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53993628 No.53993628 [Reply] [Original]

Why won't Binance let me buy XMR with BTC

>> No.53993656
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Can't buy it with ETH either, whats going on? I need to buy drugs

>> No.53993673

hmm i bought some lately and it works

>> No.53993691
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I aint got time to read through all those Terms

Did I get CHINKED?

>> No.53993697

Why not just use a BTC/XMR atomic swap?

>> No.53993708

You can swap BTC to XMR on https://trocador.app/en/

>> No.53993725

Anon just read what does it say. Read terms, view more details. If you are a lazy fuck to read use ai to sum it up.

I think it is due to customer protection as xmr is just losing value not gaining any.

>> No.53993980

I don't have time for it and chatGPT will only let me submit segments of it because its too big to give it all. I'll just try tomorrow etc

>> No.53993993

>too big to give it all
Ask your mother for help. She's great at taking it all

>> No.53994008

you realize that's a 100% audit trigger by the IRS right?

>> No.53994029

imagine spending hours on copy pasting sections of a ToS into microsofts reddit-on-demand bot instead of control-F'ing your way through it to get your answer within a couple of minutes like every normal person would.

>> No.53994050 [DELETED] 

There's a run on XMR, it looks like the US is trying to wash Silkroad coins so that they can spend them without people seeing them (so presumably the 1B worth of coins they just moved, with 10k to Coinbase will eventually go back to being Bitcoin)

But right now it looks like that BTC is getting washed with tornado cash, XMR, etc.

Soooo liquidity crunch. Uncle Sam says "GIMME UR MONERO I NEED IT FOR SOMETHING VERY PRIVATE."

>> No.53994066

I can tell you without reading their tos

Youre a burger and youre fucked, XMR is too much freedom for mutts

>> No.53994096


>> No.53994106

the jews were gonig to assassinate cz unless he danced their gay tune. drugcoin is BANNED