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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54026403 No.54026403 [Reply] [Original]

tech illiterate inbred nigger here
why the tits is it so difficult to invest into this shitass protocol
no metamask evm compatability
what do
where do you guys store shidt
also wat are your fav / best ecosystem tokens / teams ? Luna aint doin so good

>> No.54026755

DVPN/SENT chads will inherit the world

>> No.54026924
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whats up with the amount of wallets
there's a wallet literally called wallet dot io lmfao
I've used exodus but cba downloading that vaporwave again clogging my goddamn arteries
redditors seem to be using keplr
someone redpill me what is an isn't a meme in your ecosystem please sirs
would very much like to skip the first month trial and error process if possible

>> No.54026971

Atom is pretty solid. The only things that aren't total shit are the dex coins (Rune, Osmo, Kuji). Everything else is kind of a crapshoot.

>> No.54027145
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Thanks lad
I mainly just want to diversify a bit, fugged around with defi last cycle and it was incredibly fun but not having the orange fox really throws me off as I don't know who the fuck I can trust
mobile wallets are pretty autistic imo
I'll look into those dex's

>> No.54027190

Get the Kepler wallet. 25% staking rewards on ATOM are easy mode. Then try minting OSMO.