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53981820 No.53981820 [Reply] [Original]

> wakes up
> checks crypto, down 94% instead of 92%
> checks email
> rejected from 7 different companies
> my comp sci degree worthless
> day 368 of job hunting as a former nasa intern
> getting ready to wage at target
I want to end it biz bros. I did everything right. Just because I’m socially inept combined with the current state of the economy I am fck.

>> No.53981844

It’s over I got a degree And never even applied for one job it’s over

>> No.53981871

Pathetic attempt at being facetious kys I hope ur daughter gets breeded by an Indian

>> No.53981906

target is chill

>> No.53981919

I don't even have a degree and I find jobs, I work sales though but I do good in this field. Maybe just kys if you actually need to wage at Target? Are you dumb?

>> No.53981922

I’m not even joking that’s my reality it’s over

>> No.53981923

what is the jailbait PUSSY like at target?

>> No.53981971

How are you down 90% wtf did you buy???

>> No.53982010

>comp Sci degree
Just sell some beginner courses on it and be a online "teacher"

>> No.53982063

Same except I’m 35 and have 10 years of job experience. The tech boom is over and it’s become a very difficult career to get into and even stay in anymore. Once you’re past 30 your career is pretty much over if you’re ever laid off. Not to mention that AI will make 99% of programmers obsolete by the end of this decade. All around it’s one of the worst fields to get into now.

>> No.53982092

> getting ready to wage at target
tell them you want to go into ship from store. trust me. do not cashier. do not do electronics. do not do guest services. do not do style.

otherwise, it's not that bad.

>> No.53982176

You must live in the middle of nowhere then

Literally any city in America has a L1 SWE position open where the requirements are literally having a bachelor's in CS/CE and 2 years experience ie your internship.

And don't give me that socially inept shit I've worked in some dusty tech basements and they will hire furries and spergs as long as you can pump out some code.

>> No.53982180

>be a neet loser until 27.
>scrounge up college credits from previous college attempts.
> apply to state uni, finish up Computer Science degree at age 29. no internships /workexperience
>covid happens.
>apply to indian dev shop. Gets accepted.
> they teach you a bunch of old stinky java technology
> wait to get placement tier 2 tech companies, gets dropped due to no demand.
> apply like crazy, gets a job dev job at insurance
> shit pay but wfh. easy work.
> too dumb to take advantage of fang mania happend last year.
> still employed somehow, lmao
> got married.

the end.

>> No.53982198

Apply for data analyst jobs. I graduated last summer with a degree in math and economics. Had to use python, matlab, R, stata, and sql for my classes. Ended up going the data science route and work for sofi as an analyst now. Good luck bro. You can definitely get a data job with a compsci degree.

>> No.53982214

Its brown or obese.
Not only were we rugged financially, but they also rugged us from enjoyable pussy.

>> No.53982264

why bother anymore, if you dont earn over 100,000 you cant:

get a girlfriend
buy a home
start a family
go on vacation
fulfill your dreams and goals

Why even bother working? Just leech off the government since you get no benefit of working. I get $1500 a month from the government due to disability so I just NEET and paint all day. When I worked 40hrs a week, my take home after taxes was like $2500 but that barely made an impact to my quality of life and I was giving up 160 hours of my life every month.

>> No.53982893

seriously, who are the comp sci peeps who cannot find a job? Is their autism that strong? I'm in a major metropolitan area, my company is never not hiring coding monkeys.

I got my buddy a job at a fortune 500 company who is straight out of college at a shitty university with mid grades, making 78k. Not bad for career start.

>> No.53982950

> Just sell some beginner courses

Already too saturated thanks to YouTube and Tiktok. It's over for OP.

>> No.53983064

> Is their autism that strong?

That's only a part of it (at least for those who make it to the in-person interview and ace the code tests, only to not get a job offer afterwards). The main reason is that each of these "open" jobs has thousands upon thousands of applicants as competition. This isn't the 90's-2010's anymore, the "just learn to code bro" fad is starting to die out thanks to saturation. YouTube and tiktok encouraging people to go into CS is only making matters worse.

> I got my buddy a job at a fortune 500 company who is straight out of college at a shitty university with mid grades

Classic example of "it's not what you know, it's who you know". Your buddy got a job because he has good connections.

>> No.53983245

I think you are over estimating how many people apply to positions. Maybe the top 1% of coding jobs that are top comp band, best benefits, and fully remote, coolest projects have that many applicants. There are PLENTY of jobs that have an average salary, entry level, hybrid schedule that stay open due to lack of qualified applicants. I know this because my company has jobs that stay open for months. Maybe they are the best jobs, but if you have 0-2 YOE, you build skills and move on in a year or two. Part of the problem is losers see the social media posts about coders making 200k a year right off the bat, and refuse to settle for a less-than-best job first (almost everybody works a crappy job at the beginning of their career, get over it). Getting your foot in the door is a must have for a CS job.

>Your buddy got a job because he has good connections.

Hardly, I dont even work at the company I got him a job at. Its my other friend who works there, and never even met my buddy. My buddy however is a hard worker, and has social skills, and was willing to go in the office a couple days a week.

Blaming TikTok and Youtube and for lack of opportunities in CS is such a cop out. I would bet 90% of the people who watch those "l2code" vids dont build up NEARLY enough skill and stop watching after the second tutorial video.

>> No.53983302

Anon, you're right to have "computer" skills, but you were wrong to skill "computer" outside of the context of a specific world application.

Yes, it matters who you know. Get "what color is my parachute." Learn how to network. Learn how to cold call. Learn how to ask someone to go out to lunch.

>> No.53983372

What is your disability that is getting you 1500 a week? Also what were you doing that was paying 2500 a week? I work 40 hours and make 1600 a week lol. Granted I just graduated college recently.

>> No.53983888
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>Part of the problem is losers see the social media posts about coders making 200k a year right off the bat, and refuse to settle for a less-than-best job first
this so much. Zoomers expect 200k starting and don't realize they're not worth that.

Put the work in zoom zooms

>> No.53984211


He said $1500 a month retard. How are you making that much money and can't read?

>> No.53984326

umaru's cola-scented anus

>> No.53984631


He was asking what the specific ailment was, not how much it pays, retard.