone seriously studying economics, but of course socialists are in the total opposite side of that.

Change all the bullshit currencies in the world for something that is UNABLE to be printed more and boom, all the economic cycle crises solved.

>> No.54032967

I never said any differently. You are 100% correct and one of the few posters on this board who understand this, lol. Almost everyone here swears "inflation was caused by le biden and le democrats money printing!" because they're just totally stupid rightwingers or something. But yeah you're 100% right about the cause of inflation I just never said anything different or contradicting to that in my OP

>> No.54032984
File: 15 KB, 205x246, 1670613772741607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the new tranny thing?
More far leftist bullshit. It's funny that trannies are 40% more likely to an hero. Have fun with that.

>> No.54032988

All of your opposition to "fiat money system" is for the sole purpose of benefiting the wealthy and increasing wealth inequality. As all policies from the right are. You, the rightwing, exist for 1 purpose on this earth: To politically benefit the wealthy.

>> No.54033012

Get a life.

>> No.54033156

LMFAO. Well, your life revolves around serving the wealthy so I'd rather have no life than do that honestly

>> No.54033263

Not my problem and I don't care.

>> No.54033313

Buy GME, save yourselves.

>> No.54034254

>Capitalism means
>"Capitalism" means
>The word "capitalism" means
How many times? Like x10?
You can't NOT love this bot.