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54002523 No.54002523 [Reply] [Original]

"Over the coming months Swift will develop a beta version of the solution for payments that can be tested further by central banks. A second phase of sandbox testing will also be held, in which the Swift community can collaborate further with a focus on new use cases, including in securities settlement (such as cross-asset exchange), trade finance, and conditional payments.

Sandbox participants included the Banque de France, the Deutsche Bundesbank, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, BNP Paribas, HSBC, Intesa Sanpaolo, NatWest, Royal Bank of Canada, SMBC, Société Générale, Standard Chartered and UBS. An additional four central banks were observers, providing input and feedback without participating in the sandbox. Participants processed a total of 4,736 transactions between the Quorum and Corda blockchain networks, and between Corda and a fiat currency."


>> No.54002633

Bullish for XRP

>> No.54002640
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>> No.54002743

For those of you that do not understand how big this is,

There has currently been no way to capture value from any private enterprise blockchain such as Corda. That has now changed. Not only are we going to capture value from private chains, we are going to do so in a major way with cbdc transactions, and securities settlement. Banks listed are already on board. This is literally the big one.

Not sure if you guys are trolling, but this is not XRP, sorry bros.

>> No.54002791

>Capture value from any private enterprise blockchain

how? and who are "we"?

>> No.54002806

more corda/chainlink breadcrumbs here:

>> No.54002849

we = the board as this is a chainlink board

>> No.54002878

chainlink taking over the world has been confirmed 100 times, question is when the fuck do i get rich off of it. why can't these bastards just say the fucking word chainlink.

>> No.54002880 [DELETED] 

Let me first of say private chains like corda do not have a token, so we can't invest in them.

But now, we can. Any application running on Corda wants to interact with applications on ethereum, or Quorum (another private chain) can do so. And we can invest in this middleware framework.

>> No.54002935

>every central bank will be using chainlink!
>swift too!
>they're just not saying it because... because....

>> No.54002950

Let me first of say private chains like corda do not have a token, so we can't invest in them.

But now, we (us, you and me) can. Any application running on Corda that wants to interact with an application on ethereum, or Quorum (another private chain) can do so. We can invest in the middleware framework that facilitates this.

I will put it this way. In the US we may build on Quorum, Corda, or Ethereum. In the EU banks may build on their own chains. In China, they will surely build on their own chains. Even if banks don't build on public chains, we can still get a piece of the pie.

>> No.54002991

but they did?
here's the 2 min version for the zoomers

>> No.54003052

This doesn't prove anything, do you even know what PoC is? Yes, swift checked out CCIP. Did they decide to use it? If yes, then why they aren't saying anything in their press releases?Or maybe.... they simply are not going to use it after doing PoC and seeing it's garbage?

>> No.54003073

Did you not read the article I posted?
The PoC is now going into beta over the coming months. That was literally the point of this thread.
News just came out today.

>> No.54003092


>> No.54003101

The absolute fuck state of linkcucks.
XRP pumps and everyone knows this news.
Chainlink can literally just be an API that isn't blockchain.
There are secure information channels as it is. No point to use CL and super slow ETH blockchain.
Just use a plain old API and settle on the XRPL.

>> No.54003110

>Hello I need to speak with a Chainlink brand LINK token advisor about my prospects as a legitimate token holder and investor
>Yes I'll hold
>Yes hello my inquiry is about the token price

>> No.54003111


>> No.54003112

read this mouth breather

>> No.54003117

>test net to beta test net

there is nothing to be bullish about. Stop following that faggot run the juels

>> No.54003120


NDA dipshit

>> No.54003138

>Did you not read the article I posted?
I also did ctrl+f "chainlink" - 0 results found
And ctrl+f "CCIP"- guess, guess! 0 results found
You're probably too dumb to realize that organization the size of Swift can do dozens of PoCs for projects like this and rapidly test various technologies and solutions. The PoC your article is talking about is not the one from smartcon presentation. Stop being delusional and put down the hopium.

>> No.54003151

Sorry bro, this is clearly Chainlink's CCIP.

Swift today announced further progress on its experimental solution for interlinking Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), reporting that 18 central and commercial banks found “clear potential and value” in the API-based CBDC connector after a comprehensive review.

Okay so like are these banks lying or what?

>> No.54003158

Nice incel manifesto chud but the real Chainlink thread is here

>> No.54003168

its not even that. How the fuck can you be bullish on some shit thats not even working. it went from alpha test to beta test. We are still a long fucking way out.
this is going to do nothing to push the price up. its a fucking beta test net dude. Its like being bullish on goerelli

>> No.54003176

holy fuck that's the best thread I ever read this one stinks like niggers
yep this is another bulgarian demoralization thread bros

>> No.54003195

based bread LINKer
This is a hole lot of marketing for an NDA.
Do NDAs usually get this much marketing?

>> No.54003213

Basedo fuck incel manifestos. comfy link fren

>> No.54003249

"18 central and commercial banks found “clear potential and value” in the API-based CBDC connector"

18 central banks on board dude

>> No.54003291

yeah yeah I'm going to read about Chainlink Functions in the other bread not this incel manifesto

>> No.54003307

Chainlink Functions thread? Comfy thanks fren stay based

>> No.54003328

No way a long and involved thread about Chainlink Functions on my /biz/ who do I have to kill?

>> No.54003345

>Sorry bro, this is clearly Chainlink's CCIP.
how does the federal reserve using XRP right now as we speak through volante fit into your worldview?

>> No.54003357

Beta in 2023 already, huh?
I guess the time traveler from 2026 wasn’t joking.

>> No.54003371

I'm not trying to tell you that XRP is crap or anything. I don't know about XRP to be honest. I don't follow the progress.

But this specific cbdc connector, from Swift, is chainlink.

>> No.54003424

>Elites will use XRP instead of human blood for settlement

>> No.54003614

Considering the current global tension concerning super conductors and ukraine. Why would the west use tech made by Russians? Doesn't seem feasible to me. Almost like a huge vulnerability to there hegemony.
Vitalik and Sergey being the pioneers of modern money is midwit thinking at its finest

>> No.54003679

they won't use ethereum retard
man this kind of comment shows how dumb the average person is

>> No.54003722

Magnets will solve the problem fren. Magnets bring people together.

>> No.54003795
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>mfw I own both XRP & LINK

>> No.54004019

> Swift will develop a beta version of the solution for payments that can be tested further by central banks
>a beta version of the solution
>swift build their own solution instead of use chainlink node
Isn’t it shadowfork?

>> No.54004032

Exactly. As another anon said, they won’t. They’ll build their own chain. But… they will probably want to interact with the other regions of the worlds chains. Alas ccip.

>> No.54004083

Pity CCIP is just fancy marketing for something that does not exist. chainlink is looking more and more like the NASA of our times.

>> No.54004173

I didn't fully comprehend your post before reply. Russia will use their own chains. Sergey being Russian is not an issue. For all anyone knows, this is Swift's product.

>> No.54004318

graphQL is all over the hyperledger's docs desu

>> No.54004442

Great product great service. Have you used Chainlink Functions yet fren? Takes just 30 seconds to sign up. Its new fun and great!

>> No.54004452

Corda doesn't need chainlink or xrp, delusional baggies.

>> No.54004466

He's right. I used Chainlink Functions after taking just 30 seconds out of my day to sign up and I was fundamentally blown away. Chainlink Functions, it excites me it really does.

>> No.54004533

I was feeling down after I found out that my childhood memories were really CIA implants but Chainlink Functions really cheered me up

>> No.54004568

Have slick brain but went through the entirety on the education system so think they are above average intelligence
>Link is built on Eth

>> No.54004674

>doesn't need
Corda integrated XRP as it's VERY FIRST means of settlement.
This was back in 2018.

I don't NEED XRP either. But it cuts my settlement fees significantly when I import and WHEN I can use it for regular payments it will cut out 2-3% cut that current processors take from me.
No one NEEDS a swimming pool either.
No one NEEDS a tractor.
But they significantly improve lives.

If you've used the XRPL you'd understand. But you don't move money do you?

>> No.54004772

A shill advertising a broker service?
I made money on Chainlink already on the first run up. Then I realized it's basically useless and easily replaced.
What's not easily replaced is a trusted means of FINAL SETTLEMENT.

>> No.54004793

XRP adds nothing of value, only volatility. The tech choices of SWIFT, central banks, etc. have zero implications for the price of any particular coin or token.

>> No.54004801

LINK is literally a token on the ETH blockchain. Lord in heaven the state of linkies.

>> No.54004831
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>not easily replaced
There is no substitution for human blood agreed fren. Human blood the ONLY means of finality elites accept.

I love the cute little jingle they play down in the Reptilian tunnels "Accept nothing less than human blood" "There is no substitute human blood"

lol those reppies really crack me up

>> No.54004896

>only volatility
You can enter with USD and exit in any other currency in under 10 seconds.
This is the entire point of ODL and the reason that even while being sued it has outperformed LINK for two years now.
Yea yea, you have made the joke over and over now.
Money is still going to move around the world.
>inb4 it's not a joke
I know, but money is still going to move around the world.

>> No.54004980

People are money they have blood. XRP has no blood. Do you XRP schizos not know about our reptilian overlords living in the tunnels Deep Underground Military Bunkers Hello??? Our overlords are Reptilian Jews from another planet and they do not take kindly to interruptions in the blood supply faggot

>> No.54005044

>You can enter with USD and exit in any other currency in under 10 seconds.
>This is the entire point of ODL and the reason that even while being sued it has outperformed LINK for two years now.
Corda does everything the banks want. There is no need for them to speculate in cryptocurrency markets in order to move money.

>> No.54005597

Shit in your hands and clap

>> No.54005643
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Alanis Morissette plays constantly in his head and he doesn't even know it.

>> No.54005902

>Why would the west use tech made by Russians?
I think this fact is one of the funniest components to the LINK delusion. Imagine unironically betting long on an autistic russian vegan couch surfer and another random russian who is trying to feed some family members from beyond the grave. Its almost as if they have zero comprehension of the present political landscape.
>To say that the Pentagon + M.I.C. + Intel World + NATO + the entire establishment have gone balls deep on the eastern front is the understatement of the century. Biden and Co. are willing to roll the dice on WW3 and a couple of random russian blockchain entrepreneurs are the equivalent of mosquitos in the path of a hurricane.

>> No.54006002

>Our overlords are Reptilian Jews from another planet
It all makes sense now. Thanks anon, I sold and reinvested my proceeds in FTX bail out donations. Whew, close call.

>> No.54006009
