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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 83 KB, 1200x799, JP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53982050 No.53982050 [Reply] [Original]

I'm just doing what's in the job description.

>> No.53982192

he's doing what's in the jews' interest, just when you thought that assets are the way to go he will cause delfation for a year or two, and when you start thinking to go back to fiat because they finally came to their senses with reducing inflation they will start printing again, they will do whatever they can to fuck over the middle class that is too focused on their jobs and families and don't have the time and crystal ball to read fed's tea leaves

>> No.53982311

j powell is by far the most evil man on the planet.
but normies wanna talk about putin.

>> No.53982347

this guy is just window dressing.

>> No.53982355


>> No.53982370
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> do you give any fucks what blackrock is doing?
> such a narrow question, we'll get back to you
based J

>> No.53982459

I hate this faggot so much. I can't believe I'm actually agreeing with that commie cunt pocahontas for once.


>> No.53982892

Based, I fucking love this man
No homo

>> No.53983963

I hate to defend Powell on anything, but Warren is wrong and she knows it. She's just angling to make sure that Powell takes the blame for 10% unemployment when it's time for her to run for re-election.

>> No.53983973

The man who single-handedely saved the American empire.

>> No.53984332
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Baggies are seething, that means it's working.

>> No.53984461

Retards will STILL blame Biden for it though lmao

>> No.53984643

powell is based higher for longer :)

>> No.53984997

Cares about the worker looool chinks need to release covid 2.0 faggot fed will print infinity money again to save faggot small businesses with ppp loans thay should never have survived 3 year student loan pause and unemployment enhanced absolute scam of a country usd is a ponzi scheme run by jews cia prolly tells chinks when to release new virus scam scam scam

>> No.53987480

meds, take them

>> No.53987647

Anyone that's mad at him is a long only, shitcoin investing, self-serving smooth brain. This and further aggressive rate hikes is the correct move.

>B-but muh bags and whaddabout blackrock

>> No.53987666
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Is this not what you want? Are you not entertained?

>> No.53987674

Is he smoking a cigar during that hearing? MAN old timers were based back then.

>> No.53987728

jews can't be based

bullets, take them

>> No.53987979

Volcker was kino pushing 20% policy rate
imagine if j powell becomes like that

>> No.53988006
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>> No.53988164

>Retards will STILL blame Biden for it though lmao
It is still his fault. Powell can only adjust rates with the goal of hitting the 2 pct inflation number. Biden could have focused on the supply side issues and addressed them. Could try to stop the war in Ukraine if that's what Warren and people want to blame it on. He didn't. Now Powell has to basically be the referee here and smack us for it. And he'll keep slapping us with rate hikes until the issue is resolved by the hikes or if our politicians fix it on their own (they won't, so get ready for more slaps for a few years).

>> No.53990146
File: 304 KB, 853x1090, tumblr_nysho1Lz1F1v0pigno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready for the great reset where you will own nothing and be happy.

Looking really comfy for us NEET chads

>> No.53990163


Jerome is doing his job, you fags just sick at investing.

>> No.53990170
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, dee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Investing

>> No.53990193


Just don't cry when they put you in the pod as Klaus sips on your life-force.

>> No.53990220

Powell wishes he was a tenth as based as Volker but he'll never have the balls to do the right thing

>> No.53990736
File: 187 KB, 965x1181, 3f6f32434b1fd58b11ee4d3203042ef2f5a79629e220fc0bb863c099bb9e2703_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am feeding the bugs to the chickens and I eat my free ranged eggs.

>> No.53990767

He gives you a chance to buy very cheap, same with Biden's capital gains tax fud.
Only people seething now are those that didn't sell at least some of their bags during one the biggest bubbles ever in 2021. Even those people can make it by DCAing their salaries now