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File: 1.35 MB, 1920x650, Flagstaff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53990314 No.53990314 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking, I'm thinking about moving to Flagstaff in the near future if it isnt as pozzed as it is here. I'm also looking into buying up plots of land in between Flgstaff, SLC, and Denver in the distant future with some friends which we'll divvy up and eventually build small cabins on. How viable is any of this?

>> No.53990389

>How viable is any of this?
Not viable. If you want to achieve financial freedom you need to live in a pod, listen to podcasts and eat Tide pods. Post on Twitter with hashtag #PodLife and become an influencer. This will allow you to save enough money to eventually buy some bugs to eat as a protein supplement. Then you will experience the happiness that comes with being a mature adult and owning nothing.

>> No.53990392

Spending money to live anywhere in the US is retarded. The whole country is a shithole.

>> No.53990393

Flagstaff is pretty pozzed

>> No.53990417

Why would you live in the fucking desert? Move to escanaba if you want to larp as a frontiersman without blowing a fortune you fucking candyass.

>> No.53990453

Flyover shitholes make you want to blow your brains out after 1 day

>> No.53990576

I guess those are giant yucca trees and cacti in the pic I posted. Strange, could have sworn those were ponderosa pines.
>Move to escanaba if you want to larp as a frontiersman without blowing a fortune
Alright, Im listening
I live in a city with almost a 200k population. I couldnt care much for the aspects of living here besides its temperate weather throughout the year. I was in central Idaho this past Winter for a few weeks and had a good time. I see no other to stay where I am now aside from my hybrid wfh job and some friends.

>> No.53990593

All that land is spoken for. There isn’t anywhere nice left that isn’t taken or expensive to purchase. My money is on high altitude former mining areas or huge tracts of land in Nevada. Also, Cabins suck. They fall apart after about 40 years and get infested with rats and rodents of all types. Better a metal shell/hangar/garage with apartments. It can withstand the heat/cold/sun cycles better than wood along with wind gusts.

t. Been spending my summers and winters at 9000 ft elevation Colorado for about 32 years.

>> No.53990605

fuck off we're full

>> No.53990628

>I live in a city with almost a 200k population
I don't really consider anything with less than 1mil people as a city
I also do WFH but would never agree to move to some small town. Living in Tokyo btw

>> No.53990954

Im more inclined for a modern tiny home that is more or less around 1,000sqft which sounds contradicting, but its probably just gonna be me. Could also do a double wide modular home.
And yeah my buddy suggested abandon mines, but seems kinda meh living in a pseudo quarry. I also was looking into east Texas where it surprisingly isnt a desert hellscape like the majority of the Southwest.
Any parts of Colorado you'd recommend or stay away from? I unironically just want somewhere to fuck off with some friends.
I lived in multiple parts of California not too far from a major city. Fucking hated it. I spent most of my life in close proximity to San Diego and San Francisco and would almost never go over there. Usually just for a concert or 2 every year then I'd fuck off back home. Tokyo has always been on my wishlists for places to visit, but id get over it pretty fast if living there since id be doing the same shit but in a more crowded and congested area.

>> No.53990985

Flagstaff is expensive to live, but it is nice aside from the aggressive drunk Native Americans that patrol the streets picking fights. I honestly wouldn't live there. Why did you pick Flagstaff?

If you want to do any kind of homesteading, you will want a place with arable land and plenty of rain/water.

>> No.53991049

Would like to live in an alpine or grassland type environment. Just nothing as flat and boring as the dead center of tornado alley. I figure Flagstaff would be good for rentcucking for a while before actually being a landowner. I already had my doubts about buying land in Flagstaff, but was hoping it would be a good stepping stone for continuing eastward. Im not hard set on it either, so you can FUD it as much as you want.

>> No.53991159

Wildfires will fuck your home up. I was based out of Flagstaff while I served in the conservation corps. The reality is that you should only consider rural life/homesteading after you meet a female. Low population cities/areas are pussy deserts unless you don't mind being single for the rest of your life or taking care of another man's child.

>> No.53991209

Im no stranger to wildfires so I have a rough idea after a few evacs.
>Low population cities/areas are pussy deserts unless you don't mind being single for the rest of your life
Unironically this is my plan. Funnily enough one of my friends going in on this with me just had his woman leave him because she thinks hes a pedo for having a neutral outlook on 17 year olds posting nudes of themselves online. Im doing what I can to help him not an hero, but this just helps my own perspective even more about not wanting certified woman moments such as that in my life.

>> No.53991230

im in San Diego area now, where did you enjoy living the most?

Downtown is cringe beyond belief, its filled with trash and homeless people

>> No.53991248

>fagstaff not pozzed
retarded from the first word

>> No.53991254

Too snowy

>> No.53991274

you should watch one of those homesteader shows on discovery channel to see how dumb of an idea this is. they even have ones out in the desert and those come with their own unique hell. not to mention how expensive it is even if you've got your cadre of dudes that have done drywall a few times

>> No.53991313

Flagstaff is my favorite AZ city and there are cute white college girls all over. But why is the dutchbros alway packed at 2am?

>> No.53991518

Honestly, I’m not aware of anything that’s a good deal in southern Colorado . The boomers have bought up practically everything worthwhile and aren’t selling or selling for a fortune. There’s cheap land everywhere, but the question you need to ask yourself is this: am I close to a grocery store? Can I get grid electric? Do I have access to clean water? How long would it take an ambulance to come get me?

You can buy a huge piece of property but it’ll be 15 miles over rough dirt roads and at 11k ft elevation where drifts form and build up over roads in a matter of hours during winter. What happens if you slip and fall while chopping firewood or if you’re farting around your shed (which you will need to fix shit that breaks [I hope you know how to fix things and use tools])? Can you reliably call rescue and know they’ll come to save your ass?

If I were you I’d get in a camper and visit everywhere in the American south west. Go all over. You could find a cool bird nest on the ground no one knows about. In any case you won’t be stuck somewhere not knowing what the landscape and local people entail. Better to scout it out first and know what you’re getting into. Don’t take advice from people. Go see for yourself where the good spots are. Meet the people with good knowledge of the area. Locals are a TREASURE TROVE of info. They know all the good restaurants, who is cool and works hard and who steals shit and beats their wife after gettin shit housed at the bar, where the good places to go and things to do are and where the valuable property is. Spend 2 nights in 10 places and then decide what you like.

>> No.53991579
File: 351 KB, 764x879, 1624517163205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flagstaff is my favorite city between Texas and California; I always stop there when traveling from Texas to California. Any self-respecting /biz/raeli can't miss Black Bart's Steakhouse, where the wagies are forced to sing songs for you while you swill beer and stuff your maw with steak.

But would I live in Flagstaff over Dallas? Hell naw I wouldn't. I'm not not gonna find enough interesting things to do in a city of 75k people. How many museums, parks, meetups, churches, clubs, etc. can exist in a town of 75k? How many single attractive girls with a good income are you likely to meet and date?

Take the Dallaspill anon; if you're so dead-set on homesteading you can look into buying ranch property outside of Dallas or in Oklahoma. While still being less than an hour's drive away from the largest airport in the country.

>> No.53992094

I lived in El Cajon then in La Mesa. La Mesa was alright for the part I was at. I was too much of a poorfag at the time to actually take part in having shit to do around there besides run around Lake Murray or Mission Trails. El Cajon was a 100% certified shithole. It was a common joke that El Cajon was the "Middle East" since it was the center of East County with a load of towel heads especially surrounding downtown which had the massive dystopian like courthouse that towered over everything. Now its mostly just crazed homeless and meth heads along side the towel heads.
If you have the money, move towards north county.
Funny, I was looking at southern Colorado and I figured the land there was cheap for a reason. One of my buddies moved out to Colorado Springs and is having a kick ass time albeit a bit lonely, sounds like a good place to start. He tried doing the whole camper thing but decided to settle in instead. Truck camper seems semi doable since I hate towing shit.
Im actually looking into East Texas as well. That land mass east of Dallas and north of Austin. Surprisingly heavily wood which is why some of the land is so pricier in some parts. Its understandable since it is a commodity you can sell after you buy, but I wouldnt want to deforest more than half of the property just for a small return.

>> No.53992344 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 512x512, redrabbit0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Red Rabbit token.. All the drama, the memes, the community surrounding it, it's really something. But what I love most about it is knowing that in couple years I will be a billionaire. It's not even a 99% chance, it is quite literally guaranteed. As a result of that knowledge, I stopped showering and brushing my teeth over a year ago. There is simply no reason for me to do it when I know I'll be rich. I will be fucking whores every night and laughing as they're throwing up from my disgusting, stinky body and mouth. As they kiss me on my rotten teeth, or suck my stinky, 2 year unwashed hog. It will be quite something. In fact I am already seeing effects of my stinky adventure. Yesterday I went to a shop to buy some cheese and make a stop at McD's for a big mac and the cashier at the store was visibly gagging at the smell of me and trying to hide it. Other customers were standing like 5 meters behind me. It was truly hilarious. And none of them have any idea of my guaranteed, future riches. They must already be so jealous of me. The stinkiest billionaire ever.

>> No.53992409

flagstaff is pozzed and extremely boring. if you work remote and make decent money, you're 1 plane flight away from heaven. go anywhere. go to philippines, thailand, croatia, montenegro, serbia, you'll be rich, women are all hot as fuck and being an american ull be special
but if you have to be in arizona, scottsdale is pretty cool. very conservative, girls are hot, no snow, clean roads, not that many crackheads, nothing like cali anyway. jesus christ i drove through santa barabara 3 months ago and there were literal gangs of homeless niggers standing by pit fires all over the place. i went to walk on the pier and there were 3 crackheads with a buncha carts, one was screaming at the top of his lungs at nothing, i noped the fuck out. used to be one of the most upperclass cities in the entire country