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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53984102 No.53984102 [Reply] [Original]

Basically put $1000 into a savings account. Feels good not being a peon rentcuck and knowing I'll be about 80% of my "rent" back when I decide to sell and get another home.

>> No.53984248

it's over for rent chuds

>> No.53984264

I hope niggers and spics move into your neighborhood, OP.

>> No.53984275
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*sip* feels good man

>> No.53984294

you left out the part where you're paying 50-100% of the cost of the mortgage to interest

>> No.53984306

the ratio of mortgauge payments to what the same properties rent payments would be has never been more fucked. Imagining signing up for 30 years to pay WAY more than the house would rent for. Dont forget about your mainentence costs, insurance, and taxes goy.

>> No.53985392

50-100% of your rent pays your landlord's interest.

>> No.53985409
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My lights water and gas will be shut off by March 31st.

>> No.53985435

i live at home for free and invest $85k a year into the stock market

>> No.53985444

I'm sorry to hear that anon

>> No.53985459

Good for you. Not everyone has the opportunity.

>> No.53985477

It was all a waste of money anyway. Just collect rainwater and buy some solar panels.

>> No.53985487

Oh yes you will be able to sell it easily whenever you decide

>> No.53985578

you bought boomers bags and not even in cash but had to finance and pay double
lmaoing at your "life"

>> No.53985722

Imagine actually believing this

>> No.53985740

Meh who cares we're all gonna die anyway I'll just be roping before the mass extinction event, I don't want to see the things I loved die.

>> No.53985743

Look at this retarded rentcuck thinking houses rent for cheaper than the mortgage payment hahahahaha

>> No.53985781

Imagine paying for a house in cash when 3% rates were a thing and you could invest that money for safe 6% returns holy shit rentcucks just BTFO themselves every time they open their mouths

>> No.53985819

You can rent a room for cheap.
But renting a whole house vs buying. Buying is cheaper given a few years for inflation to do it's job.

>> No.53985841

>plywood box dweller on a 30 year welfare payment plan walking around like he's got a thick dick
ask me how i know you're an irrelevant flyover poorfagg chud

>> No.53986012

Sorry you're too pussy to leave whatever dystopian hellhole you live in that forces you to pay 1 mil for a 1,000 square foot house LOL hope it's worth it pal!

>> No.53986238

>but your property taxes are expensive!!
Pays 99k for a house in 1999, sells in 2022 for $650k. Less than 50k in prop taxes paid
>but maintenance!!!!..!!!
Pays less than 10k for maintenance over the ownership period
>but Muh mortgage interest!!!
Pays less than 100k in interest
>but you don’t have flexibility!!!
Posts house for sale, sells within 2 months. Meanwhile rent cuck still has 6 months left on his lease that he is liable for on early move out
>but what if you lose your job!!!
Rents rooms out and mortgage is paid entirely
>but Muh housing bubble!
Ignores the matched inflation with equity prices

Rentcucks are fucked

>> No.53986299

Ask me how I know your NW is less than 6 figures

>> No.53986482

Based and truthpilled
Buying my house was one of the best financial decisions I ever made. My only regret is not doing it earlier. Fuck rentcucks lol

>> No.53986544
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>housing prices always go up..
>housing prices will be at least stable..
>housing prices will only go down a little..
>housing prices will not go down more than 10%!
you are here

>> No.53986652

Four houses on my street been for sale over a year .

>> No.53986834

Switch the locks and live there rent free.

>> No.53987927

I make $150k a year and rent a room for $700. I use the extra money to work on projects and invest in them.
I have no interest in ever owning a home

>> No.53988273

see >>53985435 and then cry into your monthly plywood box bill, faggot

>> No.53989361

Owning(((renting))) real estate in the US is a cucked game. Living in it at all is too but you’re probably too poor to leave.

>> No.53989516

> 1999 to 2022
so the entire low interest rate period that has now ended, leading to an immediate fall in house prices.

>> No.53989552

My mortgage is 3% and I can get a risk-free 5% in bonds. Enjoy being poor OP

>> No.53989598

So now you live in your house that you bought for basically free. Stop coping and prepare to buy when it's affordable for you.

>> No.53989781

Dumb, you could have bought a home in 2020 or 2019 and be $100k+ in value profit now and rent the whole house out for $2300 a month to pay your $1400 mortgage and pocket the rest

>> No.53990004

did you forget the property tax, school tax, power, water and home owner associate bills?

>> No.53990386

all pretty low unless you live in NY or SF

>> No.53990442

property tax for me is about 200 a month, call it 100 average for electric, well water, schools are included with property tax. did you forget you pay this to your landlord plus tip regardless if it's itemized for you or not?

>> No.53991588
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