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File: 1.31 MB, 1488x1488, 1677347039875645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53986554 No.53986554 [Reply] [Original]

1 LINK = 1 ID

>> No.53986568


>> No.53986575

The volume is atrocious. Give up chainlinktonight

>> No.53986689

this guy fucks
mfw newfags dont understand manifestation
rent free

>> No.53986732
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>> No.53986746
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>> No.53986794
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who /lil steps/ here

>> No.53986836
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based Lil Steps enjoyer

>> No.53987199
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>> No.53987336

Silverbank just shut down and SEN is dead, imagine not understanding the implications of that.

What they don't understand are that the sheer tokenomics of Everest alone guarantees that one day 1 LINK = 1 ID. There are only 800,000,000 ID tokens which will be systematically burned by usage of features on the Everest platform, i.e. regulatory compliant KYCing. Not to mention every single institution in crypto and the legacy world wanting to onboard into DeFi will be forced to stake 250,000 tokens if they want full access to the features of Everest. It is not only well within the realms of possibility that 1 LINK = 1 ID given these tokenomics compared to Chainlink’s 1,000,000,000 model - it is an eventual guarantee. By the will of Kek and the All Father, this manifestation is destined to take place. Even if it takes Chainlink dumping further.

>> No.53987358
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>> No.53987373
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ID thread without KILT mention

imagine the seeth when you gotta salvage electric parts leftover electronics that got 2 KILT locked up

>> No.53987423
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No one is interested in shitcoins that don't pass the regulatory sniff test. Show me KILTs banking licenses in a respected Western jurisdiction or fuck off.

>> No.53987425
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tell me you don't know the difference between identity and identification without telling me

>> No.53987456
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>> No.53987459

seeth all you want

Google DENA the german agency for electric digitalization

dena + kilt protocol

will get your jaws dropped

>> No.53987460

110 million circulating 800 million total supply no thanks. I have sergey dumping on me constantly no need for another.

>> No.53987473
File: 81 KB, 542x461, KILT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, looks like KILT was so far down the list of who cares, I didn't already have a template for you. Here you go!

>> No.53987503
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Oh, a random agency in a satrapy of the US that has zero international relevance or power to make the rules that control the way financial regulations are applied to crypto? Let me SPRINT to go read up on that. Let me RUSH to go waste my money buying a bag.

>> No.53987513

I just ate a giant sandwich from Jimmy Johns

>> No.53987514
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this is you in 2 years

>> No.53987515

You will never be a real identity provider. You have no biometrics, you have no regulatory approval, you have no ongoing monitoring. You are a credential sharing platform glorified by buzzwords about blockchain into a crude mockery of true identity.
All the “validation” you get is misunderstanding and non-compliant. Behind your back people mock you. Your peers are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “users” implement actual solutions behind closed doors.

>> No.53987535
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>2 years
>mica in full force
>america copying mica
ok retard

>> No.53987553
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>> No.53987560
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all this regulation lover mockery while you cant prove your shitcoin even works

show me the product that I can try

you can try KILT without even needing the token, ye token not needed funny and shit but show me a working product


>> No.53987651
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>> No.53987660
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>spoonfeeding disingenuous dunning kruger retards

>> No.53989154


>> No.53989203

everest is a pajeet scam

>> No.53989905
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>> No.53990284

Does anyone have the ranks based off of holdings?

>> No.53990421


>> No.53992473
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The way they work is prettyvtelling by how they dropped the Bitso news. Everest work in darkness as they're so regulatory compliant and just casually drop huge news. Once all they're ducks are lined up in a row we'll get a bunch of releases at once and this will pop off. Partnering with oracle to provide kyc services and running a kyc link node should tell you all you need

>> No.53993890
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>> No.53993927
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On the one hand the daily volume looks atrocious on the other hand it’s giving me 2017-18 Link vibes where not even their mother heard of them and quickly dominated the scene. On paper Everest seems to have everything going for it.
Can someone give me more red pills on ID? Is it the Chainlink of ID?

>> No.53993950
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see >>53989203

>> No.53994014
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>> No.53994552
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>> No.53997232

so true

>> No.53997309

literally just a couple telegram shills and one romanian gypsy who also shills everest on /pol/ unironically

meanwhile your dying shitcoin just finds a new low month after month

>> No.53997310

esl pajeet shill

>> No.53998284
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You'd already know the answer if you spent 30 minutes researching more than the volume

>> No.53998385
File: 184 KB, 1000x829, B7EB145E-26B2-4D14-A3CC-486EC7A513D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it you’re right. Are 10k enough to make it?

>> No.53999953

>he fell for the romanian flag