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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54017695 No.54017695 [Reply] [Original]

You mother bitches told me this was a good buy

>> No.54017798

isn't the team all troons?
you should've known better beech basterd

>> No.54018198
File: 33 KB, 185x530, WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's led by the troon of all troons, picrel

>> No.54018251

Did you have fun at SERE school?

>> No.54018524

That's a woman

>> No.54018531
File: 103 KB, 963x963, FoaibZTaIAAzNqR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this cancer

>> No.54018708

It's been going from bad to worse for years

>> No.54019075

Funny how Hbaggies and Algobaggies used to shit in each other's threads. Now that BOTH chains were hacked within a few days and in free fall they've gone silent. LMAO

>> No.54019091

>biggest players in world onboarding
>lining up oligarchs
>nations of billions of people using tech
boohoo there are no monkey jpgs and rugpulls casino enviroments this is so bad

>> No.54020082

>biggest players in world onboarding
Remember when you guys thought Marshall Islands and FIFA would be bullish and then both turned out to be duds? These will likely be more press releases that end up as abandoned projects.

At any rate, none of that is actually bullish for you. It just puts more money in Algorand's pockets.

>> No.54020195

algorand wasnt hacked u dumb lil peanut, it was a 3rd party app.

>> No.54020229

well, it was worth a shot. glad i sold this shitcoin

>> No.54020236

>real adoption by nations and institutions with real use cases don't matter
>only casino price action and retard use cases matter
you do you lil buddy

>> No.54020322

Imagine not at least gambling on the alphabet glow agency crypto war my god

>> No.54020346

2030 is the magic year Algo turns from shit to gold!

>> No.54021101

That's a distinction without a difference. Everyone was using that wallet and it was recommended on the Algorand website. It's like if metamask was hacked and a majority of ETH users lost their ETH/NFTs. $10M stolen on a small chain like Algorand is catastrophic. "yeah but the protocol was not hacked tho" is the biggest cope from the few remaining algobaggies.

>> No.54021187

>It's like if metamask was hacked and a majority of ETH users lost their ETH/NFTs
Only a tiny fraction of myalgo users were hacked.

>> No.54021238

Don't try to underplay this. If MyAlgo was the only thing that soured people then it'd be okay. But it's been a consistent trainwreck for a while now. Even users who aren't affected directly by MyAlgo should see the writing on the wall.

>> No.54021298

$30M hack is pretty small. Algo's MC is $2B.
How exactly? You and everyone else is shrieking for DRL and whatever other money laundering bullshit Foundation (which doesn't even run protocol) does when during the same time they're landing absolutely hugest deals with nations and institutions. You're all just assmad because they don't give a shit about retail. To me, that's my favorite part of Algo. This chain will be running nations while eth bleeds into obscurity.

>> No.54021338

Judging by the number of people complaining on twatter and proposals to bail out everyone using foundation reserves, I doubt this was a tiny fraction. Every seed entered in that wallet was compromised my dude, it's a catastrophic disaster for a tiny chain that was already on the ropes.

>> No.54021385

>Foundation (which doesn't even run protocol)
Running it into the ground with the disastrous tokenomics and PR gaffes has an impact on the ecosystem, developer appeal, community, and inevitably the price. We're here to make money, not support some tranny donating money to charities.

>they're landing absolutely hugest deals with nations and institutions
Nothingburger like all the rest of their dead "deals" until proven otherwise

>> No.54021943

Literally a third party app was hacked. Wow, first time that's ever happened in crypto.

>"Dude, saying the blockchain itself wasn't hacked is A COPE. If ANY third party app that even MENTIONS ALGO is comprised, its JOEVER BRO"

Sub cent fees. 4 second finality. Smart contracts. Cope. Seethe. Buying more

>> No.54021974

Uber bullish

>> No.54022077

I shit talked Stacy on Twitter and she said to sell all my algo and blocked me
So glad I listened

>> No.54022115

Algotards are delusional and always fail to see a situation for what it is. It's not just MyAlgo, it's a culmination of shit that was already hitting the fan leading up to it.

>> No.54022366

etheads are delusional and always fail to see a situation for what it is. It's not just inability to withdraw from staking, it's a culmination of shit that was already hitting the fan leading up to it.

>> No.54022402

Maybe when Algorand touches the top 10 or has anyone interested in talk about it, you can try to make a point by comparing it to Ethereum

>> No.54022424

Sounds like a fucking disease.

>> No.54022466

and yet you're in this thread seething

>> No.54022499

Unfortunately left bagholding this shitcoin, so yes

>> No.54023513

that's a man
mywalletalgo hack was bullshit
this coin sucks

>> No.54024240


>> No.54024863

Literally everyone is telling you not to buy this
Algo had tech, but is chokeholded by the foundation. They will crush every pump by dumping
The tranny CEO and her board should be executed by North Korean antiaircraft gun

>> No.54025362

hedera wasnt hacked u dumb lil peanut, it was a 3rd party app.

>> No.54025719

It has nothing to do with the hacks. Most people have no fucking Idea. It's bitcoin dominance

>> No.54025913

You baggies are coping hard you're getting absolutely rekt today lol

>> No.54027155

If I get dubs, Algorand will become the no. 1 crypto

>> No.54027254

foretold, predestined, confirmed

>> No.54027277

*Reddit did.

That's where you failed.

>> No.54027296


>> No.54027538

If it did I would write an ironclad trust for my son and kill myself in glee

>> No.54027926


Algorand has sub cent fees and transactions are settled in 4 seconds. Thanks for playing

>> No.54028225

>It's fast and cheap therefore it'll be a winner

Tell me you're new without telling me you're new

>> No.54028271

youre retarded, dump your bags

>> No.54029033

Don't shill again until Algo shows any sign of life challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]