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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 434 KB, 1024x610, free-etheremon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5398711 No.5398711 [Reply] [Original]

Get em now or never.

>> No.5399011

So whats the scam catch here

>> No.5399380

You still have to pay the gas price for an ETH contract.

Other than that, seems like there is none. The dev wants it to be an actual game.

>> No.5399419
File: 482 KB, 432x767, 1468096624861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgetting Pokemon GO is still a thing
>60 bucks with no later fees for Pokemon USUM
>Celebi in the new Pokemon Crystal for 3ds

but lets pay into this shit with no battle system yet.

>> No.5399512

Just set the gas fee to 5

>> No.5399650
File: 240 KB, 318x308, 1496625437020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad friendo. Watch from the sidelines as anons make it by playing a Pokemon knockoff while you stick to your game for kids that gives you no returns, but instead wastes your time.

Never making it.

>> No.5399732

desperate attempt to get people to play this kek

>> No.5399733

>he didn't buy into XVG or ICX
>he thinks he's going to the moon with a ponzi scheme

im just telling you as a pokefag man, I see the writing on the wall. nobody else is making money aside from the Gen 0 owners. nobody else has any use for a game that promises you money when there is none

>> No.5399933

You realize that Crypto Kitties took a month to really get popular, and at that point gen 0 cats were selling for up to 50 ETH at times, right?

How would this be less popular than a game that had no utility other than breeding?

>> No.5400090

Well I guess Im just going to grab one just in case it randomly becomes retardedly popular.

>> No.5400194

same reason btc is king and clones/forks are worth shit. Oh wait..

>> No.5400239

>nobody else is making money aside from the Gen 0 owners.

As a pokefag man, I can say you're wrong. There is going to be a whole economy to buying and selling mons, and not just Gen0's. This game is just getting started.

>> No.5400282

why free???????

>> No.5400285

I bought a bunch for 1 gwei, probably have them tomorrow :)

>> No.5400354

Except people already forgot about CK.

>> No.5400391

I have failed completely at daytrading lately. Lost 40% of my money in 3 days.
If those gen 0 really gonna sell for1-5 ETH each when the market is on, it will be the best Christmas present ever.

>> No.5400392

>there is going to be
>it will be implmented soon
>its not out yet but

this is all I get from you Ponzimon faggots

>> No.5400394

really? i hear that shit is still selling

>> No.5400447

Dev said they will stay free forever (so no need to amass them beyond what you think you will need to play). It's to get new players on board, and enable anyone to actually play battles once they are out.

>> No.5400499

cont. to evolve your Mons or to form really good parties that can consistently win battles you will need to aquire paid-for content, like gen0 Mons or maybe some items the Dev rolls out on the trading platform.

>> No.5400515

Your opinion is stupid and you are retarded. Hes updated the game EVERY DAY since it released.

>> No.5400635

That is why we buy and catch NOW
When all these features are actually implemented, you will be late for the early adopters party

>> No.5400721

you faggot this game started a few days ago fuck off then

>> No.5400778

the thing is, the early growth was driven by greed at a quick buck'

now we feel the quick buck has passed

if i had bought within the first hour of hearing about it, i would have quadrupled my money in a couple days. i didn't. now it's too late

>> No.5401025

Isn't the word "Pokemon" trademarked or something?

>> No.5401381

They obvioulsly arent called pokemon

>> No.5401681

Look at the picture, middle creature description, "Their licks can heal wounded Pokemon".

>> No.5401715


>> No.5401740
File: 132 KB, 900x599, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5401814

I think we have been shadowbanned from Ethereum.


Our thread, 14 upvotes, 100% likability, not even in the "NEW" section of Ethereum.


A thread created just now, with only 1 upvote (his own), showing up.

Someone needs to create a new thread and avoid the shadowban. Maybe don't put Etheremon in the title.

>> No.5401878

yeah, saw that the thread wasn't in the "new" section at all. Maybe contact the mods to ask what's up?

>> No.5401944

Theres no limit on them =/ not "rare"

>> No.5402409

I would love to hop in this, but Coinbase is preventing me from buying ETH and I don't even have a miniscule amount of gwei to get these free-mons. I'll be watching from the sidelines senpai... save some lambos for me...

>> No.5402481
File: 557 KB, 1611x625, getemall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use this opportunity to learn Metamask and basic gas limit/gwei operations and how decentralized networks work.

Metamask is an awesome tool that really shows you the potential of decentralization.

>> No.5402548

Holy kek. Fucking saved.

>> No.5402612

>nobody else is making money aside from the Gen 0 owners
>nobody else is making money aside from /biz/
Where's the problem?

>> No.5402635

>Get em now or never.
You mean get them now or ever. The devs said that those three Etheremons are always going to be free. There's no need to stockpile or get people to rush in. And there sure as fuck isn't a need to mass shill this on reddit. They tend to know when they're getting shilled by outsiders and it will only hurt the reputation of the game further.

The time to advertise is when you can actually fucking do something with the mons: when trading, leveling up, evolving and battling are possible.

>> No.5402750

The ethereum subreddit got asshurt over their network being congested from it actually being used for something besides ICOs. They were pissed off over cryptokitties too.