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53999827 No.53999827 [Reply] [Original]

how do I get all of my cash out of the bank immediately

>> No.54000051
File: 14 KB, 488x270, VO9bfHIfbFbqwz_wYcDed0EzxYzGodNuRGI3Tlgts18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Bitcoin.
It's a super computer.

>> No.54000095

order a fuckton of apple products

>> No.54000111


>> No.54000138

One pair of used air pods should clear it out for him

>> No.54000170
File: 90 KB, 1075x1192, FqTfhU2aIAEcOUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>banks are safu

>> No.54000177

go to a brothel

>> No.54000222
File: 445 KB, 777x679, 23058230952305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go there and tell them you want to withdraw everything in cash. give the bank manager a firm handshake and look him in the eyes and dont take no for an answer

>> No.54000231

you can't withdraw?
what bank?

>> No.54000247

Put it in AMEX.
Just raised their dividend 15%

>> No.54000248
File: 43 KB, 1373x531, image_2023-03-09_214040466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to bank
>ask to retrieve all in cash
>realise that if you have more than 10k you need to justify what for and need to wait
>realise your money ain't yours, goy
but when you get your money get yourself some well deserved steak, shalom.

>> No.54000330

get yourself a nice dinner

>> No.54000365

>more than 10k you need to justify what for
no you dont, thats a common bank manager lie. they might have to call armored trucks from the federal reserve to deliver more cash since banks are basically just mcdonald's franchises for fannie mae at this point and they don't actually keep any cash around so you might have to wait, but they will give it to you if youre persistent enough

>> No.54000390
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Checked and cowpilled

>> No.54000419

Rob the bank.

>> No.54000426

please tell me your not about to bake those fucking T-bones, anon. please

>> No.54000438

yeah you will eventually, but how is this shit normal is what i mean, how? fuck banks man.
And actually, depends on the country even. I can promise you in France you better be able to justify why you need 10k+ in cash, which means it's barely yours anymore.

>> No.54000453

the classic surf and turf shitcoin combo meal

>> No.54000513

>letting you withdraw everything and close your accounts
>even when it's your money and you don't owe the bank anything
>realize that regulations exist to force you to deposit your money in the bank
>realize that the banking system is allowed all of its horrifying excesses because banks exist to serve the interests of the powerful

>> No.54000515

if your Steak doesn't stem from a kosher butchered milkt truck I don't want it

>> No.54000585

Take 4k out now, and 4k again in one week. Hit the ATM everyday after that for $200-$400

>> No.54000609
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What happens to my credit card debt if the entire financial system collapses?

>> No.54000641

I'm sure the tens of dollars you have in your account are safe, OP.

>> No.54000674
File: 65 KB, 250x228, 1671229487934180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir you don't have any cash to withdraw, your balance is 0

>> No.54000696
File: 49 KB, 654x300, Travellers-check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of you don't even know what this is.

>> No.54000761
