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File: 38 KB, 612x408, anxiety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54018441 No.54018441 [Reply] [Original]

I have over 150,000USD cash and I feel poor, is this a normal feeling? I just never feel 'secure'.

>Employment security falling
>Stocks falling
>Crypto falling
>Taxes going up
>Living expenses going up
>Housing is 300% more expensive

I feel like I'm a bad year away from becoming homeless at any given time. Am I being neurotic?

>> No.54018486

how about having sex, incel?

>> No.54018521

What a douche

>> No.54018555

What you're feeling is normal in Biden's America.
When you have little to no discretionary spending or are living paycheck to paycheck, your brain starts reverting to poverty scarcity thinking.

>> No.54018556

Your $150k cash is equivalent to $15k in 1990 in terms of actual purchasing power (ignore CPI basket of goods tracked bullshit).

This is why you feel broke, that’s the purchasing power people used to save up every 6 months or so, now it takes years, and it’s only going to get worse.

>> No.54018563

I have nothing my medicaid cut me off, my UI was denied, I'm disabled and likely terminal with something called CAEBV, I think the government honestly wants me dead I have no idea why they cut me off everything and denied my legitimate unemployment.
I'm seriously contemplating suicide at this point.
You got 150k why are you complaining?

>> No.54018584

You're not disabled, you're obese.

>> No.54018589

Wire me the money and then kill yourself. Ngmi

>> No.54018601

I'm actually underweight because I've lost so much from my disease.

>> No.54018607
File: 80 KB, 750x1000, 0FD496A7-B7B4-4391-AC3A-96D83802E53C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never voted for Biden it’s not fair to me

>> No.54018621

but what is your monthly income OP?

>> No.54018641
File: 82 KB, 960x938, 1616313297262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have like 50 bucks and live check to check . trying to climb out of it. stop being a jew brain and thinking you need a trillion dollars in greed realm to be safe. you're good nigger.

>> No.54018642

Most everyone is in the same position. They'll just never admit it.

>> No.54018645

Now imagine what you're feeling and multiply that by 1,000. That is how scared & anxious the even lower classes are feeling at the moment.

This is by design in the biden administration: (((they))) win, you lose.

>> No.54018646

Stop caring
It's that easy

>> No.54018682
File: 230 KB, 719x529, only_dead_voters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody did.

>> No.54018709

>I only have $150,000 good goy points
money isn’t real, stop serving mammon

>> No.54018720

>Fell for the veganism meme
You have to eat meat & eggs & dairy if you want to live disease-free.

>> No.54018737

>I have over 150,000USD cash and I feel poor
you're literally poor

>> No.54018788

This. Collectively everyone is starting to feel this, en masse.
It's very unsettling to witness yourself & everyone around you getting stretched thinner & thinner

>> No.54018832

You need to get the fuck off the Internet , social media, this board , and stop being such a pussy

What’s going on now is no different than any other sky is falling crisis from 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago, etc. those that disagree are either idiot doomers with nothing to gain and wants everyone at their level or kids with no life experience

With 150k you could lose your job tomorrow, do fuck all for the next THREE YEARS , and still not be homeless

Grow. The. Fuck. Up. Bitch.

>> No.54018877

In all honesty there isn't much you can do with 150,000 these days besides take on debt. Hell, a range rover or electric SUV costs that much. 20 years ago you could buy a real nice condo or townhome for $150k. Now it doesn't get you shit. Welcome to hell.

>> No.54018968

Go buy yourself a new truck. That will make you feel better. I like the BMW alpina x7...twin turbo v8. Should run about 150K so you'll not even need a loan. Good luck.

>> No.54018994


>> No.54019007

Wrong. We're all living through WWIII right now.
"Covid", the Dems couping out Trump, the vax, the Global war being fought in ukraine, Massive financial overall.

What part of the Great Reset did you think was going to be "normal"?

You're living in denial. YOU need to grow the fuc up.

>> No.54019276

You voted ? If yes it's your fault

>> No.54019324

Kek imagine being psy’opd this fucking hard

Too late for you nigger, just kys and re-roll for someone with a 3 digit IQ

>> No.54019349

cognitive dissonance

>> No.54019352

You are such a god damn loser it’s ridiculous. Go do yourself a favor and pick up a book. I suggest a journal of Warren Buffets annual letter to shareholders. You’ll see that whatever crisis of the day is no different than anything written in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s. This is called perspective

You spend all day on 4chan posting nonsense, so you lack it. Worse - you have hubris so you lack the desire to even gain it. Until that changes you’ll always be a low value blemish on society.

>> No.54019364

Don’t use fancy buzzwords you don’t understand, zoomer

>> No.54019392

I have $500 to my name right now and I consider myself rich.
If you value your life in how much money you have you will always be poor OP.

>> No.54019423

>uhhh muh bootstraps uhhhh warren buffet uhhhhh nothing ever happens
nigger retard boomer

>> No.54019471
File: 28 KB, 750x735, 05FF56D5-3DA2-457F-BCBE-6171A9531B64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s right. If you’re a male, you should instead be valuing your wealth by your body count.

>> No.54019535

This. You need to learn to tune out the noise and fear mongering.

This is your brain on US politics. There's always an apocalypse coming and you can never tune out of it.

>> No.54019598

150k now is the equivalent of 100k in 2007 money (and that is with official inflation numbers).

>> No.54019686
File: 448 KB, 772x876, 5A59B235-A38C-4317-9FB3-9DA4418A7DC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 more years!! 4 more years!!!

>> No.54019750
File: 34 KB, 474x346, 88882210-80D6-441D-8A4F-FDB967039AB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>effectively lose 30% purchasing power
>keep holding cash

>> No.54019806
File: 253 KB, 3320x1696, 1990todate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you had bought a house earlier that would be your biggest expense fixed over 30 years. If you don't own a home I understand why you would feel a bit concerned.

>Taxes going up

If you're concerned about this then you really should be making enough money to be comfortable or get the fuck out to another part of the country where you can live.

>Crypto falling

>Stocks falling
It happens

Don't be so dramatic.