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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53991898 No.53991898 [Reply] [Original]

We should have a separate /biz/ for non-whites
Can call it /shit/ - shitskins and scams

>> No.53991928

You could actually do this with zk. Submit a face video to an algorithm that detects ethnicity but only the algorithm “sees” the footage so you’re not actually doxxing yourself. All white /biz/, can you imagine?

>> No.53992015

simply force everyone to buy a pass before they're allowed to post
filters 80% of the brown sewage immediately.

>> No.53992032

only giga-brain whites would use /shit/ because of the heckin' irony-reenos of it all. just make /biz/ seem fancy and put big and bold ui here, only jeets would frequent. make /shit/ ugly as fuck and intentionally retarded like temple os, only whites would use it. I actually just fixed your idea for you. you can thank me by runnin gthis up the janny fagpole to the head tranny fbi femboy.

>> No.53992036
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6 million points for gryffindor

>> No.53992044

Didn't read, esl detected.

>> No.53992066

nigger I bet you can't read and that's a shame because I just ironically unironically saved biz by coming up with a bigbrain ux overhaul and making it look like temple os. only whites would use that. temple os offends niggers and shitskins, as you would know if you weren't one yourself and ignorant of the source of all your pent up, big-nose'd nigger rage.


>> No.53992367 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 699x691, redrabbit6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend’s dad is a banking exec, I told him I’m all in on crypto. He and I met yesterday. He is a kind and mild mannered guy who comes off as deeply intelligent. I asked him how he felt about decentralized finance and he said it was a risky venture (no surprise from his banking point of view) and anyone putting money into it is a fool. He seemed disappointed that his daughter’s boyfriend wanted to talk about crypto and Red Rabbit token. For me, crypto has fundamentally changed my life - it has taught me about finance, geopolitics, and that I have the agency to live a life I wasn’t sure was possible. So, when he seemed disappointed, what did I do? I doubled down. I gave an impassioned speech about why cryptocurrency is changing the world and democratizing resources that traditionally only the wealthy had access to. It is giving poor communities a fighting chance and that it is revolutionary and something that is a big part of my investment strategy. I don’t know what the point of this post is, but I just, idk, he made me feel like a fool of an investor because he either just doesn’t get it or is scared of it and I feel like his view of me has become less favorable in terms of dating his daughter, but I’m going to stand up for what I believe in. Ramble over.

>> No.53993004

a containement board for shitcoins and shilling is necessary