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53993903 No.53993903 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't Chainlink address the multisig problem? Is it true that they offer their services for free?

>> No.53993924
File: 486 KB, 1438x1470, chris bleck oopsie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no one more desperate for more attention than the mindbroken fudders

>> No.53993951

>it's another literal-WHO-said-X FUD thread

>> No.53993952

>Chainlink must report to the DeFi cop or they are bad!

>> No.53993991

Never heard of the faggot, why should anyone care?

>> No.53994021

Even if he were a nobody, the fact that Chainlink isn't addressing the issue is a quite alarming if I may say.

>> No.53994136

Oh look a tellor shill.

>> No.53994251

And how many times has this “problem” caused an issue in the Chainlink security, anon?

Mmhmm, I see.

And, is this “problem” in the room with us now?

>> No.53994484

probably the most pathetic failed twitter crypto influencer. has-been who never was. suck my fuckin dick, chris. enjoy those tellor bags

>> No.53994487

there's nothing wrong with the system, the 9 members of the multisig will be known as the council of truth and will rule over a golden age in the world, their descendants will inherit the responsibility and eventually 9 kingdoms of men will form with each holding 1 key, over the eons these multisig keys will be lost to time (they were written on mcdonalds napkins) but it no longer matters as the chainlink network was already perfected by this time and there was no need to ever use the keys again, problem solved, THE END.

>> No.53994528

>Chainlink should address every fucking fud in existence
They would need to hire much more HR roasties for that

>> No.53994545
File: 13 KB, 256x256, bear2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the least of chainlink's problems
why not address the TNN conundrum first
or the fact that trustless oracles are not even a thing
or the weekly dumps
or the fake partnerships

>> No.53994587

just say me Chris my dear narcissist

>> No.53994597

The tech doesnt matter links dead

T block 468

>> No.53995010

hacks or exploits that costs 100s of millions of dollars on other protocols
>too numerous to mention
hacks or exploits at all on chainlink

they would only degrade themselves by responding to twatter clowns when their performance speaks for itself
as if any influencer would be a better authority on the matter compared to jewels

>> No.53995039

Thank OP. Just market sold my link stack for beanstalk farms

>> No.53995050

who are these nine legendary lords of lore?

>> No.53995263

>As long as this obvious centralized factor of Chainlink hasn't caused any problems, we should ignore it!
So we should wait until it becomes an issue?

Tellor was never mentioned, though?


>> No.53995287

The very small & WEF-aligned Chainlink team owns a single multisig Ethereum key that has the ability to manipulate every single one of its allegedly "decentralized" price feeds.

If it ever chooses to do so, the CL team could use this key to hold the entire "DeFi on Ethereum" ecosystem hostage until its demands are met.

>> No.53995495

just give up. youre stuck in 2018 its time to let go

>> No.53995530
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>> No.53995552

What do you want them to say OP?

>> No.53995570

nobody cares about your globohomo shitcoin pajeet

>> No.53995622

I want them to address the issue or just admit that Chainlink is simply NOT decentralized.

>> No.53995642

This comment is made in every link thread. What compelled you to type that out, solve the captcha and bump the thread? Surely it’s just a bot?

>> No.53995702
File: 109 KB, 1414x1162, BDB693B2-9AC2-4268-8907-603D1F3F4B57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about progressive decentralization OP?

>> No.53995769

I'm a fierce advocate for immutable, unstoppable decentralized tech.

I'm a vicious opponent of everything that pretends to be that but isn't.

>> No.53995841

>progressive decentralization
a meme for gullible retards
>trust us guys at some point we will decentralize it!
At least stop advertising Chainlink as a "decentralized network".

>> No.53995903
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>> No.53995957
File: 175 KB, 1523x399, Tellor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The above LINK shill conveniently leaves this part out.

No, DeFi dev, you do NOT have to trust Chainlink and its crap multisig with the entire TVL of your protocol.

You can SAFELY implement sanity checks using Tellor, Uniswap and other sources.