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54006998 No.54006998 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here complete an MBA program? How was it? Does it actually advance your wagie career or is it just a shitty designation that lives at the end of your email signature?

I'm 30, work for a big company, and am basically being groomed for management roles at this point in my career. No one has ever recommended I get an MBA, but I still see it on managers' signatures every so often. I think my company has options for subsidizing or even completely paying for my tuition, but even then I'm not sure I'd want to go through the hassle if it's ultimately meaningless. If I do it, I'd definitely be going for part-time (probably 2 year) program that you'd do during evenings and on weekends.

>> No.54007019

Yes if it's from a top school, if not, don't go.

>> No.54007083

I have one. If you can get your company to subsidize it then definitely get it. Also depends on what you want to focus on. If you want it for a finance major for an investment career really on top schools will help. With other major areas like healthcare or marketing than you have more options. Do you want to stay at the company/career path you're on?

>> No.54007112

This. A cheap and easy one or one of the best. Ended up going to Booth

>> No.54007118

This. Get a degree from an actual top school and it unlocks the 200k tier jobs. Do that for a few years to move up from there.

>> No.54007377

Is Booth worth it? I'm in Chicago and it's always the obvious option, that or Kellogg.

I'd think about a coastal school, but I already own a place here

>> No.54007410

>is booth worth it
Are you trolling?

>> No.54007503

Yes, TC went from $110k to $250k since graduating last year. Started weekend program pre-Covid. I’d say 1/3 flew in every week for the program.

>> No.54007592

The latter

>> No.54007594

Yes. $150K plus the cost of traveling with a bunch of insufferable rich kids in the name of networking is a lot of money

>> No.54007638

Stay mad

>> No.54007775

I'm not mad I'm just allergic to spending money

>> No.54007802

Go for cheapest one then. Was between DePaul and Booth for me