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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53982752 No.53982752 [Reply] [Original]

Month 3 of learn to code
>basic HTML/CSS
>solid understanding of JS fundamentals
>building 1000 to do lists and studying data structures
>react next
Its comfy learning from professor jeet inching my way towards 100k salary after a few years bros. All you have to do is literally spend time doing it every day and eventually you will know it, that's literally all. The camps of people seething are it are
>incompetent programmers who struggle daily with imposter syndrome because they suck dick at coding and life off of stackexchange
>people too down on themselves to try and learn
I WILL make a 6 figure salary
I WILL do it without learning from Dr shekelstein
I WILL be a disciple of based udemy jeets. Look at it this way, if you're going to keep doing crypto, by far one of the best skills you can have is computer literacy. The skills you gain from programming are potentially invaluable in trading and you could even get a job at a web3 company. Ignore all seething code monkeys afraid of the new self taught master race wave that is threatening their jobs, along with ai

>> No.53982819
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Former historian who wants to get into AI reporting in.
I’m continuing my second week of Python.

>> No.53982853

Based brother, you're going to make it. How are you learning?

>> No.53982854

pathetic. as a soft eng also a recruiter, your profiles are so fucking not needed. Tired of seeing retarded data profiles. True software engineer background or gtfo.

>> No.53982862

I learned to code and make 100k but my job is exhausting with too many meetings. Might move soon

>> No.53982874

Kys faggot, the disciples of ranjesh are coming for your jobs

>> No.53982879

there is a saturation of shit profiles like you and OP, at a level you wouldn't believe. Sorry for the demoralization post, but it's true. I spend MONTHS finding one good dev, in an ocean of bullshiters, reconverted fags and so on. You retards think learning react or python will get you a job?! anons, that's not what we are looking for... we need true experienced, quality engineers, writing robust code, thinking about many parts of the stack, writing quality documentations, etc.
Your fucking "skills" are probably already made obsolete by chatGPT alone

>> No.53982905

>soft eng also a recruiter.

Hope you get stabbed by a homeless and your wife cucked by a negro.

>True software engineer background or gtfo.
k3k, you can engineer muh nuts you glorified lego assembler. Atleast the pajeets are humble and polite.

>> No.53982910

This is a lot of words to express carnal fear. Cope

>> No.53982934

retards. good luck. Just open LinkedIn and check it out... "Data scientist" fags are ALL OVER THE PLACE. Python script tards are EVERYWHERE.

If you were smart, you would go for something specific, like Kubernetes, infra, very specific data engineering pipelines, etc.

>> No.53982949

seething nigger: the post

>> No.53983007

I’m starting out small. Currently I’m following the 6 hour Python guide by some guy called Tech with Tim on YouTube. After that I’ll play around with Python and expand my knowledge. I don’t have a solid plan yet however.

This is just for the lurkers here but I have friends who are engineers who frequently said that anyone can become a coder provided you learn a lot.

>> No.53983009

anon I am a real software engineer, COO of a company, making $200k, hiring other engineers. You are coping.

>> No.53983018

anon, kill yourself you faggot bitch nigger, i dont care what you think

>> No.53983034

>become a coder
this doesn't mean anything. I don't know a single company who would hire begineers, partial coders, people who don't have a significant background and experience. Being able to write 3 functions in Python is one thing (and enough in bullshit data science, I give you that) but it's another to ARCHITECTURE software, to compose your classes, to create docs, packages, installers, ...

>> No.53983050

you can suck my cock if you want?

>> No.53983065

its weird that someone who you can feel the homosexuality and femininity exuding from based on their text alone is seething about chads preparing to dunk on them, oh wait, no its not lmao. get fucked nigger

>> No.53983101

alright send your github let's see what you have been coding so well, top kek. I may be gay but... I fuck more women than you and I have landed more jobs than you ever will so who's the faggot here?

>> No.53983107
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>buying the top: thread

>> No.53983169

thanks for illustration my point: all the data-science I-know-how-to-use-xgboost faggots are going to get wrecked. There are no jobs for mediocre coders

>> No.53983207

this is the hard truth.

i've recently been promoted to SWE 2 at my company and am taking part in the interview process now. we've gone out of our way to interview "non-traditional" candidates for entry-level roles, but from the 15 or so interviews i've sat in so far they cannot hold a candle to someone who has 4 years of a traditional CS education. knowing a language's syntax doesn't really mean jack shit if the candidate doesn't grok what's happening below the surface level and can't visualize system architecture.

it's cool that a lot more people are interested in CS now, but i think that most of these people will fail to get into programming jobs, and most of those who do will leave before getting past entry level.

making a career out of programming takes years and years and years of experience with thinking about code and learning to visualize these abstract concepts in your head, and what i've come to realize is that most people aren't cut out to do this for more than a year without burning out.

>> No.53983333
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Learn2code went out the window around 5-6 years ago when even regular non tech normalfags were talking about random meme bootcamps and a bajillion pajeet videos were released about it. Its not a bad skill to have of course, but even if you’re really good from one of those bootcamps or videos you’re still going to be a drop in an ocean of shit thats already going to have a worse chance since so many recruiters and hiring people now have been burned by said bootcamp retards. And personally I wouldn’t be shocked at all if later this year or sometime next year we get another dot com bubble where tech gets completely gutted again. You’re already seeing mass layoffs, and now AI is a real threat to the pajeet spaghetti code. All the actual serious autists who program 12+ hours a day aren’t going anywhere of course, but the armadas of shitters are headed straight for the English channel. If anything it’d make more sense for folks to focus on the other non coding side of IT, but that doesn’t get Youtube views or a bajillion dollar salary starting posted by grifters so nobody focuses on that stuff. Not that I’m complaining.

>> No.53983545

You should be ashamed of trying to fuck your /biz/bros over

>> No.53983576

OP is right. No competent programmers are threatened by self educated programmers or ai. It's strictly cope coming from those who are likely to be laid off. The biggest skill for any programmer is continuing self education. Ignore the demoralizers. You can do it.

T. 250k/yr

>> No.53983636

>web development
Literally kek poorfag

>> No.53983660

Bros, I think the whole learn to code thing is a meme.
>do coding bootcamp
>apply to fullstack software engineering jobs
>every single recruiter asks about my bachelor's degree
>have to explain I did a coding boot camp, I've never been to college
>don't hear back
I'm 30 now and this is really starting to get to me.
I feel like I just wasted all my time and money and should've just gone to college like my parents said.

>> No.53983692

That's because you did a boot camp. Boot camp ≠ solid github. No one cares about you got your knowledge, they just care about your knowledge.


>> No.53983715

Any tips on AI stuff?

>> No.53983727

Then train motherfuckers. Start a paid internship program that accepts from more than just rising Ivy grads and fucking train.

The truth is that the institutional knowledge for the stuff you need done is lost, isn't it? You didn't hold the Boomers and Xers accountable for training their juniors and then you drove them out with shit salaries so you could pay the investor monster.

>> No.53983735

No, I am gonna get a bachelors and then I will look for a job.

>> No.53983783

There's no tips, just do it everyday, finish any one resource to it's completion even if you switch around. When I need to learn something I typically follow video tutorials and less in depth material loosely, and then reference as needed. You just have to do it, there's no secret. The people in here fudding are full of shit. Every programmer self teaches constantly or they end up like the people in here trying to gatekeep because they are lazy. It may be true that certain companies are preferential to degree fags for one reason or another but if you're actually good FAGMAN will hire you so their argument is nil. If you're not clearly good then it's obvious why you can't get a job. The formula is basically to have a github with consistent commits on projects, and making sure that when interview time comes that you fully understand data structures and algorithms. That's all there is to it.

>> No.53983799

Translation: I'm operating off of a centuries old paradigm and can't think for myself

>> No.53983804

Keep going anon, you have the right mentality. Ignore naysayers and haters.

>> No.53984025

What sort of entry level positions are out there other than web development?

>> No.53984091
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>wake up at noon
>work for a few hours
>have 4 hour lunch break
>work a few more hours

>> No.53984108

based self improvement OP, any negativity here is coming from projectors and insecure dorks. the discipline and work ethic needed/developed through the process of self learning is enough alone to make it worth it, regardless of the outcome. Many losers in this thread don't understand this because their lives are pathetic (they know this deep down)

>> No.53984138

No, the jobs I want need bachelors.

>> No.53984191
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Is it possible to find work from home if you're not a programmer? Are there jobs for MS Office virgins?

>> No.53984209
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>learning to code right as the tech layoffs are starting to hit and we're impending on even worse collapse

>> No.53984224
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I have personally seen two full stack developers come into discords Im in and ask for jobs. I would like to thank all the basement dewlling autists on this site for their hard work over the years on the learn to code make 300k wfh memes because watching these NPCs panic as they fall of the rails of their programming has given me many keks.

>> No.53984279

imagine not working for a company thats hiring

>> No.53984512

I tried learning again the last couple of days but Ive been reminded why coding is a waste of fucking time. Error after endless error making progress imfucking possible. Install NPM, install Node.js, install modules, try to run modules and it's error this, error that, unable to rectify anything. spend countless hours troubleshooting and getting nowhere. Waste of fucking time.

>> No.53984636

NPM sucks ass. That’s why.

>> No.53984741

There's millions of people who are just like you and think they'll make 6 figures just because they can code a little bit of JS. Just ask yourself why would they hire you instead of someone with actual experience in the field though?

>> No.53984840

yeah but its what is being used for what im trying to learn (blockchain stuff with Node.js)

>> No.53984869

I’m trying to stop them from fucking themselves over even further anon. Its the same exact shit with stocks and shitcoins, if everyone and their grandma are talking about it and acting like Wozniak himself then the golden goose shat its last eggs out a long time ago. There’s plenty of other IT/tech related things that don’t just all involve coding for one to get into, thats what I am advocating for. Unless you’re genuinely into it, which most statistically are not even within the field if the mountains of shitty code are to be looked at, then at best you’re just doing something temporary before you get laid off or replaced by a chatbot. If you want to be the same dumbass type of nerd thats been fucked by every single bubble burst because they’re too short sighted to really think this shit through and think that the ez mode gravy train is going to last forever then be my guest. But don’t come crying to me when your position gets made redundant because layoffs are coming along and you got booted since you don’t really know much intuitively about coding compared to the 12+ hour a day autist. Thats not fucking people over, thats bringing in some much needed reality since these last three years made the global IQ level drop by fucking 30.

>> No.53985117

>learn to code chads assemble
>applying for coding jobs with no skills chads assemble
Low IQ nigger, learn basic reading comprehension before engaging conversation on an English message board.

So many words and nothing of value was said. You're a stupid nigger, kys.

>> No.53985225

too bad for you learning will never go out of style and will never not be fun.

>> No.53985309

Brownpill niggers can’t have fun, they’re allergic to reading and intellectual stimuli.

>> No.53985830

What other tech/it related stuff can anons like me get into that’s not saturated? I’m about to start a bootcamp soon, I’ll still follow through cause it’s not bad skills to acquire and it’s free. But if there’s an easier route or one that is better please share.
Trying to do better for myself, I stopped teacher and got a bachelors of education.

>> No.53985882

>get a job at a web3 company. Ignore all seething code monkeys afraid of the new self taught master race wave that is threatening their jobs
lmaoo i have years of experience and its not as easy as you think getting a remote job, especially at a web3 company. I have a bachlor IT by the way. oh and from about year 5 of dealing with dev(ops) and software coding and such you will start to hate it. good luck fren.

>> No.53986232

Blah blah blah blah, you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.

>> No.53986305

Don't listen to demorilisation faggots with education, most of them are really in fear of us self taught chads. I am senior fullstack with 7 years of experience and I can say that self taught programmers are actually in advantage. You just need to set a little bit lower exceptation for sallary, and if you know something and you are serious about it you are in. Most of the graduates aren't really good programmers. With 1 year of doing fullstack and a little bit of linux you can be at their level or even better

>> No.53986410

That's where I am essentially. I'm not unrealistic about my expectations whatsoever. I'm totally fine with years of subpar salary or even garbage because I know it will get me in. Unlike the degree nigger, my worth doesn't hinge on a faggot piece of paper. I know command line fairly well and run Linux, github, etc. Im just rounding out my understanding of data structures, algorithms, unit testing, modules, array methods. I'm not expecting to get a job at all with my current skills. But I'm expecting that if I continue doing 5-8 hours a day every day that I will be able to get a job in a year at the very most.

>> No.53986567

the secret is most devs are trash regardless of their background.

>> No.53986585

nice projection.

>> No.53986603

Ranjesh is coming for your salary anon, better learn to code again. While you're here hating like a bitch, pradeep is studying up to immigrate here and send his sons after your daughters.

>> No.53986624

>But I'm expecting that if I continue doing 5-8 hours a day every day that I will be able to get a job in a year at the very most.
you know that when you go to college/uni you "do 8 hours or more" every day for 3 to 5 years right? you know that most people who graduate with high degrees and such were already coding years before they went for the degree? I coded my first line when I was 14 years old, how are you going to compete with only a few years in the field. and there are 100millions of jeets that are starting coding at teenage levels now.

>> No.53986637

Lmao why are you seething so badly that I'm about to get six figs following professor prandeep? Cope harder degree nigger. I'm not going to stop lmao.

>> No.53986647

i don't need to wok anymore I have 33 bitcoins. pleb. but even if I did I would NEVER want to be a corporate code jeet like what you are trying to be ever again. jeetpleb. coding sucks. its soul killing. get back to me when you have 10 yeas of exp with this shit

>> No.53986664

you will never ever pass the HR stacies with this kind of attitude. especially if you don't have a degree. you will be stocking shelves. you can't compete.

>> No.53986676

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. I'm not gonna do it.....I know I know....I should but its just not I'm gonna stop it...learning from ranjesh!!! Haha, I know I know. I'm sorry its just....ranjesh taught m>>53986647

>> No.53986760

i work in corporate FP&A at a FAGMAN. we're projecting a 63% reduction in developer salary expense across all reportable segments. no, i won't tell you which FAGMAN. if i were a codenigger i'd be looking into trucking school right about now.

>> No.53986765

I hope you are attractive, cause if you aren't with that attitude. its over. HR stacies will never give you the job. javascriptjeet.

>> No.53987067

Is this actual satire or are you just that big of a dildo kek honestly

>> No.53987084

coding and IT literally suck dick. go do it for 10years and see how much you still like COOOOoooding!!!!!!!!! I just LooovE COODERINGOOOOOOOOOOo

>> No.53987137

>working for globohomo FAGMAN
No thanks

>> No.53987174

Operator error.

>> No.53987249

Programming is fun. I have almost 10 years of experience building stuff, but not for any company. You know what they say, do what you love, but don't ever make what you love into your job or you will grow to hate it.

I like to make games, isn't that fun? :)

>> No.53987261

>I like to make games, isn't that fun? :)
>> no? worthless waste of time. Gaming is for losers.

>> No.53987271

Whatever, you're not my mom. Fuck you "mom"

>> No.53987789

Good luck bro

>> No.53987794

Any thoughts on WGU for computer science? Start next month but haven’t paid yet. I have a TS clearance so I feel like that would help at least a little

>> No.53988031

>goes to (((college)))
>pays (((money)))
>asks fudfag for life (((advice)))

>> No.53988064

Hahahahaha he's paying for free information structured over 4 years taught by miserable wage cucks

>> No.53989352
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Here's some of my fav resources

Learning whats new

Going deep computer science wise, these oreilly videos are great a little pricey though.

>> No.53989610

It’s free for me because of military TA. I’m pretty undisciplined outside of a school setting so I need it. Also, most of the high paying jobs require a 4 year degree. The last you can do is apply to one of these schools, sign up for one semester, and put it on your resume as a student

>> No.53989729


Most cs grads
>experience with computers is muh tech jewtubers who like amd more than intel like me!!!!!!!!!
>cant use windows
>spend 4 years barely learning, copying the geek
>do CS because “you get 100k starting salary”
>spend fuck all time working on the degree per day
>mindlessly cram for exam and assignment
>graduate not knowing how to code bit have bare minimum of data structure and algo left in their head

>> No.53989834

I tried transferring to WGU a couple years ago. I don't have a high opinion of them thanks to the experience. Did everything correctly on my end, including submitting all necessary information and documents online. The ball was in their court. Apparently the ONLY way, and I mean the ONLY WAY AT ALL to move forward, was to talk with a "counselor" over the phone. So I scheduled a call with one of their counselors. Fast forward to the date and time of the call, and I get a phone call from a black women who sounds like she is shouting into a vacuum cleaner instead of a phone. I'm doing all I can just to understand a word this sheboon is saying, and then the call disconnects. I try to call back, but I guess she tried to call me back at the same time. So then a few minutes later I get a voicemail saying to call her back at this number. I call back, get an automated message saying she's not available. Laugh, hang up, and delete all their emails from my inbox.

I looked it up, and apparently a lot of people are unable to get in contact with their "enrollment counselors" and enrollment is considered "a weak area of this school." What the fuck does that even mean? Enrollment is literally the entry point. If you can't even get past the great incompetent negroid sheboon barrier, how bad is the rest of the school?

>> No.53990010

Damn bro sorry to hear. Fwiw my enrollment counselor is a white woman who has been super helpful. In my current job I talk to black people over the phone a lot so if I hear the voice of a sheboon, I usually hang up and try again

>> No.53990040

you deserve to be perpetually flooded with people with no experience BECAUSE THERE ARE NO ENTRY POSITIONS OR TRAINING YOU STUPID FUCKER

>> No.53990211

I'm not reading this wall of text about college lmao. Kys

>> No.53990239

ChatGPT can literally replaces all coding jobs.

>> No.53990990

imagine inspiring to be a wagie

this is a crypto board you faggots

we learn to trade and print fucking money with shitcoins

>> No.53990993
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it sure doesn't think it could, maybe it is like a real coder in that regard

>> No.53991171

I tried to use it to help me on a project and I asked it for a snippet in C++, and it gave me the snippet in PHP that did something entirely different. I continued to try to use it, and even though I told it that I was writing C++ for an http server in every request, it would keep writing code for a client, and if I corrected it, it told me that it was a network problem and to try rebooting my router or to contact my system administrator. At this point I'm pretty sure an actual retard could code better, because the retard probably wouldn't forget what language to use before copy/pasting from some Indian guy's blog. I'm sure there are specialized models and that AI will replace coders eventually, but it's not going to be ChatGPT.

>> No.53991184

I will never follow in the footsteps of any Apu posting loser

>> No.53991225
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>pajeetcoin shilling retards who brought themselves into permadebt from trusting a bunch of no face trolling randoms on this board spouting buzzwords are falling for the meme of the week that is lrn2codl
>in the middle of economic conditions on the brink of making 2008 look like the fucking roaring 20’s
>after tech as a whole is getting gutted all over
>they think they know more about an industry they’ve never even worked in or know the bare surface of after a year compared to those who have been in the business before they even knew what 4chan was
>they seriously think their spaghetti code stemming from some youtube videos and stack overflow copy pastes are going to hold up to those who have been living and breathing this stuff since they were born
>they sperg out on the industry vets telling them to change course because its not 2014 anymore and those days are over
This board never ceases to amaze.

>> No.53991255

I'm trying to learn rest assured in java on udemy, course is taught by Raul Shitty, not kidding.. want to have an idea on how shit works, want to land a manual qa job and start there. What the fuck else should I do?

>> No.53992019

I'm working on data analysis but I'm not sure if I should change gears and be more coding focused
What resources are you guys using?

>> No.53992710

The market is dead. Start applying to jobs right now, just to see how shitty it is.

>> No.53992740

>Dr shekelstein
It isn't Shekelstein that teaches Theory of Computation, it is Gupta or Srinavasan.

>> No.53992771
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>31 y/o lawyer who wants to change
am i too old?

>> No.53993156

No, but try doing some kind of actual certification or schooling

>> No.53993300

3 months of daily learning? you basically made it OP, you just have to keep it up for years and maintain the habit. But if you're a neet 3 months just for html/css and js is pretty slow, pick up the pace but if you have a job you're doing great.

>> No.53994362

Based thread full of sliding niggers

>> No.53995742

you need a portfolio of real working projects to get hired as a programmer, just doing youtube tutorials isn't anywhere near enough to land a role.

>> No.53996300

Back-end WFH chads where we at

>> No.53996616
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You picked the worst time in history to do this.
>Massive layoffs in tech
>Shit economy and getting shittier
>Influx of Pajeets

>> No.53996844

It boggles my mind how many times colleagues ask me questions, questions that I don't know off the top of my head, but if I like them I'll google it and give them the answer.

>> No.53997195

No shit you dumb motherfucker, with a take like that you must be sweating daily at the prospect of ai chads pajeet chads and learntocode chads coming for your job lmao

we're all coming for your job nigger

>> No.53998278

wow you copied from the expensive pajeet with a paper mill instead of the cheap one that's amazing!

>> No.53998337

I want to code but I have no idea what to make that will make me cash

>> No.53998587
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cope, seethe and dilate. these industrious and motivated /biz/realies blessed with knowledge from benevolent codejeets will mog you in every respect. godspeed self-taught codebros.

>> No.53998924

>Then train motherfuckers. Start a paid internship program that accepts from more than just rising Ivy grads and fucking train.

Finding a paid internship is super difficult dude. I have a couple large scale projects on my github and I'm not getting any bites so far.

>> No.53999376

Fell for the learn to code meme 2 years ago. Was completely broke, loved crypto but sucked at trading.

Now I make bank building defi protocols.

Stick with it frens.

>> No.54000033

Can you tell me what you can learn online besides coding that will get you into IT?

>> No.54000503

Absolutely. You can make a decent living by getting into to network or sysadmin.

>> No.54000956

education is nearly free where i live. 1000 euros per year.

>> No.54001314

You've got this anon. I did traditional CompSci bachelor's and masters but it's not needed, I have a teammate who dropped out of college and is a genius, and I've had teammates who have degrees and are fucking retarded. Just don't do it for only money, that's what gets people burned out and quit, if you actually like creating things with code it's badass though.
I make $270k and my wife gets to stay at home and be a spoiled princess and I wouldn't want it any other way, I have a nice $900k value new house (loan only 500k now) and I'm not even 30. I work hard, but I still average less than 35 hours a week and I'm fully wfh, fuck offices and commutes. Always high performance rating. Stick with it and don't listen to the outsource/AI memes about the industry disappearing, those will always be around. It's the best career in the world.

>> No.54001329

I know Microsoft offers courses and certifications in a bunch of different IT fields. I personally have no idea (I would like to know), if you can get a job in sysadmin by completing this course: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/certifications/exams/az-104/

>> No.54001363

True software engineer here, whatcha got for me?

>> No.54001725

I just looked at the basic admin course and cert for Microsoft 365 and places that are hiring in my rural area where the average salary is 30k a year, starting pay for 365 is 55k and a few years experience is 150k.

>> No.54002229
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t. 28yo neet virgin

>> No.54002424

Why not just L2C so you can make your own apps and get money?
Hopefully data engineering doesn’t go the way of other data xyz jobs, seems like one of the last niches

>> No.54002746

imo you should do that anyway if you have the time and an idea.
if you make an app and it fails to generate revenue then worst case you have a hell of a resume entry and some additional management and architectural skills that will make you a bit more robust against potential AI disruption.
and best case it does generate revenue and you're coasting the independent life before you even hit 30

>> No.54003477

Apps are dead. Normalfags only rotate between the same top 10 apps, or else use their phone's web browser. Why would they ever want to download your shitty app?

>> No.54003496

Maybe in 10 years. Right now, it can't replace a single programming job. It's nowhere near production-ready, as anyone would know who's actually tried to plug it into their core business model instead of hiring a developer.

>> No.54005070

that just gives you extra power

>> No.54005434

Doing the Odin Project and just putting the finishing touches on Battleship. I have a rule not to look at other peoples' work but I gave in to look up how to make moves legal and drag and drop. This project was legitimately the hardest one so far. It was the first time test driven development was introduced and the project was to be done without building the UI first so I had to rethink my entire process. It was good and valuable experience but it was close to making me quit at a few points. From what I've read Battleship is where a lot of people finally throw in the towel. Thankfully I'm really good at thinking about something constantly until I get the necessary insight to piece it together. I procrastinate when starting projects but once started I become obsessive. Anyway React is the next step.
I'm going to seriously look into sysadmin. I don't see a downside to spreading a wider net. Even if everything I've learned so far ends up being superfluous it was worth learning for its own sake.

>> No.54005454

Sorry, not a mobile app. Web app.
I had mobile apps

>> No.54005478


>> No.54005570

>I did traditional CompSci bachelor's and masters but it's not needed, I have a teammate who dropped out of college and is a genius, and I've had teammates who have degrees and are fucking retarded.
Yeah, college is just supposed to serve as a filter. If you can get into a good college it should indicate something about your native intelligence. Since the average IQ of college grads has been steadily dropping it's losing its utility. People who think they will learn anything special in a college fundamentally mistake the purpose of college. It's only worth it if it'll give you an edge in a job search.

>> No.54006283

TOP is overrated tranny shit unironically. Its basically a glorified roadmap with very shitty codewars style problems smacked in between shitty articles with a fuckload of adverbs that link to mdn/w3schools/js info 85% of the time. There's numerous instances in the JS exercises where you have to learn multiple methods and use them in conjunction for the first time just to solve a gay challenge using knowledge you will 100% not retain.

Yet plebbit swears by it. Its an unmaintained piece of woke shit. Go look at their github and see.

Just do a few fundamentals tutorials on YouTube and udemy so you know what the vocabulary is and you have an understanding when you inevitably spend hours on MDN to finish a project. Niggers make learning to code such a mystery but its really just as simple as
>code along with a fundamentals tutorial
>code along with a few projects
>open mdn/w3schools/google
>make a few projects with said language either from scratch or by deviating from a tutorial
>inse repeat until you're not constantly copying and pasting shit from google (even though all devs do this) and then apply for jobs.

The reason people struggle is because they make it out to be more than what it is and quit at the first sign of algorithms and data structures. TOP is shit because it stinks of gatekeeping trannies moralizing about best practices that nobody does, for example, vanilla js. Yes, you should learn vanilla js. No you should not master vanilla js. You should move on to a framework as quickly as possible to get an idea of what you'll actually be doing and then when you actually do start applying for jobs, grind out some tutorials about the fundamentals because you will forget that shit unless you're gifted, which the vast majority aren't. Not to say you CANT be gifted but from the sound of things you aren't.

My point is you're wasting time doing hard shit feeling stupid to satisfy the fake standards of discord trannies.

>> No.54006311

you wanna work on something together?

>> No.54006362

Why are sirs so good at explaining programming and math sir?

>> No.54006364

To add further: what they don't say is that it is valuable as a meta exercise in how a coding job will go
>your bosses will probably be woke faggots
>they will probably be incompetent
>you will probably do a lot of shit you don't understand due to their incompetence
>no one will ever want to say anything because they don't want to upset the cult
>you will be hacking together shit code from stack exchange and constantly referencing other peoples code and tutorials
>if you ever admit weakness to your coworkers they will gaslight you

As Op stated, most programmers are dog shit and know it deep down and so the field is filled with imposter syndrome woke signalling faggots.

>> No.54006470
File: 873 KB, 2110x1538, 1678313836002810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn to code
We're still shilling that meme even after today and seeing Google's PaLM-E 562B?

>> No.54006472

not OP but i'm down, what do you have in mind?

>> No.54006475

>most programmers are dog shit and know it deep down and so the field is filled with imposter syndrome woke signalling faggots
It all makes sense now

>> No.54006496

I taught myself to code. Now managing compsci grads at a multinational earning a strong wage.

>> No.54006550


The Odin Project is one of the best resources.
You are too stupid for education. even self education.

It links to a lot of documentation because....that is what you will be doing for the rest of your career you fucking nigger. you never stop doing that.
You never remember all the syntax either you fucking twat. you just remember what you can do and quickly look it up....via documentation. TOP teaches you this implicitly.

Why do you expect resources for absolute beginners to have maintainable code base for their fucking first calculator? are you that fucking dense? its designed progressively and by the end you should be well aware of maintainable practices, and it CONSTANTLY recommend doing them and also reading books on it and external resources. sounds like you never did it, or got filtered by it.

I dont know a single person who did TOP properly and felt lacking from it. they could all build and carry on learning independently.

On the other hand, there is an unbelievable number of people who do udemy/freecodecamp/youtube videos who cant build ANYTHING, have no idea how to look information up and arent used to using documentation, and only remember syntax from brute repetition and hand holding but cant build or independently learn.

The Odin Project is the least hand holding project around. it filters so many people. They even filter people from requesting linux(obviously it can be done on windows, but making them use linux immensely filters the absolute biggest tards). the completion rate is shockingly low for the entire project despite how "popular" it is.

>> No.54006635


I'm not a fan of the "never look at solutions/answers!!" approach. it is actually really not that efficient.
Neither is immediately looking at solutions.
I think they make people "never look" just to ensure the biggest retards don't go check after being stuck for 5 minutes.
If you have spent a good chunk of time, reviewed, changed, looked shit up and you are still stuck? it is absolutely find to look at an "answer". that is literally how you fucking learn anywhere else in the world with a teacher. exactly nowhere are you told "no" in that situation when asking a teacher for help.

You get a task. you try for a while, you look at the answer if you cant do it, then you learn and try understand it and apply it. its more efficient and faster than being stuck on a project for 2 weeks. You will probably learn more in fact. instead of coming up with a hacky solution that "just somehow worked" on your own after weeks, by reviewing an answer when really stuck, you get a chance to read some code from much more experienced people and digest it and really understand it and relate it to your code. you learn and it really sticks when you do that.

>> No.54006787

>he expects everyone to understand everything

ngmi. learn by doing. not floundering about and failing all night.

>> No.54006829


that is basically what i said no?

>> No.54007458

I'm starting to think the only way is to go the self-employed/develop your own product route. If companies won't give me the time of day for a wage why shouldn't I just put my skills to use for myself when I know I am capable?

>> No.54008487

a boomer shooter is what I had in mind

>> No.54008908

Faggot ass tranny detected lmao. Go back. No shit you look at documentation you stupid fucking nigger. Its for faggot ass sanctimonious linux and discord trannies such as yourself to say faggot ass nigger shit like you just did lmao. >>54006635
Kek you sound like such a flaming onions vaxxed faggot. The JS Course is a piece of shit and the exercises are like shitty poorly written code wars shit crammed into the middle of a beginner tutorial, then faggot ass niggers like you say "IT DOESNT HOLD YOUR HAND" no shit you fucking retard, it doesn't do anything lmao. Its a fucking reading list you stupid bitch and a shitty one at that because the TOP content is written by someone who sounds precariously faggy, much like you. Kill yourself faggot, your resource is trash and I'm sure your skills are too because you suck resources off like a queer bitch. Tell us who your favorite youtuber is next you fucking homo HAHAHAHA. TOP is inconsistent shit lmao. Cope if you can otherwise just sit in here sounding like a fucking faggot kek. Jeet University is superior to TOP, deal with it.

>> No.54008949

You are definitely unemployed and got filtered by the odin project documentation.
reading things like mdn is literally life as a dev. if you arent referencing documentation to learn and get syntax reminders you arent programming.

for the record, im quite against using youtube as a resource at all. passive learning like code alongs are not very good. diy with documentation is boring but more realistic to life as a dev and much more effective. It definitely filters retards who cant handle it too.
all this youtube and code along hand holding has done is raise a bunch of tards who cant actually do anything without that scaffolding and releases them.

you clearly have a sore spot and vastly overestimate yourself. nobody would have such opinions on the odin project unless they got filtered by the dry material

>> No.54008973

sounds good. something like doom?

>> No.54008995

Pajeet im sorry to inform you that your whole country will be unemployed because Ai can do all your work for free and instant by now.

>> No.54009010

something more like duke nukem

>> No.54009031

>non argument
>sucks off a resource
>plebbit tier rhetoric
Plebbit hates thinkful but unanimously suck off TOP, yet they're made by the same guy lmao.

Once again you stupid nigger, MDN is life which is why 80% of "the Odin project" is "mdn" or "JavaScript.info" or "w3schools" and the other 20% is
>here do a ridiculously easy and redundant exercise considering the stuff you did for js.info was way more difficult
>here now read 10 articles
>OK let's do 9 exercises
>OK in the exercises there's 3 more articles to read
>OK here do a lame generic project
>alright read 20 more articles we didnt write
>OK heres a page we wrote
>OK here's a section about cripples and accessibility
>OK here's another section with 80% "borrowed" resources for "the Odin project"
>github issue: *stays open for 4 years

HAHAHAHAHAH tranny detected. Just admit you're an actual tranny so the cade can be rested.

>> No.54009048

Ackshully: The Post

>> No.54009106


>i hate the odin project
>i love documentation
>i hate the odin project because it’s documentation heavy
>the documentation is good

You literally advocated sucking off jew tubers and coding along here

Imagine getting THIS upset and heated over details like that. The odin project is still better than whatever stupid neet shit you could come up with. Its structured and progressive and stops people floundering while not handholding.

You could not make a “guide” that would hold a candle to it. Anyone following whatever path you would advise would likely progress way slower and that is just fact.
You can bitch about it all you like but the fact is you could not advise anything better, and the odin project already filters 95% of people. The completion rate is very low.

>> No.54009120

The Odin project sucks. When I did it was a bunch of links to freecodecamp, so I just went with freecodecamp instead. Are you trans?

>> No.54009136

You guys type the same. Is it possible that you're both the same gatekeeping hater faggot? Looks like it...imagine samefagging a post just to bring people down lmao. TOP is for trannies.

>> No.54009141

i just graduated from wgu with a bachelors in CS in January. It is fantastic if you already know your stuff and just need to get the credential so HR can check the box off. If you don't know how to program already it could be harder but still probably better than an in person college.

>> No.54009151


There is not any links to free code camp as far as i can see. Its mostly mdn or w3schools and javascript.info

It does a great job getting someone employable.
Whatever this faggot is advocating almost certainly wouldn’t. Maybe it’d get them coding still(although slower).

>> No.54009167

Good job anon, consistency is the most important thing. Just stay focused and don't let yourself fall behind.

>> No.54009212

I'm pretty sure he was stating that The Odin Project is basically just a bunch of hacked together documentation, and that the original material in it is low quality. think he was stating that for that reason, it's not actually a learning resource and is really just a hacked together project. Also, I think he was implying that the founder sold his company and that it hasn't been well maintained for a long time. I think his basic take was that because it forces users to install Linux, and has a Discord chat, as well as a lot of lip service about accessibility, and lastly that it's shilled heavily on Plebbit, that it's basically a tranny homo circle jerk. I think his basic argument is that TOP is just a cargo cult for subpar programmers who feel like they learned better because they went through Plebbit's favorite curriculum that disguises being objectively low quality and leaning heavily on references as being good. I think, further, that he's implying that because people go through it and struggle (because it's a bad resource and glorified reading list maintained by literal retards and trannies) become essentially BBC sissy hypno pornified by it and think that it's a badge of honor. Perhaps, but only in Discord probably. Just my take.

>> No.54009215

literally doing the exact same thing. what's your job, webdev?

>> No.54009236

Kek look at the commit history dumb nigger. TOP used to link to freecodecamp for half of the entire thing. You don't know what youre talking about and youre getting embarrassed kek.

>> No.54009250

I'm an ml engineer, I was already for a a few years before WGU but in AI its pretty hard to move up without the degree

>> No.54009283


Thats just too extreme of a take. Its also extremely faggy to get hung up on the fact that people you dont like talk about it.

It works, it does a good job. It forces you to install linux to filter the biggest retards from the get go. Seems based to me. Redditors may talk about it, but stats show they cant keep away from jewtuber tutorials still. Completion rate for odin is like 4-6%.
Most of education is just pooling togetherness resources that are good. Schools use textbooks. Nothing new lol.
If you are capable you can do Odin in like 4-6 months and get a very good base to go on your own. Its just efficient. Its organised. Once you finish it you are definitely not going to need anything like it again. It will get you there much faster than floundering around documentation on your own.

The guy is just being a faggot because reddit and le discord.

>> No.54009335

You talk like a fag lmao. Why are you so mad that your favorite resource depends on 5 other resources, none of which depend on each other or any other resource. Is it because you wasted time doing projects written by shitty programmers for shitty programmers to think they're good programmers when they are actually shitty programmer? Go back

>> No.54009356


You have yet to suggest to anyone anything better. Im not talking like an emotional little loser somehow that makes me a fag? Check yourself retard. Still waiting for your little neet better alternative.

So far all you have done is:
>wahahaha i HATE IT!

>> No.54009358

It is a meme. In 2023 your resume will just be thrown out without a degree. Boot camp grads are notoriously garbage and only people paying bargain bin salaries will take chances on them. Any real job being recruited for by some HR roastie or recruiter is just going to trash your resume immediately if you don’t have a degree, unless you’re the god tier programmer that started at age 10 and dropped out to found multiple companies. Or you’re the open source autist that can link his GitHub profile so they can see he’s committed to 10 different high profile open source projects for the last five years. At which point you probably don’t even need to apply for a job, you can just start your own company or you have recruiters recruiting YOU. Any anon saying getting a degree is a cope is a retard who has never worked in tech at all. You’re competing with a sea of applicants that DO have degrees and are mostly competent on top of that. They’ve spent four years taking coding courses and you think you’re going to be attractive to an employer because you spent 3 months in a bootcamp? And even if you have a degree it’s still hard for a lot of people to land that first job unless you’ve done internships.
Coding is still a great skill and there is still a chance to make it without a degree. But it’s so slim these days unless you’re turbo autist 10x engineer that you might as well not even act like it is. However that goes for any job these days, like it or not a college degree is expected for just about any white collar work. Your resume would get immediately trashed applying to a marketing job without a degree too unless you have like 1M on TikTok or something.
And not to doompost, if you anons self teaching want it bad it enough it is indeed possible. But it will be much much harder to land that first job compared with the guy who goes to school and gets a degree.

>> No.54009412


Look it's the same tranny subpar coder francgicallt trying to stem an influx of based chads into their career because they suck at coding lmao. This guy has been samefagging demoralization posts for 2 days HAHAHAHAHHA. I know he's a shit programmer because he thought TOP was a good resource. Amazing keks

>> No.54009417


Thats just a HR roastie problem. They use software more and more these days and filter no degree havers.

You can beat them by literally putting bunk degree keywords in. You can even write(in process) after and stay that way forever. The keyword is there. Done.

>> No.54009445


HAHAHHAHAHAHA. The disciples of professor ranjesh WILL take your positin. Put it this way niggers: the best coder in the world can get a job anywhere with no degree. So anyone worrying about others is an average coder with intense anxiety who would rather demoralize and samefag rather than getting better. Simply dunk on this nigger and go get that 150k.

>> No.54009465


Its advice for junior devs you fucking retard. You constantly expose yourself as a neet who has literally never worked in software engineering

>> No.54009466

Honestly seeing the seething that comes from saying the phrase "learn to code" is more demoralizing than the demoralization itself

>> No.54009495

Protip: You don't want to be a coder, you want to be the guy supervising a half dozen coders. Get a BSCS.

>> No.54009507

You are a fucking schizo retard. I’ve only posted that one reply in this thread. Do what you want, but morons like you will never get a job in tech kek.

>> No.54009514
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1678433739520193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting from comp
Posting from phone
Airplane mode
Airplane mode

HAHAHAH...better start watching some tutorials. The self taught disciples of pradeep ai master race is coming.

>> No.54009522
File: 17 KB, 184x184, d366663f8b89a42896e4e039ccf29f2fcd7076d9_full (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOULL NEVER GET A JOB IN TECH hahahaahhahahahhahahahahahaHHAHAHAHAA this nigger is fucking scared

>> No.54009530

Isn't coding the industry that is bound to get replaced by Chat GPT in like the next couple of years? This is about as stupid as studying to be an artist right now.

>> No.54009542


>> No.54009608

Ah that seems interesting, congrats. I've fucked around in tensorflow before but haven't seriously looked into entry ml jobs yet

>> No.54009622

I just graduated in CS and self taught myself some html/css for a basic static website I put up myself. Learned java/python/sql during the one year masters course along with some other basic fundamentals like data/algo/software planning and engineering, etc. Anyways, still can't get a job as a code monkey, data money or an it guy. Currently just learning Unreal Engine because the job ads for software devs in general ask for so much other shit it feels like they're trying to make people cover for more than one role and work more for less. Anyways, I've applied for over 150 jobs by now, most of the salary is about 25k on average in my place and I'm a bit tired of being unemployed for months now.

>> No.54009637
File: 22 KB, 284x284, 1635551831797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much cope from degree-holders in this thread. Looks like they are trying to convince themselves rather than others. Degree matters when you are trying to get your first job, after that it becomes a minor boost in your resume.

There is no need to know calculus and algos to do 99% of frontend and backend work.
The only people in my company who use advanced math are from ML/Data departments.

t. Webdev who works with plenty of cs majors and self-taught developers. Funny enough philosophy and history majors make amazing devs and I like working with them a lot.

>> No.54009658

Get a couple of cloud certs or make a couple of projects with terraform/ansible if you are short on cash. Managing and automating infrastructure is a great differentiator and many devs avoid infra like a plague for some reason.

>> No.54009667

how is it fud though? Chat GPT does exist and it can write code, probably better than you. Putting your head in the sand and shouting "NOOOOOO" won't make it go away. I doubt veteran coders will be replaced anytime soon, but with the help of Chat GPT, most companies will definitely start cutting back on a lot of current entry level or intermediate coding jobs, so it's not a very promising industry to get started in.

>> No.54009690


First job can still be horrendous due to roastie automation filtering for degree. But yeah software development is a huge field and most workers definitely dont need a degree. It’s ridiculous. Its like a version of construction. Imagine requiring electrician to have a degree?

>> No.54009757

yeah, i had been programming for years and in 2017 I took a udacity course on deep learning, which was enough to get started. Then I just went on arxiv and started trying to reimplement ml papers from there in pytorch. After a bunch of practice I got hired as an ml engineer in 2018 without a degree. later I found out about wgu and went through the program online pretty quickly.

>> No.54009770

Depends on the geo location of the person. I'm in London and I can't get a job, I think during university I was barely getting some interviews but it was still something despite them taking months to go through the step by step process and the salaries not being adjusted for inflation at all (lots of £8k-£18k). After the mass layoffs and economy crashing yet again I believe there was 0 graduate and intern jobs and about 15 for junior/entry level positions. I'm applying for support desk or IT jobs in entertainment studios because everything else is just cooperate fintech stuff that usually wants you do deal with charts whilst wearing business wear for some reason. Sadly I can't even seem to get a job doing IT and fixing pc's, a few days ago I had an interview and the person didn't even show up and the hr woman who took over saw my face and completely ghosted me after apologising and promising she will reschedule. In terms of employment I tend to come across the worst scenarios. In terms of webdev, I know they typically just ask for someone who can do full stack by proxy, so the usual HTML/JS stuff but with kubbernites, php, sql, react, etc. I don't think webdevving is for me either hence looking into entertainment.

Yeah I'll look into cloud stuff eventually since I was never taught it.

>> No.54009807

Yeah, I heard UK job market is rough for developers. Most jobs ask you to know git/docker/cloud/js, but in reality HR just asks department managers what tools they use and then slap it on the job posting.

Learn terraform as it is the easiest of the IaC tools. If you search linkedin, there are a lot of vouchers for AWS certificates if you complete their free learning courses.

Godspeed anon, getting your first job is fucking hell.

>> No.54009816

>Funny enough philosophy and history majors make amazing devs
>tfw graduated with a philosophy degree then decided to get a WGU diploma mill cs degree just to get past HR filters
I feel a bit retarded now, should've just let me skills do the talking
Thanks for sharing anon, I'll have to look into that udacity course. Especially since ML seems like a lot more interesting of a day job than Java+Spring

>> No.54009844

yeah no problem, udacity has changed a lot since then, i would recommend this course now: https://course.fast.ai/

>> No.54009864

Yeah literally every listing for jobs has atleast 5-8 different things added to it, essentially every listing wants a person with a degree that just graduated and also knows how to do everything full stack. It would not be a problem if each job ad didn't have a different custom combo of things. I'm thinking of just doing IT for job and grinding projects on the side to get a code job eventually later, thankfully some places seem to be ok paying £25k and not £8k else I would've kms'd.

>> No.54009884
File: 506 KB, 1421x3352, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not brown, don't bother.

>> No.54009920
File: 754 KB, 1024x1024, 1675472749185372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its worth the effort guys.
i learned programming and other cs concepts through self learning and i got a job as a software dev. currently making 70k per year after 2 years of experience in a country where 35k is the median wage, and I would be making 40k if i stayed in the field I studied for.

you just have to be dedicated, and autism through it. my biggest advice is not to look for shortcuts, and instead just learn everything about computer science like a college student would.

took me about a year btw. ask me anything you want.

>> No.54009926
File: 2.07 MB, 690x388, 2d1a95e28f9bf3160dce0c9ecbd29d80.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of you cryptomonkeys are ever going to get a coding job.
no degree in your resume? filtered by Workday before HR even gets to see your application. it's stupid and unfair, but it's the way it is.

>> No.54009964


>is a developer
>cant even figure out how to game HR filters

Nice try neet

>> No.54009974

>no degree in your resume? filtered by Workday before HR even gets to see your application.

Well.... no....
You can just be black, and female.

>> No.54010063

this looks good, godspeed anon

>> No.54010245

Started coding when I was 10 and dropped out of university for an unrelated degree but I haven't had trouble at all finding jobs. Accepted a shit salary for my first job 5 years ago but after doing various gigs I'm now I'm earning roughly $280k fully WFH as a senior engineer.

It's possible to be self-taught in this space but you need to have a very particular set of skills and character traits to make it (general curiosity is the most important trait imo), but unfortunately like the other posters are saying I think the learning curve is getting steeper by the day and unless you're already in the field or have a talent (trust me you will know if you have a talent) you're basically shit out of luck without a degree.

My advice is that if you want to be set in this field you should be able to design a project from scratch and implement it in production irrespective of the language or stack used and with very little guidance. If a normie tells you "I want you to design and build a reliable and high-performant platform that is like Uber but for dog walking" you should be able to visualise the entire stack in your head (for example, Swift for the initial iOS app, Rust backend for high performance, monitoring functionality etc.) and be able to break down the project into manageable and implementable chunks from hello world to release and then actually implement the project.

Language and tech stack doesn't really matter at the end of the day, the skill you're paid for is breaking down problems like the one above and translating that into systems and code to generate value for a company.

>> No.54010269

This single mom bitch I know went to a code bootcamp and three months later started her own bootcamp.
I think this perfectly illustrates how late you learn2code fags are to this party. Literally buying the top

>> No.54010317


>> No.54010338

lmao chatGPT

>> No.54010376

don't even try, brainlet pajeets will try to argue with you.
>muh chatgpt itself says it cant
who gives a fuck? when it comes to this kind of things it's pretty obvious chatgpt just repeats the opinions of his coder, but its not up to openai nor chatgpt decide if it can or cannot replace coders its the industry that dictates that. it's pretty clear for everyone else other than coping coders that ai generated code is the future and you are overvalued right now

>> No.54010439

>all i ever programmed was hello world and a simple tictactoe game in python
t. (You)

>> No.54010454

Look we might be responsible for selling equipment used to murder civilians but at least we aren’t le heckin fuckin chuds

>> No.54010500

>no argument just muh expertise on writing repetitive uncreative lines of computer language
I have a real job unlike you copy paste "engineer"

>> No.54010562

you're trying to argue about something you clearly have no knowledge of though. can you give me an example of one enterprise level application that was built entirely through chatgpt? just one anon.

>> No.54010641

>programmed since 11
>learned PHP, JavaScript, C#, Python in that order
>5 years experience as a .NET software engineer wagie
>developing a web app in spare time for future passive cash flow
>about to graduate with a bachelor
Should I do a master (duration: 1 year)? Every faggot is getting a master here so I don't want to fall behind, but I hate school. Only good part about being in school for so long is taking out low interest student loans and using it to lever up without margin calls. I don't feel like my future is particularly bleak, but I'm not content. I also lift weights and read non-fiction books every day so I fell for the self-improover meme through and through.

>> No.54010642

>you know that when you go to college/uni you "do 8 hours or more

Yeah fucking bullshit. I work in an “IT infrastructure” setting rather than software dev but that’s not true here where a quarter of the staff don’t have any formal education. I never have to explain to the guy who worked minimum wage tech support/certifications the difference between a private wide area network and the internet but I’m constantly having to deal with Mr. Information Systems degree from the University of Massachusetts that you can’t just hang up on the customer and accuse them of lying about their connectivity issues just because you can open up a Citrix window and see their desktop. Fucking dumb fuck retards. The quality of formal education is complete crap. The people who graduate obviously aren’t retaining half the shit they learned provided that they even learned the shit in the first place and weren’t just passed through out of sympathy. There’s also a severe lack of basic social skills that degree holders fresh out of college have that it astounds me that these people go outside without constantly getting punched in the face. The way these people bitch and moan about the most benign shit makes it obvious that they’ve basically spent a half decade living their early adult years on another planet

>> No.54010686

>Month 3 of learn to code
>>basic HTML/CSS
>>solid understanding of JS fundamentals
>>building 1000 to do lists and studying data structures
>>react next

good... another retard that believes himself intelligent because he threw a button on the screen.

>> No.54010705

Finally an actual dev who knows what they're talking about in here

>> No.54010708

>give me an example of something that has not happened yet
typical trap "logic" you coders love to use
do you honestly need one? think about it, be intuitive for once you fucking bugman, you can argue that chatGPT will not steal your job all day and even if it was true chatgpt its not the end, this trend will continue, We went from ai generating absolute horrific images like 3 years ago to fully generated art and basic code. you are in denial if you think memorizing functions and using right punctuation is something a human can do better than a computer. You do not need to be turing or steve jobs to see where this is going

>> No.54010774



>> No.54010801

you are comparing apples to oranges. GAN models arent creating anything new, they can just generate outputs based on things they've previously seen. if you ask it to write you code for something it has never seen before, or has no knowledge of, you're going to get a completely wrong output.
in the most dumbed down terms, a GAN model just predicts which "y" would best follow up after "x". its not some kind of magic.

your AI art example shows me how little you know about it too. sure, if you ask an art generator to generate something very generic, you'll most likely get a very nice output. but if you ask the model to generate an image of yourself, its not going to create anything meaningful (because its never been trained on pictures of you).

>> No.54010837

follow up to this:
the last part applies to why something like chatgpt wont replace engineering, because it has no knowledge of the internal code base of a company. if you asked chatgpt to write you something as simple as an API call that makes use of some arbitrary API 1 and 2 that it has absolutely no knowledge of, you're going to get a pile of steaming shit as an output.

>> No.54010894

and how is that not fixed by just training the model with the right data?
You could argue about originality but to be honest any respectable professional uses backed research like papers and publications to "create" or "apply" something new, Nobody is going to do something crazy just for "innovation" and risk the client's money. if that's the case, then again it would only be necessary to train the model on the right newest data and how to apply it.

>> No.54010933

>and how is that not fixed by just training the model with the right data?
that would require every company to give up their entire code base, all the private information of customers, basically every piece of information it has to an insitution like openAI, just so it can train on it. do you see the big issue here?

>> No.54010977

I don't see the issue, google already does that uses a creepy amount of info just to show you ads

also I don't think chatgpt will be "exclusive" or anything, it's so useful companies will try to replicate it and train it on their own data

>> No.54011008

even if like >>54010933 said, and chatgpt is somehow trained on all the data of some company, its still going to make a lot of mistakes because of how GAN models behave. all they do is make predictions based on input, it doesnt actually have the answer stored somewhere.

go to chatgpt right now and ask it who the the 125th prime minister of the UK is. thats just how GANs operate when faced with the unknown.

>> No.54011083

honestly that sounds like a minor issue, I'm pretty sure you very smart guys can come up with a solution for it in 10 years :^)

>> No.54011140

This. We're full.

>> No.54011657

I'm exactly at where OP is. Starting to learn React.

Meanwhile I follow AI development closely and I've just realized basic programming skills has max 2-3 years till AI can do everything.

Wasted my life with crypto for 5years, wasting my life with programming now. The only thing that makes me happy is that everyone who works from home will get fired too.

Not sure what's gonna happen, probably ww3.

>> No.54011837

Right now places are just starting to look to downsize plus all the retarded VC money is drying up. Teaching is the way to go. Like selling shovels during the gold rush you will make more money than the actual coders.

>> No.54011973 [DELETED] 

if you actually used ai for programming you would know how shit it is. AI cannot do engineering
If you like programming continue to learn and get good at it, find your niche, it's extremely vast. Just maybe avoid being another javascript developer

>> No.54012171

I’m someone who learned to code within the last 5 years and am making six figures working with React. You will make it unironically

>> No.54012182
File: 671 KB, 1137x1182, BB0D03C7-5B78-454C-9E41-133216E4DD2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make $115K/yr in the engineering sector. The tech industry is bloated with millions of laid off codebros. There’s literally no reason or point in it. Plus, AI is going to replace most of these entry level positions anyways. Best of luck I guess.

>> No.54012194

self taught actual full stack dev with 10 years of experience here. i got my associates but dropped out of bachelors. i don't have much luck with those linkedin jobs, but have luck when i find agencies working with my stack. i reach out to either the directors or just on the website. found an agency that is sending me freelance work at $100/hr to make these basic marketing websites. but I'm also close to just getting a full time job (remote).

the market right now seems tough. I'm automatically rejected by robots and there's hundreds of applicants for any given job.

a tip to new people : avoid edutainment. only use videos for basic high level understanding. you have to actually build things. and don't call yourself a full stack sev because you went to a react bootcamp for 3 months

>> No.54012207

PHP chad here, I own and will rek you js noobs all day long

>> No.54013099


>> No.54014825
File: 1.10 MB, 4958x2875, 1659523693843564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm super late to the party but I still wanna learn anyways, wanna start from the very basics/fundamentals of programming/computing instead of just jumping into web dev/js/python etc. Eventually I'd like to learn game dev even just for fun.

>> No.54015097

>Tech with Tim on YouTube
based that's where I started

>> No.54015451

You also need to learn how to use docker, bash and git (rebase, merge, cherrypick and stash). Don't make cookie cutter projects like todo list or a blog.

t. self taught fullstack codemonkey