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53995539 No.53995539 [Reply] [Original]

Is this shit legal?
The landlord keeps saying that my gf can't have any "guests", so if I enter the property then it's trespassing?? The tenancy is ending via mutual agreement because they both hate each other. But now the landlord is pretty much forcing my gf to remove all of her belongings by herself. Surely this can't be allowed..

>> No.53995559

Read the fucking contract she signed.

>> No.53995573

i would think that if she is still entitled access to the property that would extend to you helping her move. i'd just go over there and force them to call the cops if they want to be shitty about it.

>> No.53995577

So you're letting him own you?

>> No.53995578

google "state + landlord guest law." it's probably illegal.
shut the fuck up nigger retard.

>> No.53995586

If she pays you, you're no longer a guest. All she has to do is give you a dollar and then you can go on the property.

>> No.53995595

This. Trespassing isn’t even a real crime you fucking pussy. She is gonna cuck you and you deserve, fucking bitch made faggot afraid to trespass.

>> No.53995598

Their property, their rules.

>> No.53995625

yet another 85 IQ congoloid nigger retard. please shut the fuck up, jet black gorilla nigger.

>> No.53995630

Tell them to call the cops if they want. The cops aren't going to care. A rentee is entitled to have help move their shit out. You aren't a guest.

>> No.53995636

The contract didn't specify "no guests". In fact, my gf specifically asked my landlord if she could have guests (during the initial viewing of the room) and the landlord said it's fine. As soon as I visited my gf got the "no guests" notice from the landlord (??). Now the landlord just entered my gf's room without permission because my gf didn't say hi to them when she came in. Wtf?? She's moving out tomorrow.
The landlord is some single old woman.
My gf still has access to the property but landlord doesn't want me to come in, only my gf.

>> No.53995652

That's not how renting works. If this is in the US then he's not even allowed to block her from having guests. If it's in some other shit hole then you can probably do whatever you want anyways.

>> No.53995657

Man up faggot. If you don't show up and call his bluff (yes, he is bluffing. Also you are not a guest you can just claim to be common married and suddenly you're a spouse.) She will always remember the time you bitched out and didn't stand up for her. And if she's already moving out there's nothing to lose from showing up and telling him to go fuck himself.

>> No.53995660

>The contract didn't specify "no guests"
Then tell her to fuck off. As long as the contract period is still ongoing, your gf lives there and can use the place however she wants unless specified otherwise in the contract.

>> No.53995671
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It's his house, move out, retard.

>> No.53995674

Or she can "hire" you to help move. 20 dollars and suddenly you're not a guest you're a business.

>> No.53995685

seething idiot.

>> No.53995688

The americuck. You're enfeebled.

>> No.53995705


>> No.53995719

Landlord here.

Just go help her move. The landlord can't do shit about it. Even if it says in the lease 'no guests', a cop doesn't enforce lease agreements and the landlord can't do anything about it since the lease is ending anyway. There's nothing a cop could do if he calls them and says you're trespassing, since she has legal 'posession' (which is distinct from 'ownership') of the property until the lease agreement is terminated and she surrenders 'possession.' Possession isn't surrendered until she turns in the keys or if there's a court order. If the landlord shows up when you're there, your gf could actually have him kicked out for trespassing.

>> No.53995785
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>As soon as I visited my gf got the "no guests" notice from the landlord (??).
Sounds like you need to upgrade your personal hygiene

>> No.53995795

Thanks landlord anon. Actually it's a shared property, the landlord (female) is living there alongside my gf.

Quite frankly we don't trust the landlord after all the shady shit she pulled (blatantly lying to my gf about the property on the advertising site, being compete schizo with enforcing/constantly changing the rules of inhabitance, entering my gfs room without asking).
How should we go about with returning the keys / final inspection / getting the bond back? Should we return the keys prior to the final inspection and the bond being repaid? I'm worried the landlord is going to pull some shady shit to try keep the bond.

>> No.53995803

>As soon as I visited my gf got the "no guests" notice
Anon, are you a nigger? That would explain the situation.

>> No.53995823

Landlord here. Slip him a $20 maybe a $40 and if he's a nice guy he'll let you in. Remember it is HIS property and he has the right to block access to anyone if he wants. He did your gf a service by providing her with a place to live and it is not cheap to maintain an apartment occupied by a woman. So be kind, tip him generously, and thank him. Basically show some respect and prove that you are better than a monkey.

>> No.53995838

Oh so the landlord is a woman. Just pull her hair and slap her on each cheek then.

>> No.53995882

>The landlord is some single old woman.
corrective rape now

>> No.53995908


The shared living space makes it tricky. I think the best thing would be to stay in areas of the house your gf is specifically leasing, but the worst a cop could do in any case is tell you to leave, unless the landlord has a trespass order against you personally (you would have been given a copy of the order as well, so I doubt there's one against you).

Don't give the keys back until the final inspection is finished, take pictures of the place before the inspection.

As for the bond, it depends on your state's laws. Typically the landlord must provide an itemized list of deductions from it, and must give the deposit back before a set amount of time. Some states allow a tenant to change the landlord interest for keeping the deposit longer.

>> No.53995955

what am I reading?

go get her key, make entry, and begin removing belongings. don’t engage with him. what are you a child?

bonus, document each time he tries to obstruct you and your girlfriend from moving her personal property from the leased space. So in the even you can’t get out of there in time, it’s documented via phone video, note pad, pictures, etc of when, where, who attempted to stop you and her from moving her belongs in small claims court

Jesus Christ what the fuck are they teaching kids clearly no fucking common sense

>> No.53995995

If you are paying rent for a property, you are entitled to reasonable use over that property. Having guests over is reasonable.

>> No.53995997

>getting the bond back
nope. count it a loss.
take images of everything before you leave. take a video once around the apartment and then depositing the keys with the landlord. don't tell her you're taping unless your state requires it, the landlord doesn't need to know what was on the rest of the tape.

Leave and never go back. Tape yourself all the way to a place you can confirm your self with a timestamp like a receipt or a public event with clock in frame.

If the landlord is honest, she'll return the money.
Make sure you give her a mail forwarding address, and have all mail forwarded at the post office (is only good for a few days), and make sure you update all her addresses with any billing services.

>> No.53996011

>The landlord is some single old woman.

What's the problem then? Disregard her boomer ass, and let her yell into the void.

>> No.53996014
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>Jesus Christ what the fuck are they teaching kids clearly no fucking common sense
Sorry I've been drawn into the "their property their rules" line of thought LMAO.
>Don't give the keys back until the final inspection is finished, take pictures of the place before the inspection.
THanks for all the good advice.
I'm an educated SEAsian who always dresses up. Landlord is a 40+y/o SEAsian woman with no family. This is in Australia.

>> No.53996037

>This is in Australia.
nigger, should have said that up front, silly faggot. fuck off, AUS is full.

>> No.53996091

Bro, you and your GF have even more rights as rentees than Burgers. The cops will do fucking nothing, grow a pair.